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Posts posted by windoesnot

  1. Not sure if this is the right thread for this so point me in the right direction if its not.


    Went to see the Evil Dead reboot on Tuesday, enjoyed the film and it is really gruesome, especially towards. It was also the first time I have ever seen someone actually run out of the screening of a film due to the gore. Poor lass must have been quite traumatised.

  2. Decided I'm gonna play Just Cause 2 again, that game is fucking awesome.


    EA have published the list of free games for those people who own the new SimCity because of the online trouble the game has had. Surprisingly its a list with some big titles in there including Mass Effect 3, Battlefield 3, Dead Space 3, Need for Speed and Medal of Honour.


    The new SimCity is good fun (when it works, which thankfully is most often now) but as usual has some glaring problems with it. Also pissed me off royally when I had a city with a 250k population (which is large given the limited city size) and making a large amount of money only for Godzilla to arrive and fuck it all up. He took out my nuclear plant which left almost the whole city with radiation which as far as I'm aware cant be fixed. Gonna play sandbox mode from now on as it turns disasters off. Normal mode has random disasters at any time, they dont happen often but this last one was an utter cunt.


    The other main problem is the traffic AI or rather lack of it. All vehicles use the shortest route to the destination it want to end up at, even if it means sitting in an already large traffic jam. It also effects emergency service vehicles so you can have 16 fire engines all heading for a single fire so when another one happens, they are all at the wrong place to deal with it.

  3. For anyone interested, there is now a new way to get the MAME emulator running on iOS devices without jailbreaking them.


    Download the free app from the app store called Gridlee and also download onto your PC a free program called iFunBox (this allows you to browse through the files on your iOS device which iTunes wont allow you to do).


    Plug the iOS device into your computer and in iFunbox browse to the apps section and the Gridlee one, open the documents folder and there is a sub-folder called roms. Copy into this any MAME zip rom files you have and voila, you have MAME running on it.


    Just been trying it out on iPad and the few roms I've tried all work well, obvious touch screen control issues aside :)

  4. As usual with these kinds of things, I've been way behind seemingly everyone else and only just got round to watching The Walking Dead (and only really knew about it because of the game). Got series 1 DVD for Christmas and watched it through this week and fookin loved it.


    Got series 2 downloaded from iTunes and will be making my way through it soon. Twice as many episodes as series 1, sweet!

  5. Dunno if this is a topic that has ever been discussed on here - but what do people think about the possibility of Jim Johnston going into the WWE Hall of Fame someday? There's a feature about him on WWE.com just now and it got me thinking. Would it ever happen?


    Personally, I think he should.


    Completely agree although sadly the vast majority of fans will have no idea who he is by name. He's been with the company for years too and theres no doubt some wrestlers who wouldnt be quite as popular as they were / are without his work. WCW themes were usually forgetable shit compared to WWF/E themes that he made.

  6. Not played many new releases this year.


    Favourite would be Far Cry 3 by some margin, simply a superb game and enjoyable from start to finish. Really enjoyed The Walking Dead too.


    Ain't played many bad ones per say, although F1 2012 was quite a disappointment once again from Codemasters for me. They still can't get an F1 game right after 3 attempts, won't be bothering with them again.

  7. No idea TripleA that sounds fucking weird though.


    Been playing Far Cry 3 to death and what a cracking game it is, are the previous games in the series worth picking up?


    I liked the first game in the series but just couldn't get into Far Cry 2 at all.


    Completed the main story in Far Cry 3 including taking all towers and bases and fookin loved it. Shame there was a delay getting it on Steam though for the PC version.

  8. Still really enjoying Far Cry 3. Have put a fair few hours into it since Saturday, mainly doing stuff outside of the main story missions of which I've only done a third or so. Its just really fun to play and piss about on, its like a cross between Skyrim and Just Cause 2. So far, my game of the year.

  9. Been playing a few hours of Far Cry 3 and even though the story seems a tad shitty the game itself is pretty fun, the map feels huge and there's a fuck tonne to do and it has it's charms unlike many big games in this style. There also seems to be a decent amount of stealth elements so that will keep me happy for a while.


    Put a few hours into it today so far too. Really enjoyed it so far, only real critisism is the menu system feels clunky, especially for a PC version im playing. That and the online UPlay system is complete gash compared to Steam.


    Even runs nicely on my work laptop on medium settings and still looks great. Will see how it looks on my desktop when I can be arsed installing it onto that.

  10. I've taken the plunge and bought the Walking Dead on PS3. Wow. Addicted. Not far into Episdoe one, only at the drug store but fuck me I'm loving it! Nice one for the recommendations chaps!!


    Got it in the earlier Steam sale on PC this week. Just finished episode 4 and really enjoying it. Some absolutely gut wrenching and grim parts during it and really makes you think before you make key decisions (if you have time to think!). It also gets better in the later episodes too.


    Deffo playing through it again once completed to see how things pan out differently with different choices made.

  11. As Loki rightly said, even his very last meaningful act in a racing car was shameful.

    Was it?


    Vettel was miles quicker than Schumacher (didn't he finish 12 seconds ahead of Schumacher in the end?) and Schumacher wanted to score points in his final GP. Considering the conditions and the difference in pace, it seemed sensible rather than shameful. Why risk a collision?


    Edit - are we saying that Massa has driven shamefully several times this year when he's let Alonso through? Or Mark Webber? Or the Toro Rosso drivers who always let Red Bull through?


    I can see where they are coming from though.


    A driver simply letting another from a different team is a bit like a keeper in a football match standing there and allowing someone to just kick it into the goal and not making any attempt to save it (could you imagine if this happened in the EPL!).


    Schumacher is employed and paid by Mercedes to get the best result he can for that team, not for someone he might be chummy with. Yes he was slower but its your job to defend and keep your position (within reason), not to simply get out of someones way like he did (if however he was instructed by the team to let Seb through then fair enough, but I've yet to see / hear this being the case and doubt they would tell him to anyway).


    With respects to Massa and Webber, team orders are allowed in F1 so theres no harm done there. With Toro Rosso, everyone knows that they play second fiddle to Red Bull, no matter how many times those teams try to make out they dont so no one should be the least bit surprised when that happens.

  12. Aye Button is one of those drivers who isnt the out and out fastest driver on the grid (who I believe to be Hamilton) and does struggle when the car isnt working right for him.


    However you wont find a smarter driver on the grid than Button and probably Alonso who can consistantly pick up points / podiums throughout the year. I cant even remember the last time Button actually crashed or span out of a race that was of his own making or could have been avoided by him.


    And as for races in changable conditions, he is the absolute master as he has shown on many occasions now.


    If McLaren develop a car more around Button for next year then he is certainly a contender for the title.

  13. As a Lewis fan, I am glad he beat Jenson 2 seasons to 1


    As a Button fan, I am glad he beat Hamilton 672 to 657 points ;)


    As usual, the next 100+ days until the 2013 opener are going to drag an awful lot.


    Much to look forward to next season though, probably the biggest number of driver moves for many a year with a few seats yet to be confirmed.

  14. The Mega Drive version however is incredible, arguably the best in the series. The casino levels are my favorite, bonus levels fun and the plus of having Tailz follow you around.


    Sonic 2 had by far and away my favourite game music of the 16 bit era. The game itself was fookin awesome, completed it many times and used to race to finish some levels as quickly as possible and compare to mates times in the school yard the next day. Good times.

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