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Posts posted by thatvinylgeek

  1. 27 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Forgive me if its been posted in the thread already, if not, I assume everyone's already read from other sources that the new intro voice note was recorded by Copeland and the voice is Beth?

    Yeah I saw that, nice touch, and when they bring her in and run a divorce angle she can change it to "I thought I knew him!"

  2. 1 hour ago, gmoney said:

    My issue with the video mainly is that is was shit. If they'd have done something cool, it would have been fine, but it was generic toss. It was time and effort wasted when it would have been just as good if not better with just "You think you know me" playing. 

    Yeah the video didn't do much for me either, but watching the media scrum it seemed like it was something he wanted to do himself (Copeland and Darby filmed it), and he loved having the chance to drive around and have a laugh. Also side note, the fireworks at the stadium while he drove past just happened to be going off because some team won something, nice coincidence.

    Last thing, just cause I like being a dickhead, it didn't say "you think you know me", it said "you think you know HIM" nice touch...

  3. Agree about the Judgement Day, I was also hoping for an Evolution moment.

    A little part of me thought MAYBE the reason they didn't pull the trigger on LA Knight getting the US title match is because they want Rey to go over Theory for the belt. Only for Dirty Dom to tell Damian to cash in on him and take the title. Then have Finn beat Rollins and end the show with them standing tall.

  4. 6 hours ago, 2Xtreme_lives said:

    How long did it take to get your code on the xbox? I'm still waiting for the auto key to be raised, just says check back soon

    Got mine now 🙂

  5. 3 hours ago, 2Xtreme_lives said:

    How long did it take to get your code on the xbox? I'm still waiting for the auto key to be raised, just says check back soon

    Yeah not sure what's going on...used them loads and had no issues in the past, but I'm still waiting. Have raised a ticket with them so hopefully be resolved soon. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    I mean obviously not. Plenty of people in the industry have been friends with him and had good words to say. But that doesn't mean he's not a cunt sometimes.

    Ha! Very fair

    Just seems everyone on here who has had a run in with him has had a very negative experience.

    Maybe he was just having a good day, some hockey team probably won something 

  7. Been sitting on this for a while....but genuine question, has anyone else had any good experiences of meeting Punk? 

    The reason I ask is because I was on a show with him I guess back in 2004 when he was over in the UK and he was genuinely really nice...

    Now granted he was being paid, but still, he arrived early, made sure to go round all the workers and introduce himself as Phil and get their names. He was more than willing to let us all ask questions and answer them (which considering we were mostly a bunch of amateurs in there late teens early 20s must have been grating for him). 

    He worked an opening angle where he saved my little brother (who I think was 10 at the time) from being powerbombed and took the time to talk him through what was going to happen, and then worked the main event where he was more than willing to listen to what his opponent wanted to do, show some arse and have a pretty competitive match.

    All in all it was great...surely I can't be the only one? 

  8. On 9/5/2021 at 12:47 AM, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Friends I’ve made outside of wrestling but who are wrestling fans, great.

    People I’ve met just at wrestling shows, normally knobs.

    This, 100% this....if I happen to meet someone organically and we get on and they just happen to like wrestling, that's a bonus.

    I like to think there is a difference between "normal people" who like wrestling and "wrestling fans", probably because I hope I fall into the former category. I also hate these fans who believe understanding some insider terms make you a "proper" who has a greater love for the product, complete nonsense.

    I often wish I could take back my first peak behind the curtain, sure it gives you a greater appreciation of the skill and talent that goes into everything, but I think you lose some of of the awe. Watching my young daughters watch wrestling now is amazing because they completely buy into the characters and have no interest in work rate or ability, they just take everything at face value.

    Watching all out for example, they couldn't understand at all why anyone would like CM Punk as he just looks like an old man, and he was trying to beat up their hero Darby Allin.
    They thought Christian was amazing and he should "teach Omega a lesson"
    They think Alexa Bliss is great great for all the reasons people don't like her 

    Anyway I digress...proper wrestling fans...booooo

    People who I like who like wrestling...yaaaaaaay

    This is in no way subjective 🙂

  9. On 6/21/2020 at 6:05 AM, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

    Outside of this these stories are horrible and bringing back some memories of some of the darker and shitter side of wrestling. I was never truly "one of the boys"... frankly I was too "nice / boring". But I saw hints of things and it's a gut punch to realise a lot of what I saw was merely the tip of the iceberg. 

    Like Mr Coyne (good to "see" you buddy) I was never truly "one of the boys" during my few years working shows, I was a bit older, settled down, and frankly pretty boring. However, too now see some people I once considered at the least acquaintances and at the most good friends, talked about in this light is truly shocking and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. A lot of the guys people are talking about I first met when they were barely "adults" themselves, and to think they are carrying out this kind of abhorrent behaviour is truly shocking.

    Even back then there was such excitement when a "girl" came to training, and it was almost a fight to see who could get their number first without ever worrying about how old they actually were. There was one such girl (who thankfully had her head screwed on) that pretty much everyone took an interest in to the point it made me feel so uncomfortable that I befriended her and asked her to let me know if she ever felt uncomfortable....as she was barely 14 and I was 24 and in a (very) long term relationship, I never thought anything of it, or how it might like to others, she was like a little sister..... However there were several guys who were of a similar age to me who were literally asking her on nights out, as they "could get her in to clubs" to the point where I ended up talking to her mum, who ironically was nearer my age, and just giving her the heads up.

    This was not the only instance of this kind of thing I saw...several of these guys who I guess household names in and around the midlands wrestling scene and would have girls, young girls, asking for autographs, pictures etc, and some of the guys were far too overly nice with girls of inappropriate ages.

    Anyway, I digress, I have nothing of merit to add, I guess I just wanted to show some solidarity and say I can fully believe what I am now reading, and as much as my daughters love wrestling, based on my experiences I would NEVER let them start training at any age, and that is a very sad thing indeed.

  10. 19 minutes ago, BrodyGraham said:

    I'm not going to skirt the issue here. You're an idiot.

    How do you familiarise your audience with new talent if they don't have an in? How do you promote a show without legitimising the large part of your roster that your audience might not know? Do AEW have enough 'big boys' to promote ad infinitum without building guys? (Imminent Garthing)

    They need to have these matches to legitimise their roster and keep giving the big guys fresh matches. They are going to fail if they use the logic that 70 percent of their talent should be treat like lepers because some of the audience don't pay attention to the Indies. 

    One of the big reasons AEW exists is to put a spot light on these guys.

    I'm with you....and if you listen to Moxley on Jericho's podcast he says exactly the same thing...something along the lines of "if somone is channel hoping and they see the guy who used to be in the shield wrestling somone they don't know, that gets eyes on those guys, and I'm here to get eyes on as much and as many people as I can"

    WWE do it to a much lesser extent, now and then, throwing some random joe average into a feud with Cena would be seen as insane by many, but it didn't do Kevin Owens any harm...if you have the right talent, sticking them in against your established stars is absolutely the way to go...its the reason they put AJ with Jericho at mania...to us "smart" fans AJ is huge, but to tunnel vision WWE fans he was a nobody really..so why have AJ v Owens to a lukewarm reception and Cena v Jeicho which people have seen countless times when by putting the vets with the "newcomers" you get two fresh matches and create two new stars

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