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Shovanist Pig

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Posts posted by Shovanist Pig

  1. Only seen the trailer on youtube thus far. I'll probably order it this week.

    I didn't know there was a trailer up, I'll go check that out shortly. We can also now add 'posting trailers on youtube' to the list of things that Highspots have copied/stolen from Kayfabe Commentaries then.
    Here's the preview
    I was hoping they would make it available to purchase on youtube. I had a quick look on their website and the shipping cost is extravagant even for me.
  2. ECW Invades WWE on RAW


    Mid 2005 was a lot of fun. You had a shit load of stuff going on. Business wasn't great during 2004-05 and you can tell WWE were trying really hard to pick it back up. Cena practically did it for them when he started to take off around that time.


    Sid Vicious WCW Re-Debut (June,13,1999)


    Fucking brilliant. ''He's psychotic'' ''He's full-blown nuts'.


    Sycho Sid turns on Shawn Michaels



  3. Currently got YouShoot w/ Perry Saturn, YouShoot w/ Iron Shiek and Breaking Kayfabe w/Sean Waltman on there way in the post. Any reviews on any of them?


    Watched YouShoot with The Sandman last week and really enjoyed it. Sandman comes across as a massive bellend but in a good way across the shoot. He seemed pretty honest and must of polished off the best part of a 8 pack. It was the first YouShoot shoot I've seen and I really liked the way it was done compared to RF and Highspots.


    Currently going through the Highspots shoot with Terri Runnels. Found it abit boring though.


    If you like ring rat stories you'll probably enjoy the Perry one.




    Some of the stuff he mentions him and Raven got up to in the shoot sounded fucking fantastic.

  4. Just got the Shane Helms shoot to watch. I know he was outspoken about Shawn and has a bit of a gob from some podcasts I've heard him on so this could be pretty good.


    He makes Michaels seem like a right bellend in this. I'm sure Helms hasn't been short of moments himself in his career, but I got the feeling watching it that he is a genuine and honest guy who has a real love for the wrestling business.

  5. I'm begging Sean Oliver to do one of these youshoots with Scotty Steiner actually. I can only imagine how good t it could be with all the recent shit going down with Hogan and Bischoff.

  6. Just watched Bob Holly's RF shoot and like everyone said he comes off really well.


    Found the bit on Benoit interesting and the stuff on the Brawl For All, Tough Enough and Lesnar powerbomb/broken neck match were all good to hear from his side. Had no idea his bout of staph infection actually nearly killed him.


    Just seems a genuinely good, honest bloke. The only people he really has anything bad to say about are Rene Dupree, Ken Kennedy/Anderson and Scott Hall. Anderson really cops out. The thing I liked most was there doesn't seem to be any real ego or bigheadedness about him, he still seems surprised fans want his autograph.


    Really enjoyed the interview. And Billy Gunn bursting in halfway through was an unexpected bonus. Gonna finally give the Waltman Youshoot a watch in a bit I think.


    His KC youshoot is tons better. I just got myself a copy here. Came after just two days too.


    He's a top bloke really with a pretty dry sense of humour. That, or he's a bit thick but either way I fucking love the guy.


    Get him and Billy back. The business needs guys like these two about and in the locker room as trainers or whatever.

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