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Posts posted by Butch2000

  1. On 10/25/2022 at 8:59 PM, CleetusVanDamme said:

    Nash's on again/off again mentor/enemy thing he had going on with Joe in the first half of 2008 made for some really good TV. Their Turning Point match late in the year was excellent and really underrated. Joe, even in defeat rarely looked better than when he had a 7-footer pinballing around for him. Nash needing to bust out two Jackknifes, a chair shot, an exposed tunrnbuckle, a low blow and a feet on the ropes pin to just about keep him down made Joe look great.

    The polar opposite to the Booker T feud in that Summer that killed Joe's title reign and any ounce of momentum stone dead. Whoever decided to have them work 50/50 and have Joe only able to win after cheating, at the second attempt should have been fired!

    Christ, I forgot all about Booker T’s absolutely dogshit TNA run. A year of bog brush material.

    I looked after and him and Sharmell at a Comic Convention though and they tipped me 200 quid, so he can shag my dad and I’ll cheer him on. A real class act, and Sharmell is even more lovely. So I’ll always defend ol’ Book. Also they still keep in touch with Ahmed Johnson (or at least did 8 years ago). Pure Class

  2. On 8/6/2022 at 1:17 PM, Devon Malcolm said:


    I've nearly finished King of the Hill! Just two episodes left. How long's it taken me? I think I started early last year. The final series has been a reasonable step up as well, which is good.


    What did you make of the finale in the end?

  3. On 10/14/2022 at 8:05 PM, unfitfinlay said:

    I think Bully's a bellend but he's a great signing. He's as big a legend as Impact could realistically go for in 2022 and he's one of the rare ex-WWE guys that really re-invented himself in Impact and is a star because of what he did there. He's a good choice to put Josh over.

    It's shite to see people leave but I am enjoying how Impact is set up now. It feels like an old territory where they've got a core of regulars that they are building around and just bring others in for short runs. It keeps everything feeling fresh. I think it's good for the talent too.

    Mate, it’s the best promotion going, unfortunately it’s been ruined by former custodians. But it’s the only show I’ll make sure to watch weekly. There’s always something worth watching.

  4. She’s all about the filth is her. She said before that the way she checks her husband hasn’t been unfaithful while she’s on tour is that the first thing she does is toss him off and look for the ferocity and height of his expelling of jitler.

  5. I’m off to Clonmel on Thursday for a few days, and I’d love suggestions of things to do, see and good places to eat and drink please. Emphasis on the nice pubs to visit.

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