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Posts posted by nobby

  1. I have an itch to watch some of Steiner's 2003 WWE stuff even though I do recall it all being fairly shit upon first watch. Anyone got any recommendations?


    Watch Team Bischoff v Team Austin from Survivors because it has just enough Steiner to make you go "ahhhhh, there he is" - then watch the match to the end because it's fucking brilliant.


    You are right there, that was one hell of a match, HBK bled like a hog if i remember correct, Orton looked a million dollars aswel, great drama in that match.


    Austin's speech after was pretty emotional.

  2. Are Scotty's bridges completely burnt with both majors now? I suppose it's just surprising it took this long, but I'll miss the crazy old bastard. I loved pretty much everything he did in TNA.


    Highlights include:


    - clobbering-time battles with Joe, and mat-wrestling with Angle on his first arrival.

    - turning himself face with the Impact crowd by busting out a Frankensteiner in a cage, and cementing their love with a Screwdriver on Amazing Red

    - Smashing the tar out of Bobby Lashley in one of that chump's best matches

    - calling Joe "fat". A lot.

    - having superb tag matches with everyone, particularly Steiners v 3D

    - being the best thing about the Main Event Mafia angle


    Towards the end he definitely looked knackered, and his body had started to look weird (he looked like a man wearing a Scott Steiner foam body costume that didn't fit right). But I loved him, he was just the right sort of crazy to make the show entertaining.


    That was fucking brilliant towards the end of his TNA run, when he was supposed to be a heel, and the crowd was giving him the biggest face reactions on the show, chanting "we want steiner" while he was on the apron, he'd start bickering with the fans :laugh:


    That Frankensteiner was quality, it looked like my Grandma trying to do it he was that stiff and laboured, but he somehow pulled it off.


    Also, i will never forget the reaction he got at Survivor Series '02 when he came out, his entrance music was the dogs bollocks.


    I love Scott Steiner.

  3. I do admire the fact that a lot of the RoH guys make the effort to think up creative counters and sequences, because you don't see much innovation in mainstream wrestling these days.


    That's bollocks. Fancy, smooth, nonsensical sequences doesn't = innovation or imagination. It = lack of understanding, something most of the guys in mainstream wrestling do have and is exactly why you don't see them doing that shit. There's still plenty of innovation in the big leagues, just in different (better) forms.


    Thunderplexs post is bollocks too. Ring phycology dead? Wrestling is nothing without it, it most certainly still exists and when it's used accordingly it's still tremendous.


    Why bollocks? It's purely my opinion as a fan who has lost a great deal of interest in a sport I love. It's been a long time since I have seen a match that really tells a story. If you have any examples of something I have missed that will get the blood pumping please share, I'll be more than happy to watch.


    There is plenty of great story telling/psychology in WWE in my opinion, the Randy Orton/Christian feud was outstanding, they literally ramped up the intensity with each passing match, something that worked in one match, i.e. Christian doing a quick body press from the second rope, the next match Orton ducked it, so the following match Christian faked him out with the move, let Orton duck and then hit something else. Stuff like that is absolutely brilliant, it makes a match 100 times better, any time Cena/Punk wrestle they also have that, where you see counters to counters as they get familiar with each others move set.


    There is nothing worse than seeing Cena or Orton etc hit the 5 move comeback, in the same order, at the same time, and you are supposed to believe that there opponent wouldn't break the combination, it's crazy.


    My thoughts on ROH echo most people's on here i think, i can't stand Davey Richards, just can't stand him, it's his audacity aswel that goes along with it, on the shoot with Highspots they put the notion of no selling to him, he basically said "Yeah i don't sell, and what of it", that to me, is disgusting, then he started knocking the matches that Flair and Steamboat had in 89, saying they were boring cos they did nothing of note in the matches.


    I was furious, and left a comment on Highspots website where you review the DVD.


    Bret Hart always said it best, the art of pro wrestling is to make it seem as though you are hurting your opponent, but you never do.


    This was long winded, apologies :thumbsup:

  4. I'll ask here as I'm likely to get a better response than the questions thread, but what have been the best matches and/or ppvs in the last 12 months of tna? I usually watch it every now and then, but for some reason I stopped just as aces and eights were coming in.


    Also, tna don't seem to do any recent, decent "best of" dvds. They have best of 2009 and then nothing since. Are there any other recent best of's? Seems strange to just do one like that.


    And finally, are the individual wrestler dvds just compilations of matches? Or documentaries too? Are they any good?


    Just a few matches worth checking out.............


    Angle + Styles vs Kaz + Daniels - Slammiversary '12

    Roode vs Aries - Destination X '12

    Storm vs Roode - Bound For Glory '12

    Hardy vs Aries - Turning Point '12


    On a side note, the video package for Sabin's return on last weeks Impact was good, hope they don't screw this up as he is a decent talent.

