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Posts posted by Tiki

  1. On 2017-4-9 at 8:33 PM, Teedy Kay said:

    Is this the badger I've seen being placed into an unwanted NES cartridge?

    Apologies, l just logged in and saw the notification!

    No, it's not. These are put together by an arcade head on the isle of white.


  2. Cheers dude, I'll give that a go on a MAME cab later!


    I'm still looking out for a cheap copy of Metal Slug 3. For now, the cab is rocking Spinmaster on the run'n'gun front. I'm already sick of the fighters but enjoying some of the sports titles(!)


    I feel like I should contribute something "non-retro"... sorry lads, I got nothing. Still playing Skyrim when I want a hardcore chill!

  3. Am playing a lot of neo geo these days after moving a cab into my front room. Never played neo geo BITD and only had this cab 6 months so it's all still quite new to me.


    Right now, Aero Fighters 2 is getting played daily. Great shmup, fun as two players as well, and with choice of ships it's got a lot of replayability.


    Trying to not use 'continue' to keep the fun in this one! I like being the world's first dolphin pilot but seem to get bigger scores as the British guy.

  4. Tbf, that's what I also did (twice). Got the Pi, JPAC, and full setup in one hit from a guy who puts these together. Then got more time to actually play the games rather than messing about moving ROMS etc.


    And, yeah, terminology is confusing when it's all new. Been there, still get confused when people talk about some stuff.

  5. Hi!


    Yes, I actually have two Pi-to-JAMMA builds myself. Powerful enough to run all games from BITD. Looking like this:




    I have one horizontal and another vertical in two separate cabs.


    A big bonus with this (and other similar low-powered builds) is that they can be powered directly off the JAMMA edge connector so no extra power units etc required. And they still run most games from 70s, 80s and 90s.



  6. For people wishing to own an arcade machine and want a MAME setup, this is the "How To" to get an authentic setup, cheaply, easily, and one you'll want to keep for many years. Yeah, don't go spending £800 on a wooden box with a shitty LCD and a 60-in-1 board installed. For £800 you can get arcade machines that will still be worth something in 20 years time ;)


    You need to get your hand on three pieces of hardware:


    1. JAMMA cabinet.

    Buy a complete working JAMMA cabinet. This is the key, you want it complete with a CRT, JAMMA loom, and built to take your abuse.

    You should be able to pick something up on ebay for around £250 or less. Look out for screen burn. Other monitor issues can be easily resolved (a full service of which would set you back around £100)


    2. PC

    Get a PC that you're willing to dedicate to this. You probably have this lying about doing nothing already.

    We can go into specs, graphics cards etc, chances are the hardware you have is fine.


    3. J-PAC

    Get a J-PAC, this is the magic. This is what connects the PC to the JAMMA loom. No need for ugly dumbass control panels.

    You can keep the whole cab original - which is great if you want to play real PCBs in the cab too (because emulation is still emulation).


    Then you need to get the PC setup with your front end of choice, get your ROMS, and install Soft-15khz to get it looking proper. 


    I know someone who makes Pi/JPAC builds for about £200. They are plug-and-play with a JAMMA cab so for £400ish you can get the complete setup. Depends if you know where to shop :)


    MAME is really cool but some of the cabs people make are fucking awful as all fuck!!!

  7. Obviously got that already ;)


    Nowhere else can you play Medieval Madness, Cirqus Voltaire, Tales of the Arabian Nights, The Addams Family, Twighlight Zone, Funhouse, Cactus Canyon, Monster Bash, Gorgar etc all in one place. It's got nearly all my fav pins on there :)

  8. Hi, long time lurker, finally got posting permissions!


    I'm not a big retro gamer in the sense of playing old consoles, although I do do that. I only really play SNES, Spectrum and Amiga for home systems... but I am big on arcade machines, which I collect :)


    I love pinball too but only own one pin atm. I want another couple but they're so expensive. Thankfully Arcade Club have around 16 machines so I can scratch my itches a little there!


    Happy to offer help regarding arcade machines to people. Sad to see so many newcomers getting ripped off and/or buying terrible mame builds or mame projects from hell :(


    Currently I have Tales of the Arabian Nights pinball, Scud Race sit down, Daytona USA upright, a neo geo, 2 jamma cabinets with PiMame setups, 2 player Point Blank and a Ms Pac-Man upright (that I imported). I've previously owned other jamma cabs, Outrunners, crude buster europacoin, and a barcrest star wars fruit machine. It's a scary addictive hobby where you lose all your money, all your space, and sometimes family members!


    Hope to talk arcade games with people as its one of the few things I love more than wrestling!

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