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Mafia Scum Scum

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Posts posted by Mafia Scum Scum

  1. Wall-E


    So Mrs T bought this on DVD the other week and although we'd allready seen it, we thought we'd chuck the dvd on for no real reason. (Also the extra of the animated short "Presto!" is one of the funniest things Pixar have done, ever. And thats saying something considering its a 5+ min short film. I suggest you check it out if you havent!).


    Bar that Wall-E is of course the story of a little rubbish collecting robot left behind on earth whilst the rest of the planet leave until its done. For some reason he's the only one left, but is content in his role. Another robot turns up from the human ship in space, called EVE. She is looking for signs of natural life so that the humans may return.


    I wont spoil it if you havent seen it, but i will dare say this is the best movie pixar have done, (again i dare say it), even better than toystory. I'll guess you'd have to make up your own mind, but this film is a gem in the pixar history, and in some parts can really make you think about where life is heading, (mainly the fat people in chairs, drinking food from cups and not taking there eyes off the screens in front of them).


    totally amazing film, worth a watch/buy and/or rent




    Still not got round to seeing this yet.


    Is it better than Toy Story 3 because I don't see how Pixar can top that?


    Either way, it is going on my list, so I will see it soon enough.

  2. Toy Story 3


    WOW! Thats all i can say. Aparently its been 11 years since the last one, (which makes me feel old as my daughter is now 5 months old, only just being born in time for this one at the cinema), and its really really good!


    Not alot i can say without maybe spoiling it for others, all the comedy is spot on, all the sad parts are spot on (i didnt cry but was soooo close at the very end of the movie), and bar that how the hell do they get EVERYTHING in this movie? When i say that i mean its detailed down the last item on the wall that you can barely see, yet think "wow, this must of taken ages to make", then again maybe thats why its taken 11 years?


    All in all, if you dont have kids and love the first 2......this is the film for you. I'm sure kids will also love this, maybe worth showing them the first 2 if they havent seen them, and although this is always going to be a kids film, i would of said this was more for the now older toy story fans!


    Totally amazing, worth buying if you can get it cheap enough, bar that to hell with it and buy it for full price as its great!


    9/10, great story, great laughs and amazing detailed.


    I agree!


    Picked up the single disc DVD from Asda for the bargain price of 8 quid but it really is a film I would have happily paid more for.


    Shame on me for not going to see it at the Cinema beforeas I'm sure it would have been a lot better on the big screen.

  3. Watched Napoleon Dynamite last night. I can confidently say that this film is the Citizen Kane of our generation. 5*, 10/10. Excellent from top to bottom.




    Piss poor acting, totally unfunny, possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen.


    -5 Stars. -10/10.


    Why would I not be serious? :confused:


    If that's your opinion of the film then fair enough, but you're wrong.


    First of all, Citizen Kane is a classic, Napoleon Dynamite is not and shouldn't even be considered anything like one whether you enjoy it or not.


    Secondly, it is shit, it really is.

  4. Would anybody be interested in a film club section here?

    Once every week or two, we can randomly select someone to select a film that can easily be picked up on DVD for less than a fiver, then we can discuss and review the film.

    It could open up peoples eyes to different types of movies as well as a chance for people to recommend their favourite films.

    All the posts will be put in a different topic to this one but the same topic will be used for all movies.

    What you all think?

  5. I'll wager he's on the list because a certain number of people think that he's shit.

    and just cause Alex Shane thinks someone is good doesn't mean they are.

    Seriously though, just chill, as this list is just a bit of fun.

    Anybody could end up on there whether shit or not because part of the voting process will always be a popularity contest.

    House of Pain, you are just best keeping quiet about this, otherwise it looks like you are be biased.

    I'm not taking most of this Top 50 or shitlist serious so neither should you.

  6. Never heard of him, but if his death has upset so many forum members, it is a shame that he passed at such a young age.

    It is never nice to lose someone you know and my thoughts are with anybody affected by this situation.

  7. I watch everything Elizabeth Banks is in (including scrubs!) , I'm becoming midly obsessed with her. I even watched The Uninvited, which is a pile of shit but she's hot in it


    Well I can have her on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and you can have her Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

    She can have Sunday off.

  8. Knowing

    Nicolas Cage discovers a list of dates of major disasters predicted 50 years ago.

    Good film till the terrible ending.



    Zack and Miri make a porno

    Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks are two friends living together struggling to pay the bills.

    They decide to make a porn film to help them make money.

    Decent enough cast but film is just not as funny as it thinks it is.

    Seth Rogen is pretty much poor in any film.

    Elizabeth Banks is hot!

    Far too much of Jason Mewes cock near the end.

    Worth a watch.

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