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Kenny McBride

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Posts posted by Kenny McBride

  1. Do you know any of the guys working the show? Your best bet would be to get in touch with one of them and explain your story. Although if Heyman's "recreate EVERYTHING about ECW (down to Atlas Security, the same ticket-tearers etc.)" plan goes ahead, you can bet half the front row is already reserved for Sign Guy, Hat Guy, Dreads and all those guys. Otherwise, I guess just make sure you get in as quickly as you can and pray for a good seat. If they are randomly allocated, get to the building early and sweet-talk someone with your transatlantic sob story. ;)

  2. Can anyone tell me who was under the mask of Kimchee - Kamala's manager? I think i read somewhere it was Steve 'Brooklyn Brawler' Lombardi, was it him?

    When wrestling, yes I think it was. I think "Downtown" Bruno Lauer (Harvey Whippleman) also worked as Kim Chee at times, when he was just a manager.
  3. Whats with all the British stars (Domino, Eric Schwarts, Robbie Brookside etc.) on WWE this week when there in the UK?

    WWE is constantly scouting new talent. On the last few tours they've had a few guys doing private workouts with the road agents, given Brookside some TV work (probably on the recommendation of his good friend William Regal) and used one or two other guys on TV to let them get a better look at them. That's how Burchill got picked up, and there have been one or two rumblings about the guys they looked at this time as well.
  4. Have any WWE films been released yet?

    The Rock's films (Scorpion King, The Rundown/Welcome To The Jungle and Walking Tall) were all credited as "in association with WWE Films".Obviously that's just a tip of the hat to the fact that Rock was a contracted WWE performer at that time (as is the fact that Vince McMahon is credited as Executive Producer), but I thought it was worth mentioning - just to be anal.
    I seem to recall that for The Scorpion King at least, Vince staked Rock's fee ($5m, I think), and so was credited as an associate executive producer or some such thing. Thus, he got a stake in a movie he was plugging like hell and that he (or his creation) created much of the buzz for. Also, it set a nice price for Rock's future movies and got Vince a foot in the Hollywood door as a guy who was involved with a fairly successful flick.
  5. The Job Squad started as an Al Snow joke - he told Cornette he was starting a "clique" and they'd be the most powerful guys in the business, because all they had to do was no-sell everyone's finshes and all the top guys would be destroyed while they'd be instant superstars. It became a backstage gang of ECW/WWF guys like Snow, Candido, the bWo guys, and a bunch of others. Around 1998 (I think) it became an on-screen deal with the guys you mentioned. The awesome T-shirts were originally Snow's own designs, but WWF picked them up. The best one was "Flat on our backs since birth". Can anyone remember how many different shirts there were?

  6. What was Jonny Storm's theme music at the IPW-UK debut show?

    I wasn't at the show so have no clue but he does use Chesney Hawkes 'One And Only' at shows.
    Well, he uses a dodgy remix of it on FWA shows. On other shows, he used to use Let's Dance by 5ive. Not sure what he's been using more recently.
  7. In traditional British rules, does a round end when someone gets pinned OR when someone gets pinned do they continue until the round finishes

    Each round is three or five minutes, after the allotted time there is a minute break. The match ends when there is a pinfall or submission, although a lot of matches are two out of three falls, so when the early falls happen the action stops for a minute before you restart at the time that the fall was counted. So if the first fall is in the second round, two minutes in, you start the match with a minute left in the second round.Its like a boxing match, but they wrestle instead. That's always been my understanding of it.
    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure a fall ends the round. Anyone got the Mountevans rulebook handy?If so, can I buy it? :D
  8. Does anybody have the skivvy on what Dan Maff did to Homicide?

    Phoned him up and agreed to work an angle with him.
    No way. Maff BETRAYED the 187 on a STREET LEVEL, G. This ain't no internet smart mark work shit, dog, this is some REAL shit, and Maff betta watch his back, because Homi is a legit street gangsta and will fuck up the 3-foot-taller and 200lbs-heavier Maff in a heartbeat for what that biatch did.Also, he'll break his keyboard.
  9. Well yeah, but that was part of a much bigger legal mess, involving the trademark infringement with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash "in their Razor Ramon and Diesel characterisations" appearing on WCW shows, the DX WCW invasion and all sorts of other dodgy shit. Every lawyer in America knows you can't sue parodists or satirists for libel. It all goes back to The People Vs. Larry Flynt (the lawsuit, not the film).

  10. Does anyone know when the BWO 1st apeared in ECW?

    November To Remember 1996. It was supposed to be a one night gimmick (like all of their other parodies), but it got over so well they just went with it.
    Did ECW ever get sued for it?
    The first amendment to the US Constitution protects parody and satire from the libel laws, so a case like that would be a non-starter. Same with the Billionaire Ted skits.
  11. Leave it Bobbins. He's not worth it. Let's just start a thread about what a wanker he is at Spider Tw...nah, never mind. ;)And Herbie, your channel also brings together a variety of sports. I mean, you're not seriously telling me that CMLL and NOAH are comparable products? First person to mention Akiyama on that AAA tour gets slapped.

  12. Mo, in response to your question, it would be a major boon for all companies involved (including the FWA and TWC) if that many companies got deals with the channel. With multiple alternatives, fans would be more likely to give any and all British wrestling a chance, and arena fans would be more likely to tune in and watch all the stuff on TWC - not just "their" company. Also, competition would force all the wrestling offices to constantly drive their standards higher, and by extension, drive the standards of wrestling in this country higher. As it is, companies are going to feel, rightly or wrongly, that it doesn't matter what they do, as the FWA seems to have a lock on the station. Alternatively, they may (mistakenly) view TWC as the holy grail, and they may see massive investment as the only way to get on the channel, and bankrupt themselves in the process.

  13. Yes, but wrestling is the bastard child of entertainment, and as long as WWE has no self-respect, wrestling in general will get no respect, and as long as there's stories about paedophiles and ultraviolence to cover, there will never be serious interest from other channels in wrestling.

  14. Can I just add that Moj is wrong about me, and I hope he gets cancer?I don't actually hope he gets cancer. I just need half my statement to be false, so I can retract it later. ;)

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