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Posts posted by Van_Dammer

  1. Date Movie

    I don't think that this film is awful as most have made it out to be, but it is still exceptionally poor. Too much of the comedy seems forced and as though the filmmakers were looking for any grounds to include it. For instance, an early scene in Date Movie features a fat Alyson Hannigan, dancing in the steets to Kelis' Milkshake. It would have been funny if there was a substantial reason for it, rather than it happening for little or no reason. In other cases, the spoofs serve no purpose. There's a minor Napoleon Dynamite parody, which I quite liked because I think that movie is overrated, that lasts about a minute. At least two other parodies are rushed; the Dodgeball and Wedding Crashers satires are approximately ten seconds long. Additionally, a considerable amount of the material/humour in this film has already become cliched or simply played-out. The Michael Jackson spoof may have been slightly funny ten years ago.


    There are a couple of funny moments in Date Movie, though. Unfortunately, most of the material that has some potential is completely overdone, which makes it painfully unfunny. Most of the scenes with the cat exemplify this. However, this movie boasts two definite positives. I've never really found Alyson Hannigan attractive before, but she looked quite good in Date Movie. Also, Sophia Monk, who I've never even heard of, is extremely sexy.

  2. This is a film that has been on my rental list for some time. I've read a few articles about it and it sounds really bizaree and interesting. From your comments it sounds like you read the same article in last month's Empire.

    No, I don't actually read any film/DVD magazines. I just downloaded Freaks because I'd heard that it was a classic cult movie and, for some reason, I wanted to see a film that old. Also, I have enjoyed a quite a few cult films; Thriller: A Cruel Picture definitely left an impression.
  3. Freaks (1932)

    A bizarre, but very interesting and entertaining film. Set in a circus, it features an array of unique characters, such as a dwarf, a man with half a body and a man with no limbs. The intro effectively establishes that Freaks intends to change the views of society on those with disabilities and abnormalities. Although this is definitely evident by the ending, I think it could have been a somewhat stronger theme at certain points. Nonetheless, it is apparent throughout the film and because of the gradual development of the plot.


    Interestingly, Freaks is classed as a Horror, but I don't think that there any scary or terrifying moments. If anything, this film is a drama that features a few funny scenes and some very memorable dialogue. There was even a reference to it in a very early episode of The Simpsons, which used one particularly significant quote from the film. The fact that Freaks is supposedly a Horror makes me wonder how audiences in 1932 would have reacted to it...


    Overall, I'd rate this film very highly.

  4. Why does everyone in WWE hate Ashley Simpson? First Vince went out of his way to take the piss on Raw during the Eric Bischoff trial, then Chris Jericho made a remark on CD:USA a few weeks ago.Has she been outspoken about Jericho/wrestlers?

    It's probably just because there was a backlash against Ashlee Simpson in America. We all know how WWE like to embrace such things and seem to jump on bandwagons in regards to social/political issues. As far as I know, she's never made negative comments about any wrestlers or the business itself.Ashlee ~ :love:
  5. Versus

    A decent film with an interesting plot and some fantastic action. With elements of humour, gore, great direction and cinematography and martial arts-influenced fight scenes, this is definitely a fun flick. It does, however, have its flaws, such as some questionable acting and the somewhat irrelevant sub-plot. Although it can't touch most other foreign films that I've seen, Versus is still very entertaining. Plus, it has zombies with guns and swords! :D

  6. Planes, Trains & Automobiles

    This classic comedy features Steve Martin and John Candy on top form. The premise is fairly simple; Neal Page (Martin) wants to arrive home in time for Thanksgiving, but transportational problems force him to travel with Del Griffith (Candy). The two characters are excellent and the clash of personalities comes across incredibly well. The material and performances in this film are both very funny and it's totally entertaining throughout.


    Boogie Nights

    The plot concerns a young man who enters the porn industry, but the film isn't really about that. It focuses on several themes, which are depicted perfectly through the array of interesting and well-developed characters. There are certainly some outstanding scenes in Boogie Nights as the acting is good and so are the technical aspects of the film. Mark Wahlberg and Burt Reynolds' performances, in particular, are great and you get to ogle Heather Graham, too. My only gripe with this film is that it seemed to be slightly too long...

  7. The Holy Mountain

    Without spoiling much, this is, quite possibly, the most bizarre and warped film I've ever seen. It's about a Christ-like figure who befriends a limbless dwarf. The subsequent scenes feature an abundance of stange and sacrilegious iconography, as they travel together. Soon, the main character meets an alchemist, who introduces him to seven extremely poweful people. They must find The Holy Mountain in order to become immortal. Overall, I'd say that it was a good film, but not the masterpiece that some claim it to be.

  8. The Rise And Fall Of ECW

    A very in-depth look at the history of the company, the ways in which it functioned and the struggles involved. Through watching this feature, Paul Heyman became even more God-like to me as I completely agreed with a lot of his viewpoints and, in terms of booking, he puts WWE's current writers to shame. Despite the running time of nearly three hours, The Rise And Fall Of ECW does not drag at all. I would highly recommend this tremendous documentary to those who haven't seen it...


    Higher Learning

    The plot concerns people of different cultures and creeds, who encounter several problems, primarily racism, when they begin university. Although the film is though-provoking and delves into some interesting and important issues, I think it could have been better. For instance, it seems overly exaggerated in some respects. Overall, though, Higher Learning is decent and features a couple of good performances, such as that of Laurence Fishburne. I also wanted to screw Jennifer Connelly endlessly.


    Thriller: A Cruel Picture

    This Swedish film from 1974 has been praised by Quentin Tarantino and influenced elements of Kill Bill. It's of the 'rape and revenge' genre and is the first film to be entirely banned in Sweden. Thriller is of a disturbing nature, features some graphic violence and explicit sex, but obviously isn't as extreme as some modern foreign films. Nonetheless, it certainly leaves an impression. I think Christine Lindberg's performance is brilliant and, considering the budget, the technical aspects of this film work well within the genre.


    I can clearly see why Thriller is a cult film and I imagine that there are definitely split opinions on it.

  9. Anyone know what Colin Bowman is doing nowadays? I miss his contributions to wrestling. WCW should have listened to him more, and I think they made a mistake taking WCW Magazine in-house in 1999.

    From Wikipedia.com:

    Colin Bowman was born in Glasgow in 1963. He is married to Rebecca and lives in Florida with their son Fox. After working in London's Film and TV industry from 1979, he was the publisher and owner of WCW Magazine from 1994 to 1999. A part-time actor and full-time memorabilia expert, Colin collaborates with Jimmy Hart on numerous projects, including the XWF and WWL. His web site is www.notandnot.com. He was also involved with the short-lived RollerJam TV project. Colin's writing and photography has been featured in many magazines, websites and books.

    Basically, he worked with Jimmy Hart for a bit and now owns a memorabilia store.
  10. - This has probably been asked, but what is the longest wrestling match in history?- Why did Sky Sports suddenly start to show Raw live? Was there a huge demand for it?- I understand that Jim Cornette was suspended from OVW because of a physical altercation with a wrestler. After his suspension, what was he fired for?

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