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Kenny McBride

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Posts posted by Kenny McBride

  1. I feel for comic geeks, as it's not so different from being a wrestling geek and getting frustrated with the way wrestling gets treated elsewhere. The thing is, though, that comics are so full of (sometimes really dreadful) ret-conning and there have been so many different explanations of various characters backgrounds, powers and so on that you really can't get too upset about a few changes made to suit a movie version of a character's story. A lack of internal continuity between Wolverine and the X-Men films would bug me - I've not seen Wolverine yet, so I don't know how big a problem it is, if at all - but even then, it's not the end of the world.

  2. Yeah thats what I thought when you see the DDT it doesnt seem that bad so I thought it must of been a hidden work like what they did with the Sandman's blindness injury. Just been watching an episode of History Of ECW on WWE 24/7 from The Doctor Is In 96 with Pitbull1 with the neckbrace on etc and it reminded me of the whole angle.


    He had a halo screwed into his skull. I'm inclined to think that you wouldn't do that for an angle. Hell, ECW couldn't have afforded to do that for an angle. The story goes that they deliberately exaggerated the seriousness of it - not that it wasn't plenty serious already - and that he exaggerated the loss of feeling in his arm and so on to help sell the angle.

  3. Anybody have a copy of Hogan's nWo theme? It's a Jimi Hendrix song, and it contains various nWo related soundbytes. Thanks.

    Isn't it just "Voodoo Chile"?

    It's "Voodoo Child", can't blame you though, sometimes when you're just listening to music it's hard to tell exactly what their saying.

    It means voodoo child, but the song is actually entitled "Voodoo Chile", from the album Electric Ladyland.


    Also, sorry I didn't read the questio properly - no idea about the soundbytes.

    Found it!




    The Hogan song is Voodoo Child (Slight Return). Voodoo Chile is a different track (a 15 minute jam) on the same album.


    That's not how it reads on my sexy naked-ladies gatefold sleeve version of the album...


    That's a cataloguing error from the original vinyl release which is corrected on some CD editions. The CD I have has a booklet with Hendrix's handwritten notes on the album including his preferred running order and he has it as Chile (15 minute track) and Child (Hogan theme) respectively.




    Or, to put it another way, fuck off smartass. :p

  4. Anybody have a copy of Hogan's nWo theme? It's a Jimi Hendrix song, and it contains various nWo related soundbytes. Thanks.

    Isn't it just "Voodoo Chile"?

    It's "Voodoo Child", can't blame you though, sometimes when you're just listening to music it's hard to tell exactly what their saying.

    It means voodoo child, but the song is actually entitled "Voodoo Chile", from the album Electric Ladyland.


    Also, sorry I didn't read the questio properly - no idea about the soundbytes.

    Found it!




    The Hogan song is Voodoo Child (Slight Return). Voodoo Chile is a different track (a 15 minute jam) on the same album.


    That's not how it reads on my sexy naked-ladies gatefold sleeve version of the album...

  5. Does anyone know if the fire incident involving Cactus Jack and Terry Funk in ECW back in 1995 made it to video? always wanted to see it since I read about it many moons ago


    Or even a link to watch it online which would be better

    Thats so weird, I just can into the topic to ask this. I think it was after a Cactus vs Dreamer match but I'm not sure.


    The "match" itself was shown in clips on the TV show with Tommy Dreamer narrating the whole thing. It was a pretty creative way round the fact that legally, it would have been a major risk to show the incident itself on TV since the fan who got burned was suing the company. Since that lawsuit didn't get settled until years later, by which time the company probably didn't see any benefits in letting anyone see it, it was never released at all.


    Given that the crucifixion tapes "were destroyed" and yet miraculously showed up in time to make the WWE DVD, I assume the footage exists in some form, somewhere. Whether it will ever see the light of day or not is another question. My guess is no.

  6. Hey there just wondering if anyone can remember a wrestling show what took place in London ( I think ) back in 1996 called St Valentines Day Massacre??? it had Sabu, RVD, Mikey Whipwreck on it in a tournament or something. Just been reading an old issue of Powerslam from 1996 and it was advertised on the back page, did this get released on video? and is it kicking about any where.


    It was released on video (with commentary by ME!), but I have no idea where you'd get a copy now. There are traders out there who have it, so I guess it's just a case of finding one. And then getting them to forward the appropriate royalties plus 12 years of interest to me. :angry:

  7. Pardon me if this was asked before but, can someone tell me the most recent occurance of Kenta Kobashi doing a moonsault?


    The last I remember seeing was against Takayama, but I'm pretty he's done it at least once since then. Damned if I know where or when. Sorry.


    He hit a moonsault in his return from cancer dream tag match at the Budokan Hall show in December 2007. As that was his last big Budokan Hall main event match I'd assume it was the last time he hit the move, but I could be wrong.


