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Posts posted by Hyperion

  1. Saw 6 and Saw 7 (3D!!): I thought these were significantly better than 3, 4 and 5 because they didn't try (and fail) to be especially clever this time. Hoffman is an utterly absurd villain who doesn't try very hard at all to avoid acting like the most shifty and evil man in the universe. Then, when he is rumbled, he starts killing EVERYONE. Fantastic. I thought his end was nice and fitting too. Also some of the stuff about medical insurance in number 6 was surprisingly affecting and sincere. Tobin Bell's scenes are all still solid gold as well. I love how insanely elaborate and expensive looking some of the traps are in these. Honestly who has the time/manpower/money? Mad props for the use of the brazen bull though. Always been a fan of that story. Also, Betsy Russell is 48 years old? Get the fuck outta here.

    Nice to see someone else that doesn't have a 'everything after SAW 1 is wank' attitude. Some great entertainment and memorable characters in that series, Hoffman is so great to me that I'm more or less routing for him throughout over the good guys, tho he did deserve what happened to him it was by no means final. Since only the 6th installment did poor box office, I wouldn't be totally shocked if a SAW 8 came along one day, however I'd also be happy for it to stay at 7 movies with a fitting end.
  2. Just throwing them out there, probably wrong


    Film 1


    Cherry 2000



    Film 2


    EDIT What Gladstone said !!



    Dead Heat - Yes!!! Thats the one. (+ to make things even better the full movie up on Youtube. Thats tonights viewing sorted).


    Re film 2 - Had a quick look on Wiki & I'm 99% certain its not Cherry 2000. I actually have a vague recollection of when Cherry 2000 was released on video & I am pretty sure I saw my mystery film well before then.

    Sounds like my old 80's fave Battletruck which I actually saw before Mad Max 2. If it's not that I'll throw 'Stryker' & 'Wheels Of Fire' into the mix too. Early 80's were awash with Road Warrior movies.

  3. I very very rarely go into On-Topic so I don't know how popular it still is, but just out of interest, which of the two get more activity?

    I'd guess at Off-Topic, I see more going on there and like yourself I mainly post there. Since the post count bummers have become extinct (except Mab but he's been dealt accordingly ages ago) maybe its worth making posts count there now?

  4. If I remember somebody mentioning this correctly, I think it was disabled because old word association game threads were leading to shite posters clocking up thousands of posts and basically +1ing all over the place.
    Ah that makes perfect sense, I remember the 1PW forum having similar threads clogged up with shit posters who pretty much never made a post of worth anywhere else ever.
  5. I was just wondering with the brief mention of post counts earlier and this maybe a 'Why is the sky blue?' type question but why don't posts in off topic count towards your post count, I mean I know 99% of people don't give a rats buttocks about their post count but I just wondered if there was any reason other than they aren't posts about wrestling on a wrestling forum.

  6. I have a random question, on UFC 142, whats the dance song in the arena background for 2 or 3 mins while Mike & Joe are talking just before the main event, heard it out in pubs & clubs loads of times but I have no clue who its by or what its called, can anybody help?


    Benny Benassi Ft Chris Brown - Beautiful People

    Thanks so much, it would've niggled at me for ages if not for you.


  7. I have a random question, on UFC 142, whats the dance song in the arena background for 2 or 3 mins while Mike & Joe are talking just before the main event, heard it out in pubs & clubs loads of times but I have no clue who its by or what its called, can anybody help?




    What happened to the Bashams and the Highlanders? Are they still going around the indies?


    I've not seen any of their names pop up anywhere for a good while, and the fact that none of them appears to have an official website, or appear on any indy fed/booking agent websites (I've not scoured the depths of the internet, mind, but you'd expect it to pop up in the first 20 or so Google results) suggests that if they are doing anything, it's sporadic and probably local to them.


    The Highlanders Wiki page has a picture of one of them (Robbie? The one with hair who went to watch TNA during Mania weekend) from an indy show in January of last year where he looks about 1/2 the size he was in WWE, which suggests he's at least given it up as a full-time thing.

    I'm sure I heard Doug Basham retired to become either a cop or a fireman a couple of years ago.

  8. This isn't an upcoming movie, but it's a making of all the same, and it'll break your heart.


    Aborted make-up test for Raimi's Green Goblin


    The shitty robot space lizard Power Ranger look of the Goblin was the one sticking point of the Spidey film for me. I was dying to see, well, this :(




    Thats amazing. The hat is shit but it couldnt be any more faithful to the comics



    The new Thing film annoyed me with the CGI and theres a video those guys posted which shows most of the CGI was done as Practical effects but they changed them in the end... :(

    No they used practical effects and enhanced them with CGI, the tentacles etc, it all got used. Film only had a 10 million budget, they did what they could. Using no CGI wouldn't improve anything really, it'd take longer to film and cost more I'm guessing.
  9. Can MAB have been staying in Keeno's spare room when this fire occurs? Please.Goodbye Keeno, thanks for giving the people you hate most a babyface boost on your way out the door, hope you enjoyed Mab stealing your heat within a page as well, its probably helped take some wear and tear off your F5 button.

