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Posts posted by edgecrusher

  1. Yeah. What a tournament. I imagine Okada will lose to Naito at the Tokyo Dome. It feels like it's Naito's time, and Okada probably can't survive another year wrestling at the level he has this year. At the start of the year I figured Omega Okada would headline the next one with Omega winning, but I'm sort of glad they're not.

    Of course, it might also  be just in case Omega's planning on leaving next year, and if he stays they can give him the belt a few months down the line.

    There's so many guys in NJPW who feel like they're going places right now. EVIL, ZSJ, Naito (though he's really there already), Omega obviously... even Juice looks like he's on the cusp.

    Does anyone know what Shibata said? Was it just 'I'm back' or something like that?

  2. 2 hours ago, Love-Wilcox said:

    How good is Okada ? His matches against Elgin and Sanada would be MotY candidates if it was any other year.

    Pretty much everything in the G1 so far has been good to great!

    He's revoltingly good. He has no right to be that good at... 29 is he? It's ridiculous. I know it's silly to say it so early in someone's career but unless he does a Shibata he's on track for a one-and-done Hall of Fame spot just on ring work. I can't think of many wrestlers in this generation that are better, just a couple on his level, and they're all more seasoned and experienced.

  3. On 18/07/2017 at 6:17 AM, westlondonmist said:

    In general freelancers don't do well and would not imagine they would have someone win g1 on the off chance they may not be there for wrestle kingdom.  I imagine more so now as new Japan don't want wwe signing a guy they are pushing. 

    They used to treat freelancers better, but they seem a little more conservative now that they know WWE will fish for their talent. On that note, I'm wondering if they'll ever give Omega a win over Okada, since they have to know he's jumping ship in a year or two (he nearly went this year, by the sounds of some of the podcasts he appeared on).

    Ibushi will probably go 5-4 or similar. He's a  big star and the fans love him, and I'm sure they'd like to entice him back into a contract, given how big he NEARLY was last time.

  4. My only other problem with it, aside from the title, is that it won't be an autobiography.

    What did you expect? :laugh:
    They should publish his diary.Dear Eddie, Nancy just won't shut up about me cutting down on the crippling road life of a wrestler. We'll show her, won't we Eddie.
    I half expect it to emerge that one of his diary entries reads almost exactly like that.
  5. For fuck's sake, it was MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS who said that he may have been suffering dementia, not his dad. It was a fucking MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL who suggested asking for the cut-job in the first place.

    Phil Astin and David Black are MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are not above saying what is in their best financial interests regardless of the truth. The Sports Legacy Institute's sole reason for existing is to prove that repeated concussions cause dementia. Michael Benoit has a large financial and emotional incentive to prove that Chris Benoit had diminished responsibility. I'm inclined to believe that concussions played a part in his mental condition, but I don't think we should just blindly buy into everything the Sports Legacy Institute says just because it's run by MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. The comparison to the brain of an Alzheimers sufferer, for example, is a scare tactic designed to mislead.
    You missed the point, dumbass.I was referring to the fact that WWE's response was directed purely at Michael Benoit, whose sole input was to repeat what he was told by the people who did the research.
  6. Why to WWE feel the need to respond to every fucking little thing and set themselves up for yet more humiliation?For fuck's sake, it was MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS who said that he may have been suffering dementia, not his dad. It was a fucking MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL who suggested asking for the cut-job in the first place.

    We respect the desire of that father to do whatever he can to find some explanation as to why his son might commit such horrible acts

    And hope that he respects ours not to give two shits irrespective of any evidence that might turn up.
  7. Competition isn't a solution to this problem, if anything it was a contributing factor to the high-death rate the wrestling industry is experiencing now.The only solutions to this problem are stricter drug-testing, regular heath tests and more time-off for wrestlers. Hopefully Congress will give WWE a kick up the arse to actually DO SOMETHING.

  8. Wouldn't that be the last big irony? Benoit obviously had a feeling it was coming to this (the life insurance policy not naming Daniel and Nancy is pretty weird otherwise), and wanted to make sure his other kids were okay. If the Sullivan estate nicks it all, he won't even have achieved that goal.

  9. edgecrusher, do you believe he'd take a spot with WWE if offered? A call from Vince, despite what he obviously cares about, I think would be impossible for him to turn down - forget about all this publicity, come and work for me. I#d like to believe he wouldn't, in an ideal world, but I can't.

    I don't believe he would. Depends on how well he's taking care of himself, to be honest. From the impression he gives off he's hardly strapped for cash. I'm not so cynical that I call bullshit on anybody who tries not to be a self-serving fuck in the wrestling biz until I've seen some evidence. So far Mero's clean in my book. If he was to take up a job with WWE, much like Matt 'you fucking idiot' Hardy, then I'd lose my respect for him.But still, he is saying what needs to be said, saying it loudly, and saying it as much as possible. Criticising him for that, when he's the only person who's really making a go of it barring Konnan, is just utterly stupid, since at this point almost everyone agrees something needs to change, and that something isn't going to be done if you let the industry do it.As for him being bitter and out of touch... well, at least he knows the wellness policy better than Fit Finlay...I find it hilarious that people were apparently 'praising' Finlay for how he handled himself on TV. Any other spokesman in any other environment would be taken out back and shot if they did a job that bad.
  10. The Sun Online have posted another interview and article this time with Mark Mero :bored:http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2003560...7350011,00.html

    Has anyone else given up watching/listening/reading what Mero has to say and started to wonder why he's pimping himself about so much?
    Mero is like a broken record, but in the interview with the Sun, I did agree with little bits.
    Overall I've agreed with a lot of what he's had to say, it's just that there's something of a little boy jumping up and down with his hand in the air about him.
    At least somebody is? What's wrong with championing a cause you believe in? He's not stupid, and he surely knows nobody will listen to him for much longer. He's basically got a small time frame to get his point across as loudly and to as many people as possible. I'd be doing the exact same thing in his position.
  11. "WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt could not be reached for comment late Friday afternoon."

