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Posts posted by Azrall

  1. RIP.

    Devastating news to read.

    Like many others, I was never into ROH much, but always heard good things about the Briscoe's when discussed amongst my wrestling friends etc.  Enjoyed watching the matches I did see.

    Either way, terrible loss to the industry.  Rest well Jay, you've earned it.

  2. Since finding out my ex was leading a double life at the tail end of 2019, I've not had many dates. Mainly because COVID.  However, plenty of matches on the old bumble/tinder etc for me to get ghosted. Seems 2020 & 2021 has been rife for ghosts...

    Anyway.  Last Monday, I matched with a young lady.  By Tuesday we'd exchanged numbers and were chatting on the phone till the early hours.  By Wednesday we'd arranged to go out for a drink Friday evening in Oxford and she adds me on the socials etc.

    Thursday comes, and I don't hear a peep out of her until Friday afternoon where she states her friend is "ill" and she needs to watch over her so can't make the drink on Friday.  Within seconds of me wishing her friend a speedy recovery and suggesting another day, she promptly blocked me on everything to literally vanish.  
    It's very weird that we've got to the stage that people are using scapegoats to get out of dates with me rather than just saying they changed their mind.

    Perhaps they were also wary of the Craig David esq way it was going.

  3. On 5/24/2019 at 2:53 PM, Gus Mears said:

    One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. I'm almost certain it's the same bloke who smashed the shit out of the butcher shop window last month and got arrested for it.



    Is this where I just realised Gus lives/works in Swindon!?  When you say you get your hair cut across the road - Boss Babers?


    I've seen this chap a few times, he often walks along Regent street chatting to people. Odd bloke, but seems harmless enough.

  4. I'd definitely recommend it.  It worked wonders for my back and mobility.  I used the app for a while too, it's easy to use and can tailor a plan for you to follow if that's something you'd like to do.  I've not tried the DVDs, but I've heard they're pretty awesome.  Go for it!

  5. Reviving this thread with a bit of a positive note.  As of a couple of weeks ago, I've started dating someone who absolutely blows my mind in every way.  Although it's very early days yet, I'm feeling really good about it all.

    Remain positive guys, if it can happen for me, it'll certain happen to all of us. 

  6. On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 7:47 PM, Gus Mears said:

    It is the Double Decker, which must surely rank somewhere near the wheel in terms of brilliant inventions. I've just picked up the attached four pack and am about to head down to Decker town. It has it all; chocolate, marshmallow and that crunchy stuff. A masterpiece.

    I would still like to hear alternative opinions and then explain why they are wrong.


    I can't argue with this at all.

    It's by far my favourite chocolate bar.

  7. I just love all cheese full stop. I'd even partake in stinking Bishop!

    But Top 3 would be Saint Agur blue cheese, Brie  and mature cheddar.  A good suggestion with mature cheddar is to slap a slab in between a thickly buttered hot cross bun.

    You will not regret that decision.

  8. 20 hours ago, Astro Hollywood said:

    Stuck it out myself. I shopped this one around about 5 years ago, but at the time, all anyone wanted was YA fiction, because that's what was selling, so I had a lot of "this is great, but we can't market it to teens" and "could you take the swearing out?" Unless you're a celebrity pitching a children's book, there's shit-all money being thrown at writers by traditional publishers these days anyway, so you're almost always better off shoving it up yourself and trying to make a go of it.

    Out of Curiosity Astro - what genre do you write? I'm an author myself and after pissing around with agents and the big publishers, I managed to bag a deal with an indie publisher after doing a bit of research. If you haven't tried, have a look at an indie publisher, see if they'll take you on.


    Edit - just realised I've read some of your work! 

  9. My turn now - and a bit of an interesting situation:

    Last year, I went on two dates, within about 6 months of each other.  Although I felt both dates went OK and they Iooked promising, the other person/s didn't think the same. Both had similar explanations. "You're a great guy but...You're too nice/I don't think we have that much in common."

    Cut to present day, I have had texts from both parties this week, both sending the near identical message -  "Hey, sorry, about before and sorry for messaging you now, but I was wondering if you fancied meeting up again? I'm in a better place than I was previously etc etc."  Part of me is intrigued by this turn of events, especially as two people have decided to message me. But I'm also a naturally guarded and wary person, so I'm already on the back foot.   Person A, I'm not overly fussed with and I could quite happily turn down, Person B is more my cup of tea shall we say. But I just find it very strange that someone would go back to contacting a date you originally turned down.

