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Posts posted by remlap

  1. Anyone more know about the story of Woman suffocating her little boy with a black bin liner then Benoit killing her in a fit of rage when he arrived home then writing a note to the rest of his family thing hanging himself?

    Nothing that detailed has come out yet.
    It was a comment left on gossip site TMZ.com, but "my buddy is a sheriff" posts left on celebrity gossip websites are usually not the most reliable of source.
    Thank you, I was messaged the story yet had no idea where it came from.
  2. Nothing that detailed has come out yet.

    Its terrible tragedy, whatever the real details , but I'm just trying to justify the tributes to either the Beniot or Woman.Their little boy needs to be in our prayers till the real details come out, and of course Benoit's remaining children.
  3. Anyone more know about the story of Woman suffocating her little boy with a black bin liner then Benoit killing her in a fit of rage when he arrived home then writing a note to the rest of his family then hanging himself?If anything this does sound reasonable.

  4. Is Film 4 the American dubbed version of Taegukgi / The Brotherhood? even though ive got the Region 2 Ive seen the American dub and it makes me cringe.I saw Das Leben der Anderen from a DVD I loaned the other day from a mate who bought in the German released Which he asked me to add subtitles if I ripped the DVD.Intresting but slow movie I thought, but very to the point, Good Bye Lenin I think is a better East German set movie even if its a little later.

  5. Here they are pre tit-job, NSFW

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    How is this a spoiler??? Anyway I still wouldnt turn that down, she looks way better now though...
    Its hidding her for people at work or anything else where they dont want to see her.
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