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Posts posted by Gwailofilms

  1. I'm pretty sure already but they havn't mentioned it for a couple of years now, when Edge and Christian were teaming they were supposed to be brothers right? I know they're not really but they did used to say they were didn't they?

    Something which has been conveniently forgotten since Edge's return from injury.
  2. Gah! Visitors dropped by and I wasn't very well going to try it in front of them. :( I can do a regular nip-up BTW (and once annoyed a room full of wrestling trainees by doing one when none of them could :D), so I'm not a completely out-of-shape slob attempting something physically impressive......I'm a skinny weed attempting physically impressive. :D

  3. Go for a forward roll, but don't tuck your legs in, and as you come to rest on the top of your shoulders, kick your legs outwards and forwards with as much momentum as you can muster.

    If I'm not here tomorrow, it's because I broke my neck trying this in the garden tonight.
  4. Seeing a lot of DJ:FFNY love here. I passed it over because the first one was nearly there but not quite. Guess I might trawl the bargain bins.I've gone back to Smackdown v Raw to finally code in some killer CAWs. I've knocked up a Chris Masters one which is great, the only problem is I only know one move that he does (yes, the Full Nelson). The rest of his moveset's a bit bare.

    Punch.Kick.Full Nelson.Maybe a bodyslam if you're feeling adventurous. :D
  5. Dug out Mario 64 over the weekend and, sweet feckeroonie, it's still fantastic. Any game that begs you to break its rules from the get-go gets the thumbs-up from me. The fact that it then immediately turns into a classic, groundbreaking 3D platformer is purely coincidental. :DThat and I've just started playing through the tutorials on Advance Wars via emulator and, I've got to say, it's one of the most fun and rewarding games I've ever played. I'm seriously considering buying a GBA just so I can play it on my lengthy commute each day.

  6. The Ur-Quan MastersRemake/Upgrade of Star Control 2 (search for it) one of the best games ever for storyline/strategy gaming. Seriously you should all try this.

    Someone (else) has been buying Retro Gamer. :D
  7. As an aside I'm slowly building up my ultimate MUGEN set up. For those who don't know, it's a 2D beatemup engine for the PC that gives you a front end, some basic options, a character select screen, some menus and one default character. The idea is to create your own fighters and build your own game. However, as I'm not nearly talented enough to do this, I'm reliant on the frankly awesome development community to provide conversions of almost every character from every 2d beat em up you care to name.So.. I've downloaded a swanky skin and a giant character select screen with slots for 200+ characters, and I'm going through the process of adding my favourites from every 2D fighter I can think of. I'm giving each character a unique stage (their own from their game of origin if I can find it) and music from my MP3 collection, though again a lot of them have their own theme music (especially the streetfighter lot). So far I've included the vast majority of characters from Streetfighter, King of Fighters, Guilty Gear X, Samurai Showdown, Last Blade, Garou:MOTW, Rage of the dragons, Melty Blood, Darkstalkers, Xmen/Marvel series and many more. It'll take a long time to weed out those I don't like (Maxima from KOF won't last long) and settle on a final roster, but my aim is for it to be the ultimate 2D beatemup set up.

    :omg:>sticks it on the download list<EDIT: Phil, how much SNES stuff did I give you? A selection or the whole 3 DVD set?
  8. I'm too skint to buy new games, so I'm variously playing:-* Burnout (which I'm crap at, but really enjoy)* Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (which I absolutely fucking suck at and am rapidly going off)* Metal Gear Solid (stuck on the fight with Metal Gear REX)* VPW2 (quite possibly my favourite-ist game ever)Long commuting journeys are made more bearable by Lemmings and Sensible Soccer on my mobile and I've also just started C&C: Red Alert 2 on my PC, as I had a hankering for some RTS.

  9. Also, Matt Hardy!  Where the heck is he?  I thought he just had a back sprain or something?

    Poor lad fudged his knee. What with Lita's knackered knee too, must take 'em ages to answer the door in that house.EDIT: I read "back sprain" as "spack brain". Doh.
  10. WMX Ladder match. Shawn vs. Razor (just watched it; still awesome :D).Ramon goes for the hiptoss, but Michaels puts on the brakes. Thumb to the eye, knee in the gut, leg over head, flip. Michaels heaves for his own hiptoss, but "The Bad Guy" is having none of it & decks "The Boy Toy".

  11. What is the point of the move where they set someone up as if they are going to do a fame-asser type move and then proceed to flip 360 and land back in the same position ?

    Originally (and done properly) it was a hiptoss counter, so the guy doing it ends up with his arm in the right place to hiptoss his now disorientated opponent.
  12. RE: Desire videos.'Taker & Austin both definitely had official ones to the tune of "My Sacrifice". It's entirely possible they both got more than one. The plan was probably to use "My Sacrifice" for a whole bunch of videos (it lends itself very well to wrestling), but I guess the editor remembered he had more than one CD.I stumbled across the Mattitude one again the other day (unmarked VHS tapes~) and it's a brilliant idea, fitting in with his character perfectly. Overall, I think the Rock "Alive" one is my favourite, though.There's also a raft of unofficial "Desire" videos doing the rounds online (some using "My Sacrifice", some not). Some of them are very, very bad (Sting, Hogan). Some of them are very good (Michaels, Bret) and make you look twice to see that they're not the real deal. *EDITed to make a bit more sense.*

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