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Posts posted by frank

  1. If I'm ever unfortunate enough to be in the same place as you (and those other cock-munchers), I'm going to stick my size 10 boot down your throat you low-life piece of shit!!!

    Amazing.Oh, by the way, congratulations, you've just about confirmed your place dolt of the year 2006.
  2. Despite being absolute garbage so far, I think Ashley Massaro being in there is a little unfair. She only had 6 - 8 televised matches all year and most of them were tags and 6-woman's in which she did very little.

    But then I'm sure nearly everybody is basing their 1 vote for Sprules on a 12 minute match.
  3. I'm not going to do what you did to me (hint: report you) for that insult there, instead I'll point out that you're embarrassing yourself with your "Vote for me!" nonsense. Sort it out.

    Correct!As for the 'Vote for me' stuff, as I said before I could have handled this one of two ways - either got stressy....or had some fun!!! I chose the latter and stand by that decision.Get over it!
    But wait, there's a third option! Now you realise people are laughing at you maybe you should have decided to stop the laughing at you by posting something worth reading. :omg: Although I'm happy you chose the option you did, it's pathetic yet entertaining at the same time. :thumbsup:
  4. Has anybody ever played either 'war on terror' or 'americas most wanted'? I bought it the other day and its tremendous, you get to go around slaughtering everybody hunting for bin laden and saddam hussien etc, it's first class propaganda but I love it. It works best with the cheats though cos otherwise it's impossible, 40 iraqi's shooting you = no chance.babble

  5. Hi guys my first post here but what the hey I remember back quite a while ago i was watching a wcw show and a wrestler entered too marc meros music i was just wondering what happened here because i was kinda under the impression that wwe copyrighted all of there theme music Thanks in advance

    Mero's theme is generic stock music that can be bought and used by anybody for pretty much anything, other 'famous' incidents like this are Crash Holly's theme appearing on various porn channels and apparently Nash and Hall got their WCW theme from watching porn in a hotel room.
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