    Shit. I've still not watched that match. I've got it sitting right here too. :(

  8. Pardon me if this was asked before but, can someone tell me the most recent occurance of Kenta Kobashi doing a moonsault?


    The last I remember seeing was against Takayama, but I'm pretty he's done it at least once since then. Damned if I know where or when. Sorry.

  9. Just wondering if anyone could answer this question whats been bugging me the past couple of days, there was a japanese wrestler in WCW back in 1995/96 time managed by Sonny Ono. His name has totally gone blank from my mind for some reason the name Kawasaki or something springs to mind, I remember him being in a angle with Road Warrior Hawk where he injured his arm.


    Only thought of it again when I've been watching ROH lately as Go Shiozaki looks like him, any1 have a clue as to what I'm talking about


    Kurosawa, also known as New Japan's Manabu Nakanishi. Dude was awesome. :)

  10. Was Jackie "Mr. TV" Pallo's matches ever on that "World of Sport" show? (when it was on TWC\Fight Network). I don't recall any on there.


    If I remember rightly, there are only one or two of his matches in the archive. His heyday was the '60s and almost all the stuff in the archive is from the '70s and later. He wasn't even involved with Joint Promotions from 1974 onwards.

  11. An old dear came into my shop the other day and got chatting to one of my staff about how her husband, who died fairly recently was a wrestler years ago, and was very well known to British wrestling fans. My staff member can't remember what his name was, and the lady hasn't been back in. I'm in Canterbury and I know Jackie Pallo was living in Ramsgate as of the late nineties, but I don't recall hearing that he'd died. Anyone think of any other big names who've died in the last year or two that were around the Kent/ South east area? This is a long shot I know, I'm just curious.


    Pallo did die a couple of years ago. A popular UKFFer even wrote this about him:



  12. I love you guys. :love:


    Except everyone who voted for my competitors, obviously. Curse all of you.


    You smarmy shit. How long will it take you to get round the country and deliver all those promised blowjobs?


    Edit: I should probably conceal my raging bitterness by congratulating all the winners. Well done folks. Special congratulations to Brock Lesnar, for proving Supremo right about everything.

  13. You've only seen Moralez once, although 1. being fat isn't a bad thing in itself, and he's not that fat, and 2. I think you'll find most people on here will tell you that they've seen Moralez in at least two or three classics this year.


    I'm just saying that I saw nothing in him. Maybe he was having an off-night, but plenty of people reckoned that match was a "classic" so I dunno. And of course being fat isn't a bad thing. I'm a huge fan of Bam Bam and Vader and I loves my Samoans. I just didn't see any of that with Moralez.


    Spud not being believable, well - most people usually have no better reason to give than that he's small, but the guy is definitely one of the best workers in the UK right now. His strikes and intensity are believable, I find, and generally speaking, I've seen him hold crowds in the palm of his hand in places like IPW:UK and 1PW.


    I've seen Spud a few times now and he's not impressed me any of those times. I can imagine him being an obnoxious prick heel could be entertaining, but I've not seen it.


    As for the whole Scotland thing - quite frankly, Kenny, I've seen quite a bit of ScotWres, and I honestly don't think it's all that wonderful to the point where it's any better than stuff down here, and I have to say: a lot of the stuff I read on here really does sound like patriotic bias. I've not seen Lionheart and can't comment, but I've seen Drew Galloway, who's got great potential, but then I've seen a few others, and I really have to wonder where you guys pull it from, because I'm not seeing it. A lot of the people I've seen you and Haraga talk about are really over-rated, and it mystifies me as to what your criteria are. I'm not saying this to be harsh, but the whole Shitarse 50 thing for me really did highlight this whole thing; you guys have just as many shitarses as England does, and yet you only had one in the entire damn list. Yes, you had the Bawbag Fifteen, but, in all honesty, it had a whole undertone of "ach, these are our shit guys, but they're still of a higher level than anything that comes out of England". Maybe that wasn't what was intended, but that's what it felt like.


    Well, that's because we're racist, obviously. There aren't at least a dozen other perfectly legitimate reasons for statistical anomalies when comparing a country of 5m to a country of more than 50m.


    And to be fair, if you've "seen quit a bit of ScotWres" and haven't seen Lionheart, I have to wonder what you've been watching. He's a main event player for every company worth watching up here and has been for almost two years. He's also had a bit of play down south, most notably for 1PW.


    I'm (quite reasonably) proud of the fact that Scotland has a reasonably successful wrestling industry. Someone joked that Lionheart getting votes ahead of a couple of guys whom my evidence shows to be mediocre must be due to "patriotic bias". I joked back about the relative merits of "EngWres" and "ScotWres." But it's kidding on the square - just count the numbers and you know I'm right.


    The whole "drawing a crowd" thing - keep something in mind: Scotland has, at most, 8 promotions of any note. England has at least 40. Of course ScotWres shows are going to draw better - they've still got the novelty factor.