  10. Hyperion: I wasn't intentionally looking for a VHS rip but the UK release of Navy Seals is on the MGM classics range which are notorious for having shit transfers and random edited versions on them :thumbsup:
    Ah fair do's. I do have it on VHS & DVD and I think its an alright release that one but can't fault you for not wanting to have to fuck about and download it twice cause it was fucked up by MGM.
  11. I tracked down a VHS rip of Navy Seals (1990) the other day. Its a generic 80s/90s action film starring Charlie Sheen, Michael Bien and Bill Paxton and has every cliche in it. It also randomly jumps into being a 10minute recruitment video for the American Military about halfway through with a training montage that has nothing to do with the film. I will always remember it more fondly for the Amiga game



    Why a VHSrip its been out on dvd for 10 years at least. Cracking actioner of its time tho, still worth an occasional watch.

  12. So, because I feel the need to self-harm but don't have anything sharp handy, I'm going to watch Paranormal Activity 2. Should I stick to the theatrical version again for continuity, or is the extended version safe to watch without altering the plot?
    The extended version just has 7 mins of extra story, nothing that alters continuity. More ghosty/demony stuff. i think Part 2 was my favourite, my mate hates it however and prefers the first. Nowt like split opinon.
  13. I'm a big fan of him in 30 Rock, but I've avoided Cop Out because of the reviews. Should I give it a go?

    As I said a couple of months ago, watch the trailer for a good indicator of the humour and the characters roles, it should help you decide if its worth it to spend your time on it. Basically its just some silly fun that's probably been over-analysed because of who directed it.

  14. Fast Five (Fast And Furious 5, or whatever it's called)


    I don't think I've seen any of the others but I gave this a go because most of The Rock's action movies are decent. I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed it. I gather the previous movies are more car-based than action, so are they worth watching?

    I've always shat on these type of movies, fuck me I still cry when I think of 'Torque' but I have a big soft spot for the FATF series, if you watch the first and like it, stroll on through the rest, for me the weakest is Part 2 and I quite like Tokyo Drift despite that being unpopular with most. I've not seen the 5th one yet, looking forward to it. There is action in the previous ones the cars and races are just a backdrop to it.

  15. I've now watched 3 episodes of the re-imagined ThunderCats, and it is awesome. I never really watched the cartoon as a kid so can't tell you how it relates but as a stand alone series I'm completely hooked.
    Agreed. I like to think its like the old cartoon crossed with Game Of Thrones. I'd say they've aimed it at the adults that watched the old show as a kid and at todays kids to gain a new following and succeeded in that.

    Check it out if you like the sound that,guys.

  16. Watched Bronson last night. Loved it. Tom Hardy is a fucking beast in it, and it's definitely a huge step above the "hard man geezer" film I thought it was going to be it. Incredible art direction and surreal elements really added to the gritty and brutal realism of the violence.


    Great soundtrack too.

    Indeed, its a great movie even better second time around. And yeah the soundtrack definitely gets caught in the mind. I instantly downloaded all the songs from it straight afterwards.
  17. I hope his Cell bars are made of Awesometacular.


    I see he's in court here - James MCCREADIE BROWN SCS/2011-091088 AI10006713 Court 4 Airdrie Sheriff Court Tuesday 2 August 2011 - If anyone fancies attending. Its a different court to the one where he was allegedly stabbed outside so I assume its for that other charge so lets hold off on the thread return till thats over too.

  18. The Running Man, was excellent. Is creaking at the seams though and would be I think ripe for a remake ( yes I said it!) The film stock it was shot on was terrible and is aged badly. The helicopter Scenes for the Bakersfield Massacre especially in Cockpit havent held up well and the masking/bluescreen or whatever for the skyline view is shonky at best. What shocked me was how grim it was as in, its very down beat and dirty and dystopian. That still holds up really well as does the plot overall and its odd that Dynamo comes up and stinks the place out as he appears utterly out of place in the whole thing. Id be interested to see those who have read the Richard Bachman, sorry Steven King Book/Novella/ Short Story and see how it compares. The special effects other than that are generally good and I want to know how they did the tunnels from the gameshow set to the game zone. Fuck it even Mick Fleetwood isnt awful.

    Bit of aging aside most of Arnold's films are still very watchable and enjoyable I always think. I like Dynamo, he was like the thing I hated most as a kid, just a fat ridiculous character but now he makes me laugh, I believe the actor was a Wrestler & Opera singer, he'd have made a perfect WWF character back in the day, sadly he died shortly after filming. I also think of Vader when I see Buzzsaw.

    Anyway I've read the book and although it was a long time ago, I recall it being fack all like the film, yes it has a game type hunt with Ben Richards but thats about where the similarity ends. Same went for my reading of Jaws around the same time, its not the same as the movie. These days films stick pretty close to the source material.

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