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Dash X

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Posts posted by Dash X

  1. I have a reoccurring dream where I am at wrestlemania and have really shit seats. In one of them I had a wall in front of me and can't see fuck all so I get up to find a better seat and am thrown out by security. Most annoying dream ever.

  2. The Beeb showed Monday Night Football last year on the Red Button diidn't they?


    I shall be Gamepassing it again. Apparently Unblock-US works with it so I'll be able to watch the blacked out games :)


    How much is game pass?

  3. That story is hilarious. I've never been offended by Christians face but his skinny matchstick arms really hit a nerve with me. I enjoy his matches but I find myself being distracted by his girly arms especially when he is doing his slow clap shtick. Also someone with his size upper body has no business using a spear. :angry:

  4. Fantastic ending after a slow build.


    One thing, I'm a little bored of Jesse being all down and depressed with his five million dollars. Also, I'm pretty sure at this point we aren't supposed to be rooting for Heseinberg, but I am. I love that guy.


    I'm off to Spain in a couple days so although I will miss 2-3 episodes, I will have 2-3 to watch when I get back. I hate waiting week-to-week for shows.


    I think that's the point. The writers know we as an audience have a vested interest in Walt and Heisenberg. It totally depends on the person. Everyone loves a good bad guy in the end. There's no one answer really.


    I find myself rooting for Walt one minute and hating him the next, particularly when he convincingly denies killing Mike to Jesse I said out loud "you lying fucking bastard". Cranston is simply wonderful.

  5. Dash is being incredibly harsh to Malkovich, he has been in some shite but of the top of my head I liked him in In The Line of Fire, Of Mice and Men, Con-Air and he has his fans. He's best off as a villain though.


    I'll admit I have never seen In The Line of Fire or Of Mice and Men, but ever since I had to endure Being John Malkovich I have thought of the man as a pretentious tit. I still think he was brilliant in Con Air but the rest of what I have seen do especially as of late I just can't help but think... What. A. Dick.

  6. - Wrestler of the year

    1. Daniel Bryan

    2. Sheamus

    3. Austin Aries


    - Worst wrestler

    1. Tensai

    2. Mr Anderson

    3. Matt Morgan


    - Best face

    1. Sheamus

    2. CM Punk

    3. Randy Orton


    - Best heel

    1. Cm Punk

    2. Daniel Bryan

    3. Alberto Del Rio


    - Best tag-team

    1. Team Hell No

    2. Sin Cara / Rey Misterio

    3. Truth / Kofi


    - Best performance

    1. Daniel Bryan (the whole year)

    2. Undertaker / Triple H / Shawn Michaels (WM 28)

    3. Michael Elgin (Showdown in The Sun - Day 2)


    - Best feud

    1. Punk vs Jericho

    2. Cena vs The Rock

    3. Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan.


    - Match of the year

    1. Triple H vs Undertaker (WM 28)

    2. John Cena vs Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules)

    3. Davey Richards vs Michael Elgin (Showdown in The Sun - Day 2)

  7. Bray Wyatt is just fuckin' awesome.. always been a fan of Husky Harris and I think they've cracked it with this new gimmick. I particularly liked when Bray danced about the ring with his opponents beaten limp body during a match in FCW. Husky's doing a great job of looking completely insane. Looking forward to seeing how the Character plays out on NXT.

  8. Recently bought a ticket to one of Mick Foleys Stand up gigs at Leicester square theatre on the 25th. Now planning my train journey for the day, so does anyone know how long it goes on for including warm up acts? (i realise meet and greet is before gig actulley starts). Cheers lads. :thumbsup:

  9. Just watched The first 4 episodes of American Horror Story and am absolutely hooked its fucking crazy and amazing. Any one else been watching this? Episode 5 airs in the U.S on Wednesday and I believe it will start airing here in the UK with episode one on FX this weekend. I highly recommend it to any horror fans.

  10. One time after a heavy night down the boozer on an empty stomach i finished off a half eaten kebab i found on a bench on my walk home. :(

    That's genuinely one of the worst in this thread.
    yeah defiantly not my proudest moment though it was still warm and i quite enjoyed it at the time but all the same the thought of it the next morning combined with a mega hangover wasn't so enjoyable. I haven't eat a kebab since.
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