    England has a population more than ten times that of Scotland. Greater London's population is roughly double that of Scotland. By your maths, English companies should be able to draw double the average Scottish crowd. And it's not like Bellshill, Alloa, Irvine and the like are some massive metropolises so things are skewed by population density issues. PBW and SWA (I'm not sure about BCW) run a lot more shows than many of the most pimped promotions in England and still draw more consistently strong crowds without such a regular reliance on imported "names". Indeed, the last time I can remember that any Scottish promotion used anyone imported from further away than Kent was when BCW used a couple of guys from Alex Shane's supershows.

  14. It's crazy to think about the current state of the US wrestling scene with those figures, the current supposed number 2 promotion can barely reach what the former number 3 promotion from the old hierarchy did, and that's with Panda pumping money constantly into it. Jeez.


    Yeah, but ECW started running PPVs as the biggest wrestling boom in history was getting rolling. TNA didn't even exist until that boom was well over, and has only existed during the ongoing decline of the industry as a whole.

    And is booked by ADD-affected chimps with precisely zero understanding of how wrestling should work.


    I thought that was taken as read...

  15. It's crazy to think about the current state of the US wrestling scene with those figures, the current supposed number 2 promotion can barely reach what the former number 3 promotion from the old hierarchy did, and that's with Panda pumping money constantly into it. Jeez.


    Yeah, but ECW started running PPVs as the biggest wrestling boom in history was getting rolling. TNA didn't even exist until that boom was well over, and has only existed during the ongoing decline of the industry as a whole.

  16. Are we thinking of subtitles for people? Since it's looks like I'm gonna just miss out on the big prize for the second year running, can I get the Lex Luger Award? :p


    Or just "Bitter little man". :(


    Whoever wins the LOL award should be titled "not funny any more" as that's what always happens.

  17. There is NO WAY that Lionheart is even close to a Dave Moralez, Spud, Mark Haskins or Zack Sabre Jr....I sense some patriotic bias here ;)


    I've only seen Moralez once and he was a fat, useless mess. Spud is just not believable in any way. I've not seen the Rock Star thing, but I'm still struggling to buy it. I've not seen Haskins or Sabre Jr.


    Lionheart, on the other hand, has had a bunch of really good matches, looks good, has tremendous charisma and can talk a bit too. But obviously it's just Leon fucking Jackson all over again...despite Lionheart being a featured performer for 1PW as much as he's a top hand for every company in Scotland. You know Scotland, right? The place where small independent wrestling companies can draw what we call "a crowd"? I know it's a term you Anglos aren't very familiar with. :rolleyes:

  18. I went for GSP. He looks damn near unbeatable and he's been exciting in every fight. He's incredibly charismatic too, and has a way cool entrance with his Karate Kid gimmick and all. I can't wait to see him kick the crap out of that fat Hawaian.

  19. If I remember rightly, the idea was that he'd clothesline Inoki on the outside and start celebrating as if he'd killed him, then Inoki would make the big gutsy comeback, hit the enzuigiri from behind and score the pin. As it turned out, Hogan caught him hard on the chin, knocking him cold. They tried to buy him some time, but he was out of it. Hogan became the first IWGP champion due to incompetence (and Inoki having a chin that's ricockulously hard to miss).

  20. How big of a draw was Hulk Hogan pre-WWF/1984 in the AWA and New Japan (post Rocky III). I'm just reading a old article in Power Slam from 2002 where it says "contrary to popular belief, Hulk Hogan was the biggest attraction in wrestling long before he hooked up with the World Wrestling Federation." Is this true? And where does Hulk Hogan come on a scale of popularity between him and other notable foreigners who compete in Japan (like The Steiner Brothers, The Road Warriors, Stan Hansen, Andre etc.)


    I'm not sure about the AWA - though I know that losing Hogan was generally considered one of the major blows that helped put the company down for the count - but in New Japan, yes, he was right up there with the likes of Hansen and Brody. I'd think he's probably a bit ahead of the Steiners and the Road Warriors, if only because they're tag teams and so don't have the individual star power of a Hogan. Andre's a slightly harder one to judge, as Andre was never a guy who hung around very long, having competitive matches with everyone. He was a main event guy his whole time there though and faced Inoki in the finals of the first IWGP title tournament. Unless I'm very much mistaken, he won that (although he wasn't really meant to), so he was a major player.


    Certainly, even in the States, he was marked out for stardom from very early on. He was pushed in Florida when he started, went straight into main events in Memphis (but then who didn't?) and was one of the first guys in New York to really get a lot of heat on Andre in the build-up to the Shea Stadium show. However, contrary to Hogan's book, he wasn't a main eventer at that point, being I think third or fourth from top underneath Bruno/Zybszko and Samoans/Backlund/Pedro.

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