    Hmm, what a shame :bored:, but at least now theres hope of legit testing, well be very interesting to see what congress does, Vince has a month or so to hand'em over, which I hope he does for his sake.
    Wonder if they'll try and work congress?
  12. It's obvious that WWE is just sticking its fingers in its ears and humming a happy tune. It won't allow itself to change. It'll stick out the odd lamb to get slaughtered by the media (Fit Finlay/Kennedy), and simply go on as if the non-answers given actually matter and they'll pretend it's no problem. That's what they always do.Fact is, no anabolic steroids were found. The media's focused on that to such a degree that WWE can just wipe it away and shove it under the carpet.

    They can just randomly test him, and then do whatever they need to do if he does test positive.

    What, temporarily suspend him, mock him if he comes off the roids, then push him again when he gets back on without failing?
  13. WWE needs to find someone who'll defend them without tripping up. If the media really wants to impale the company, at the moment their own spokespeople are offering them loads of ammunition.

  14. According to Wikipedia, on the Wrestlemania Anthology match listing for Wrestlemania XX, the main event is listed as Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. Am I the only one that finds it ridiculous that WWE are removing such important aspects from its history?

    What are you suggesting they do instead? Continue to advertise Benoit in match listings and in photos on both WWE.com and DVD covers, potentially opening themselves up to the criticism that they're using the likeness and/or name of a CHILD MURDERER to make money? I'm fucking blown away by the amount people calling it, "stupid," "crazy," or, "ridiculous," of the WWE to do this, because it's actually the most logical and sensible thing they could do considering the circumstances. By a mile.
    No it isn't. Unless they're going to cut every MATCH involving Benoit out of the DVDs as well, changing the match listing is completely pointless.What they should do is remove all of his matches, if they're going to go that route.
  15. Nash is a fucking liar. It's that simple. It's amazing how easily suckered some people are. Also, let's not forget how much we all hated him for his "vanilla midgets" bullshit and then wonder where Benoit got the paranoia about his size from. Fuck Kevin Nash.And Parkamarka, you're right. The wrestlers AREN'T in a position to do anything much. Of course, if they all stood together, things would change overnight, but the difference between an undercard guy's money and a top guy's money is too great to make that a realistic prospect. So the only people who DO have any power are the fans. If everyone stops watching and tells WWE and its sponsors WHY they've stopped watching, EVERYTHING will change. If you're too gutless to turn off your TV for a couple of months and send half a dozen emails to help prevent the deaths of your favourite wrestlers then you're a fucking piece of shit coward and you ARE complicit in any future deaths. It's that simple. If you believe the industry is fucked up and you want it to change, YOU as a consumer have the power to make difference. But as long as you keep watching the TV and buying the PPVs, you're as guilty as Vince.

    Be quiet you self-righteous twat.
    I sense we're getting into 'truth hurts' territory here. Again, I wouldn't use such strong language, I think it kind of buries the point, but he's still right. If you're NOT one of the people who thinks the industry's fucked up and needs to change, no problem, but if you are, then you should really try and do something about it. Starting with not supporting Vince's little regime. And self-righteous or no, it's pretty fucking stupid looking at some of the responses on here, from people who utterly condemn Vince for what he's basically forcing his workers to do and yet who have no intention of doing ANYTHING to try and help the situation. They'll just happily watch whatever Vince puts on TV. I don't know, but personally I find that just a little offensive. If you really care about something, aren't you supposed to try and do something about it?Or is that just a wacky, far out idea?
  16. This is like saying if you so much as own a car then you're not allowed to be concerned about global warming. I'm sorry, but the world doesn't work in such absolutes.

    It is the epitomy of hypocrisy to declare 'something must happen' with the underscore 'but I can't be fucked to get involved myself'. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's just the truth of it. You'll find that the world does work in absolutes. Plenty of them, and you can't pick and choose which ones are or aren't real. Hypocrisy isn't an absolute, though, so what on earth you're talking about I don't know. Hypocrisy is an incredibly gray and gradiated thing which only has any importance at all because its considered 'immoral' by our society. If being called a hypocrit and being hypocritical upsets you, try not to be a hypocrit.If you don't care, that's fine. But don't waste your breath trying to argue a definition.
  17. Just thought I'd wade in and say I actually support kayfabesmonkey in this little debate that's been going on. Though condescending and arrogant at times, I'm sorry to say that it is INTENSELY hypocritical to constantly whine and moan about how desperately things need to change.... then on to watch the show as it stands.Why should Vince change? Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, will make his fan base turn off. Guerrero didn't do it, despite that whole thing being one of the most hideous and grotesque things ever, Benoit's death won't do it...It is hypocritical. There's no two ways about it. I turned off, and I won't turn back on. The argument that 'well what difference does it make' is the lamest justification imaginable. If more people turned off, Vince would fucking notice. If everyone takes the attitude that it makes no difference, then Vince will just carry on laughing to the bank while doing whatever the hell he likes, irrespective of how degrading, insulting and stupid his latest insane idea happens to be.

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