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Posts posted by Segaboyno

  1. It would have to be Val Venis & Viscera. Whilst the latter was relatively entertaining during the Spring, the former always begs the question: "Is he still with the company"? I really am surprised every time he walks down the aisle. Their performances (mercifully, limited to Heat), have been predictably horrific.

  2. I'll say TNA. When Christian left the WWE, I was relatively excited that some competition may be on the horizon (essentially to give the WWE a motivational boost). It was only then I realised that their ring had 6-sides, which was rather frustrating. It just doesn't work, and if they used the traditional squared circle, they could really be a force to be reckoned with.

  3. Hulk Hogan's efforts at Summerslam were laughable - until he actually won the match. With nothing left in the tank, he walked through the match attempting to get into first gear, but failing miserably. Michaels' over-the-top theatrics (especially towards the end) underlined Hogan's weaknesses like never before. Even though he only had two matches, it was enough to leave a sour taste in the mouth. I'm very much looking forward to the fans turning on him in Chicago - and I'll be one of them.The Undertaker also deserves a nomination. Hopefully the most memorable moment of 2006 will be Vince McMahon releasing him from his contract. Or screwing him out of his precious Wrestlemania winning record.

  4. Shawn Michaels. Even when he turned heel, his performances throughout his career ensured he'd never be jeered by the entire audience (see: Angle), and was chosen in for the main event at Taboo Tuesday for the second consecutive year. Plays the underdog to perfection, and even though the Survivor Series elimination match was an inferior re-run of the 2003 episode, still stole the show nonetheless.

  5. It's hard to answer this question so close to the time, because if somebody were to ask me what the most memorable moment was from 1999, i'd struggle to think of anything that stood out in particular.The most defining moment (aside from the real-life tragedy of Eddie Guerrero's passing) was the Michaels' turn on Hogan. It wasn't a minute too soon, and led to some fantastic viewing.

  6. The pre-Summerslam Raw was the finest of the year. The Michaels heel turn, the imminent clash with Hogan for the first time ever, and the "will he, won't he" return of Bret Hart in Montreal made for some compelling viewing. Even if it did all go downhill from there.

  7. I don't really keep tabs on these kinds of things - the only one that really jumps out at me was Bischoff/Long, which was truly absymal. I was shocked that more people didn't mention it the next day. Personally, I felt it was worse than the Richards/Tomko fiasco the year before. The inclusion of The Boogeyman was absolutely confusing - and he managed to wear off his novely value in a matter of minutes.Edit: Bischoff/Coach? No wonder nobody mentioned it.

  8. All the newcomers appear to be on Smackdown!, which I simply don't watch. The only person on the Raw roster that qualifies is Chris Masters, but he simply hasn't entertained me, or made an impression in the slightest. His feud with Shawn Michaels was one of the most depressing moments of the year.Therefore, I'll vote for Maria. Whilst she was technically in the Diva Search last year, she wasn't signed until late 2004, and her ditsy-character wasn't generated until 2005. She's entertained me far more than Masters. My lengthy conversation with her in Las Vegas does indeed sway my vote.

  9. The Jim Ross firing angle. It failed to produce any entertaining moments, and did more damage to the company than anything else. Linda McMahon turning heel was the worst thing on Raw this year - the only positive was that the McMahon family decided not to return after all.On a side note, how people can vote Triple H vs. Batista as "Angle of the Year" is very confusing. I think that would be classified as a "feud". Hence the "feud" category.

  10. On the basis of quality over quantity, I'd name Shawn Michaels. Whilst he was only heel for 7-8 Raws, the work he did far surpassed anyone else's.Whilst Kurt Angle is being nominated a great deal, it's hard to see how the Internet fans are classifying him as a fantastic heel - when it's mainly the same fans that have opted for him over John Cena.

  11. The only problem with your concept is this:If everyone is "nominating" their favourite in each category, isn't this essentially the same as "voting"?In other words, whatever people are nominating, they're then going to vote for. So the entire voting process is more or less irrelevant, as the results are going to be near identical.Good work!

  12. I can't remember if anyone else in one of the major promotions ever defended a major title on behalf of someone else.

    In early 1998, Goldust dressed up as Triple H and lost to Owen Hart (IIRC). Commissioner Slaughter then felt that as Goldust had done such a convincing job, Owen ought to be European Champion as a result of winning - and so HHH's title was switched, and so in hindsight, you could indeed say that Goldust was defending the title on Levesque's behalf.
  13. None have been outstanding. If Edge were to have continued his Bret Hart-esque tirades to a reasonably entertaining degree after Taboo Tuesday, he'd have had no real competition. In terms of reaction, The Coach would probably be up there, but i'm willing to bet that JBL will take it, which really says it all.

  14. As much as the answer should be Randy Orton (for being loved as a heel and hated as a face) or Mick Foley (for being verbally and physically annihilated by Ric Flair on a weekly basis), it can only be Brock Lesnar. Somehow, he actually made Goldberg look like a credible human being - far from the laughing stock we all know he is.

  15. Eugene's training segment, where he was bouncing back and forth between the ropes whilst Regal's back was turned. "Get down from there"!Vince's return on Smackdown! and subsequent crutch attack on Kurt Angle. Followed up by a ride in Eddie Guerrero's car.Eugene's impersonation of Vince on Raw. Brock's impersonation of Guerrero on Smackdown!Brock Lesnar vs. GoldbergShawn Michaels' pre-Backlash studio interview: "People said it was the greatest match in Wrestlemania history. And as I walk the streets, people come up to me and they say "How? How HBK, how are you gonna top that? How are you gonna top that"?.....I'm the showstoppa. It's what I do. Always have, always will! And now, it's time to separate fact from fiction. Three men truly believe in their hearts that they're the best. And come Backlash, only one can truly be the best". The fact that he managed to keep a straight face during that is a miracle. It was an absolute comic shambles, way over the top, and generally not very menacing at all.Kane's reaction to finding out about Lita's baby. "No no no no no". Again, ridiculously OTT, and i'm sure it went on for about half an hour.Snitsky's impersonation of the crying baby at the Raw in Manchester. "wa wa wa". That went on forever too.Kane's entrance theme during the wedding, and Bischoff's random appearance and reading during the ceremony.Kamala during the Raw diva contest. From what I've heard, Bobby Heenan's speech at the Hall of Fame ceremony.

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