    Am I being too suspicious of their intentions? Especially as I'd pretty much forgotten all about them and written them off as experience. To me it screams "Aw shit, i've not had much action in 6 months - oh I wonder if that nice chap is still around?"  OR should I just go with it and see what happens?

  10. Ahh - Now I get you. Sorry it was my misunderstanding.  

    I read through some of the paragraphs on that site. It's a load of old tripe, isn't it?  Suggest you ask him if his favourite pattern is 7 or 10 and await his response. That's how i'd do it.

    But then again I enjoy watching people squirm once I've caught them out......How do you feel about it?

  11. 8 minutes ago, Monkee said:

    How do you mean?

    Well, if I understand your post correctly, he's using all these "flash" paragraphs as if he's using them to reply to things you say.  Is there anything you could say that would trip him up perhaps? It might help you decide whether he is a complete tool or perhaps a tad naive. 

  12. I'd be tempted to play it out a bit more.  Like Chest says, he could just be very insecure and not actually know what to write. Heck I still don't know what the best thing is to write on a dating site other than the glaringly obvious.  But using a PUA website is a tad odd.  

    Is there any way of replying so that he won't be able to refer back to it?

  13. On 5/11/2017 at 10:25 AM, deathrey said:

    I know snippets but not everything and I guess I don't really want to know as it will do nothing but anger me and I don't think that's a useful emotion to have when I can't really do anything with the anger. I know he's saying I'm a stubborn little bitch that doesn't listen to anyone, which is obviously proved true by this situation haha. When I sit and think about what's happening for more than 10 minutes I do get very angry, so I try not to think about it and get on with my life, focus on the positives as they say. He's been very clever and said different things to different people to push on the buttons he knows will anger that specific individual. He's a pretty pathetic individual who needs to get a life if his own, he's 33 years old for heaven's sake.

    It seems it's a hardcore of 3 or 4 people that are particularly angry and everyone else is going along with the crowd to some extent (not that that is any excuse for their behaviour) but I understand how mob mentality works and it's hard to be the one that doesn't go with the crowd for a lot of people. I obviously just don't mean very much to any of them. 

    I do believe that what's goes around comes around so if they want to keep behaving like this, it's only going to come back and bite them in the arse one day, I just have to be patient till that day comes - and it will come. Otherwise I have lots of dirt on all of them, I've been tempted to spill the beans....

    I have joked to my other half that if my cousin does anything, I'm going to report it to the police as an honour crime and get a restraining order on him. Though I think he's all talk and not a lot of action.

    Call his bluff and get the restraining order anyway....that'll be an interesting talking point post wedding! ;)

  14. On 3/11/2017 at 8:09 PM, deathrey said:

    Well, they originally were happy for us but since he's spoken to all my male cousins they all seem to have switched to being on his side - which in itself is quite weird - but he's incredibly charismatic so I guess they have all fallen for it. I feel like the only possible step is to get my dad to have a word with their dad's as I'm not sure what else we can do. I have been trying to keep my dad away from a lot of it as they are his nephews and he will be very hurt but they are forcing my hand to the point that I think I have no choice. I'm hoping things will calm down after time, but if they don't, dad's it is I guess....

    Maybe I missed something reading your other posts, but what is it EXACTLY that your cousin hates about the two of you being together, family or not, who you decide to spend the rest of your life with has fuck all to do with him! Have you outright asked him? Is there jealousy or something? I don't get it.

  15. My main issue is the diet, I crave savoury foods such as peanuts/crisps - snacky things.Is there any way - or does anyone have a healthy alternative for this sort of craving.I cycle to work 3 times a week and hit the gym the other two days in between, so I'm exercising quite regularly, but the diet lets me down a hell of a lot.Any sensible tips would be appreciated.


    Final Fantasy 9 may be my favorite game ever.



    Couldn't agree more with Final Fantasy 9, amazing sound track, amazing game, easily the best FF.


    My favourite track from the game:




    I can't help but think you two haven't played the rest.....compared to the others it's by far the WEAKEST in the series...=/

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