  5. I would have had a "I'll show you" type of mentality, hit the gym like a motherfucker, got bigger, worked on my promos etc, basically done everything in my power to show Edge and Lita what i was about, but he went the other way and sat in his basement eating cake and smoking dope.


    Scary thing is, i still like Matt more than Jeff.


    Them fucking Hardy's eh.

  6. Fuck Hardy, he is as soppy as shit, ignoring what were blatantly obvious signs that his bird was cheating on him, Lita and Edge sending each other texts saying "I Love you" etc and the twat shuts his eyes to it, then let the whole thing basically ruin his career and his life.


    Here's what he should have done, they had a sit down in a hotel room just after it came out, Matt, Lita and Edge, he should have beat the fuck out of Edge at first sight, taken any punishment that came. The WWE would still have hired him back, except he would have saved face and not come across like some down on his luck emo who stays in his bedroom all day thinkin about his ex, he would have been seen as a bad ass who handled his shit.


    Now look at him.

  7. On a seperate note from Steen, i watched a fair few Shoots this weekend, finally got round to the Dynamite Documentary/Shoot, fucking Rougeau trying to get Dino Bravo and the Mafia involved when he slugged Dynamite :laugh:


    How he told the story was like somat out of Goodfellas for fuck sake.


    I watched one of those On The Road style things with Raven, now that was some depressing shit.


    Highlight of the lot was Barber Beefcake's timeline of 89, he is a bit nuts the fella but was interesting stuff.

  8. I watched the Talk Steen Talk one and the joint one with Davey myself a few weeks back. I can never get my head around his excuses for his condition though to be honest, i just can't get grasp why you would choose a profession, doing something you love, then settle for a 2nd rate career. With other guys you can understand, Wrestlers who are obviously shite and so do not give a toss about the cosmetics of it all, but with Steen it beggars belief that having chosen to be a Pro Wrestler you wouldn't bust you bollocks and try to get as high up the ladder as possible, a Gym memebership don't cost a lot, hell you don't even need that, buy a treadmill and some weights and do your shit at home.


    I reckon it's pretty commendable that he's chosen his son over chasing the WWE dollar and being away loads, to be honest. Very mature and sound of him.


    But like he says in interviews, that is not the reason for the state of him is it. He has a major opportunity to set his family up for life, would that not benefit him and his son more in the future if he busted his balls for a few years and got rewarded for it.


    As i say to me it is pointless doing something, if you aint going to do something to your full ability/capability.

  9. I've been watching a few Kevin Steen shoot interviews over the last week. I've went completely mad on them. He's very interesting to listen to. Really funny and always has something to say. His stories about being trained by Jacques Rougeau are great. As soon as he said "and that's when I realised Jacques is a horrible human being", is when it started getting good. He's an old carny who wants to sign you to contracts where he takes 30% of your pay for the rest of your career and shit like that. He tells one where Jacques went to promote a upcoming show in Montreal and he mentioned he wanted to attract the kids market, so the fans started chanting "pedophile" at him. Just a lot of interesting stuff on Jacques thinking that his students would get 10 minutes in their WWE tryout and encouraging them to hit every move in their arsenal when they go to the ring. "Hid der 450 splash!!!" is what he told Steen to use as a finish in a WWE tryout. Just paints the picture that Jacques is off his turnip in regards to how the current climate is in wrestling. Rick Martel was at the WWE show where some of Rougeau's students were at, and Martel was desperate for Jacques to fuck off, so WWE told Rougeau to leave. Apparently he's well disliked by a load of people. Including PCO, who doesn't like his fellow Quebecer.


    His stories on PCO paint him out to be a proper brilliant bloke. Wasn't aware that PCO and Steen had worked a lot in the mid-2000s. Which I'm going to have to dig out. He also talks about Sid Justice, who was at one of their shows in Canada. Sid is a headcase according to this. He sits in the locker room and looks at his opponent whispering to himself as he looks at you. Then he asks you what your weight is, and when the reply comes (say) "225 pounds", Sid replies at the top of his voice "225 POUNDS OF SHIT!!!" Just some awesome stories of running into ex-WWF workers on indy shows and stuff. He's got a great attitude on him. He likes wrestling, but he hasn't got the noose out if WWE or TNA doesn't phone him. Didn't know his son is autistic and gets sick a lot. He says that contributes to why he doesn't work out anymore. He didn't say that was the reason. Just that it was a factor in why he isn't into it as he used to be. Totally recommend it.


    I watched the Talk Steen Talk one and the joint one with Davey myself a few weeks back. I can never get my head around his excuses for his condition though to be honest, i just can't get grasp why you would choose a profession, doing something you love, then settle for a 2nd rate career. With other guys you can understand, Wrestlers who are obviously shite and so do not give a toss about the cosmetics of it all, but with Steen it beggars belief that having chosen to be a Pro Wrestler you wouldn't bust you bollocks and try to get as high up the ladder as possible, a Gym memebership don't cost a lot, hell you don't even need that, buy a treadmill and some weights and do your shit at home.


