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Posts posted by Gallybagger

  1. But I'm surprised they carried on paying him through 2001 when it is (now) well known that he was scheduled to be a big part of WM-X7 until he turned up fucked out of his mind on drugs and was sent home.


    This is the first i've heard of this. What was the whole story?

  2. I didn't take anything out of context. You made an absolutely, mind-boggingly dumb statement. Don't back down now.

    for once, leave the flamebaiting for somewhen else. And yes my quote was mind boggingly dumb. But then again i'm just living by your example ;)instead of turning this into an argument, get back to the discussion.
  3. Jesus CHRIST. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

    ah fuck off. obviously they are two different circumstances but i don't need you breathing down my neck highlighting this and maknig me out ot seem the twat.
  4. I find it odd how people were crying for Eddie and are now spitting on Benoit.This is where Kayfabe would come in nicely, where we know nothing of their personal life.We didn't know any of his personal life or what issues he was dealing with, it is all speculation. I'm not defending him but at least think of all the good moments hes had.Judging by the above, it seems he wasn't complete in the head.

  5. That Chris Benoit's life ended in this manner is upsetting and disturbing. This does not alter the fact that this man used to bus half way across Canada for the sport he loved. This does not alter the fact that he worked hard, damn hard, selflessly for every single wrestling fan whether we laughed or cheered or booed or ignored him. Certainly I am not ingoring the fact that he killed 2 people and then himself. However, I want to remember Chris Benoit for the sound worker he was, for being the guy that made me and my friends believe in smaller technical guys over muscle bound freaks, for his unintentionally hilarious promos in his series with Jericho.Other people might be ashamed of missing Benoit.

    my sentiments exactly.
  6. It is a shame that he won't be remembered for the mat veteran he was. Instead he'll be remembered as a murderer which is a shame.I am really saddened at this news, he has been my favourate wrestler for a long time. And the news was just as shocking as Eddie's death. But the circumstances are a lot more grim.Everyone says they are disgusted by his actions and they are ashamed to mourn him. I'm not. I'm going to leave his personal life out of this and mourn the loss of a great wrestler. We don't know the motives behind this and i doubt we'll find out the whole reason.

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