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Posts posted by pmy008

  1. Quite enjoyed the matches that meant something, the tag bouts and the cruiser match seemed to be cobbled together contests that were simply there to pass the time and make Vince feel like he isn't wasting money on their salaries!Especially loved the big matches (Undi v Kane, Lesnar v Goldberg, Eddie v Angle and the 3 way Main Event) as they either had some great action or they had the spectacle that IS WrestleMania.Best mmatch, for me, was the 3 way as the final submission was so well drawn out that I started to think that HHH might have pulled it out of the bag and gotten Vince to OK him winning. Fortunately, the correct result ensued (albeit with a surprising fall guy in HHH) to set up a class ending with Eddie and Benoit in the ring together. How many of you saw that happening back in 2000?

  2. Heel of 2003: Joint winners of HHH and Y2J with 27.03% of votes each

    Kinda surprising, seeing as there is so much HHH hate on this place. Is that dying down, or has HHH been improving as of late?
    More likely the heat he gets is not heel heat, more apathy heat!Good job brett, here's to next year's awards!
  3. Nathan Jones. He only beats A-Train cos he never faced Benoit (and A-Train did, in a good match). Big Show has been in good matches with a guy that was still learning the ropes (Lesnar) and so long as he is not booked beyond his abilities then he can still look impressive (though if he gave a damn about his body he would get back into shape and try to be able to perform to a greater standard and for longer!)

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