    He has everything going for him in my opinion to get to the next level, and make some real big money for his family (which is obviously very dear to him), but chooses not to, i say chooses because i have never heard him give one proper reason why he does not put the work in, it's just a "i can't be bothered, if WWE or TNA call then so be it, if not then fine".


    When you watch his matches from like 04/05 both in ROH and PWG it is sad to see him as he is now for me, i did not like his title reign at all, virtually every match was a street fight style brawl, i wanna see Kevin Steen as Mr Wrestling, cos when he wants to he can be amazing, he can combine power moves while at the same time do shit that cruiserweights do.

  10. Not knowing much about Japenese wrestling however I have been dabbling in some stuff here and there wathing the old J Cups and familiar with the international names i.e Devitt, PAC,Richards, Low Ki and of course Liger, Muta etc and after watching the Best of Super Junior 2012 shows on a flight recently really want to get into it, where do I start and I would preferably like to watch a promotion that offers the more Hard Hitting/High Flying style, that mixes japanese and international talent


    New Japan is doing some great stuff at the moment, mixing home talent and international guys like Harry Smith and Karl Anderson etc, In fact a good place to start would be the Invasion Attack IPPV from Mania weekend, here you go................




    That is the good thing about NJPW within a few days the show is up on Youtube, in cracking quality aswel.

  11. That Sherri / Warrior one is from the '91 Rumble, isn't it? I watched that show so many times whilst getting ready for school that I could quote it word for word.




    That match at Rumble '91 with Slaughter is one of those that sticks in my mind from when i was younger, dunno why really, i loved Warrior then, and when Macho slugged him with the sector i was mortified.


    Warrior sprinting to the back like fucking Usain Bolt with his face paint all dangling and shredded.

  12. So, it's that time of year again.


    I've got the post-WM wrestling buzz and i'm questioning whether to start watching TNA again.


    I did this last year, but quickly decided that whilst I really bloody love Bully Ray and never tire of seeing Hogan, the rest of the show was a bit small time and lacked the fun of the WWE.


    I've since been led to believe that Bully is their champion, and am coming round to trying again.


    Is it worth my time? Is it a good show at the minute? and, most importantly, is Bully Ray actually presented as a champion, or is he just a guy who schleps about with a belt beneath Hogan, Sting, Angle and Jeff Hardy?


    And, is that Bobby Roode still good?



    I'd say TNA is better than WWE, at the minute.


    I'd agree with you.


    Christopher Daniels entertains the hell out of me on a weekly basis, sipping his appletini throughout a show :laugh:


    Aces + Eights have got a second wind with Bully Ray.


    I'd like to see more of Joe though.

  13. I know it was a major nod to Jay (and the Briscoes in general) for what they have done for the company but can he carry a world title??


    If you say so.


    Having watched all of ROH's output from 2002-2007 and 2010 and a good amount of 2008-09 I'd say when Jay has been put into main events, his matches have always elicited good reactions/noise from the live crowd, in fact it's often surprised me how into his title challenges the crowds got sometimes, because I never gave him a dog's chance in hell of winning. If you look for justification for him being a decent champion on top of "well, he deserves it for his tenure" then I think being able to beat Steen after the length of reign he's had gives you an extra shot in the arm, credibility wise.


    Plus, if they expect it to be believable that Jay Lethal is a main eventer, I've got no problem with Jay Briscoe as champion.


    EDIT - having said that, if they want Jay's reign to be a good one, however long it is, they could have picked him a stronger first challenger than Adam Cole.


    I agree he has had some excellent singles matches and the crowd love the Briscoes, i wasn't saying i didn't think he could carry it, i wanted to ask the question and see what others thought.


    I shall reserve judgement myself, see how the next few IPPV's do numbers wise once the initial "oh he deserves it" buzz wears off.


    I also agree on Cole challenging, i presumed Jay winning would continue the ROH vs SCUM storyline, so you would think longer term that SCUM will put forward a new challenger to try and wrestle the power back, maybe Rhino (off the top of my head), he could have some hard hitting matches with Jay i reckon.

  14. What the hell was the "Chris Benoit......Chris Benoit" chant all about at Supercard Of Honor.


    I gotta say i thought that was pretty disgusting, sounded like a fair amount of fans in attendance started booing when it started.


    So where do they go from here then with Jay as champion, i jumped out of my seat when he won, but within a few minutes, i thought, ok what now. I know it was a major nod to Jay (and the Briscoes in general) for what they have done for the company but can he carry a world title?? They also lose one of the best things going, the Briscoes as a team.


    One other note, New York fans relentless barating of Matt Hardy is fucking brilliant.

  15. Looks like RF Video gave Rick Martel permission to stick his shoot on youtube:



    Very interesting, was never too bothered about watching his stuff but he is an intelligent bloke, pretty vivid account on Dino Bravo. Some funny stories aswel involving Fuji.


    Worth a watch.

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