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About Hernan

  • Birthday 12/03/1996

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  • Location
    From a Place in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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  1. I have two question about 1PW. First of all, it's about the arena called The Grandby that they used back in the day. I tried looking for information about this specific arena because it's mentioned in some sites that it's located in either Doncaster or Edlington. It wasn't until I Googled Edlington and learned it's part of Doncaster, located on Broomfield Lane. I tried looking for the arena and found this Facebook profile (pressumably being from the arena). Apparently, when searching on Google Maps (using the trick of searching for yesteryear's maps on street view), the letters matched the Facebook photo that says "Granby Rd WMC". I don't know what does "WMC" stand for but I'm curious if this is the arena or not. Second question might be a little difficult because I don't have a way to check the show nor a photo saved. I have on my website that Adam Curtis, The Fight Club (Kid Fite & Liam Thomson) and an unknown person came out to the sound of an edited version of "Mein Herz Brennt" by Rammstein with a "Terminator" sound clip attached in the beginning. Does anyone know who was that four person that came out with the three aforementioned people?
  2. Cheers for the trick, I will keep it in mind when I search venues.
  3. Thank you so much for the detailed response maestro, appreciate it.
  4. Quick (dumb) question: I've seen most wrestling results referring the arena IPW:UK formally used as "Orpington Halls" but when I Googled it, it is referred as "Orpington Village Hall". Has the place always been referred as the later opposed to "Orpington Halls"? I couldn't find nothing concrete about that.
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