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Posts posted by Stephanie

  1. Meet Vince, he's almost 10 years old.  I adopted him from the SPCA when he was 2. He's probably the friendliest cat I've ever met, he's also VERY clingy and gets separation anxiety when I'm away too long and it manifests in him over grooming himself to the point where he has bald patches. He's jealous of my husband too!  




  2. Been a while since I posted on here, but I lurk most days.  Yeah, I work out now! That transformation happened over a number of years.  I have a few of you on Facebook that have probably seen the journey happen as it unfolded. 






  3. I started working out properly in January of this year.  When I first started I was knackered after 10 minutes of cardio but I can easily do an hour now.  Work out 5-6 days a week for between 1-2 hours depending on my schedule.  Cardio, weight training and swimming.  If I can't get to the gym I walk 5 miles.  I have a Fit Bit which has been highly motivating and have walked over 500 miles since I got it in March.  Exercise is the best anti-depressant out there.  I didn't even know I had abs... 


    My goal is to be able to do a Tough Mudder or Spartan race.  

  4. I was at all three shows this weekend and I felt like punching almost every person I came across at some point or another.   I know NYC has a reputation for it's tosser crowds but seriously. Though I couldn't argue during the women's match, even I was falling asleep.  Amazing RAW to see live.  The fans were buzzing as we left the arena talking about the possibilities of what's to come. 

  5. Django Unchained. I really really loved it. Everything about it. I think it's quite possibly one of the best Leonardo DiCaprio performances ever. Jamie Foxx was incredible. Christoper Waltz can do no wrong, ever. Neither can Samuel L. Jackson for that matter. For a movie that was almost 3 hours long, it didn't feel like it. I'm definitely a Tarantino fan and this didn't disappoint.

  6. Killing Them Softly. Stars Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta and James Gandolfini. It's a Mob movie, Directed by Andrew Dominik (The Assassination Of Jesse James...) and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had to look away in places, it's really quite graphic. I hadn't heard anything of it until I saw a trailer for it when I was seeing another movie a few weeks back. I'd definitely recommend it.

  7. Argo, was the last film I saw at the cinema. Directed by Ben Affleck (I've always enjoyed his directing more than his acting) I thought it was really good. Without going into the politics of what actually happened (cause it's based on a true story) I found the film to be pretty gripping, it actually made me cry at one point too. The film is about the American Embassy in Iran being invaded by Iranian revolutionaries and Americans were taken hostage. If you'd like to know more about what the film is about you can read about it by searching "Canadian Caper" on Google or Wiki etc. The cast was pretty amazing too. Bryant Cranston, Alan Arkin and John Goodman are in it to name a few. There's been Oscar buzz surrounding this film, I can see why.

  8. My husband is American, it's fun to get him to say Mary, Merry and Marry. It sounds like he's saying the same thing for all of them. "Carmel" for Caramel is one of the worst one for me though!



    Has anyone seen Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close? I recorded it from HBO last night, haven't watched it yet though.

  9. Premium Rush, with Joseph Gordon Levitt. He plays a bike messenger in NYC. I saw the trailer for it, I thought it looked kinda naff. But I went to see it anyway as there was nothing else on that I wanted to see that weekend. I really enjoyed it, it's a nice little film.



    Last film I saw was End Of Watch. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena star in it. I liked it, not usually a fan of cop movies. Was pretty brutal in places AND it made me cry. Set in South Central, LA. The action is shown through the cameras that are held by the police officers, which does get a little annoying at times.



    Will be seeing Looper at the weekend. I'm also excited to see Argo when that comes out.

  10. Lawless. I liked it. Though I find it hard to take Shia LaBeouf seriously at times. I'm even more in love with Tom Hardy now than I was before. The movie is set in the prohibition era, three brothers are in the bootlegging business. It's pretty gritty and extremely violent. Guy Pierce was especially wicked in it. Gary Oldman is in it too. See it if you can.

  11. Expendables 2. Completely ridiculous and utterly non-realistic but that's the point. I loved it.


    The Campaign. Was alright, tried too hard to be funny and I can't stand Zack Galifianakis. Or Will Ferrell for that matter. We had free tickets, I definitely would not have paid to see it.

  12. I saw Ted this weekend, mainly because I love Mark Wahlberg. I thought it was pretty hilarious, of course it's also awesome when the movie theater is packed to the rafters. Best way to see a comedy, IMO. Written by Seth McFarlane it was at times naturally up it's own arse.


    Now I have to find a way to bribe my husband to come with me to see Magic Mike!

  13. I watch most of the NY Yankee games. However, I did get to a Red Sox game (visited my friend out in Cape Cod and she's a lifelong Sox fan) that lasted for 17 innings. We were there for almost SEVEN HOURS. If was vs. Orioles. As a thanks to the people that stayed they let the few people that were left run the bases, I managed to get a little dirt from the field too. Was pretty amazing to be on the field at Fenway Park, even as a Yankee fan.


    We are going up to Toronto in August to watch the Yankees play Blue Jays as it's only 90 mins away from us here in Buffalo.

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