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Posts posted by Magnum

  1. Although he can be a bit of a cunt sometimes, I think referring to Pete Doherty as a "self-described" poet is a bit inaccurate. He won a poetry competition that got him touring Russia when he was a kid, I'm no poetry buff, but those that are deemed him okay.


    Don't get me wrong - by that I meant that he actually considers himself a poet, as opposed to just having idiot fans who repeatedly describe him as such (i.e 'John Lennon/Bob Dylan/Shakin Stevens is the greatest poet of the 20th Century'). I just find poetry writing in general a pretentious and cuntish profession/pastime. Jeff Hardy does it - what more evidence do you need?


    Not that I'm generalising, you understand...

  2. Claims to support QPR despite coming from Hexham
    Thats not a reason to hate someone. I'm sure he started supporting QPR when he came down here to study which is valid enough. Unlike those people who claim to support Man United despite coming from Birmingham, London etc.


    When did he study there - do you mean uni or school? If it's school, fair enough. If it's uni, fuck him. You pick your football team before you get to voting age, or not at all.

  3. Think i may have to get hold of a copy of The Corner as soon as. Also going to buy some of David Simons novels too. I have become a little obsessed with Baltimore and finding out more about it.


    It seems way too much like where Britain is headed for my liking.


    Check out some George Pelecanos books, if you haven't already. He's a writer on The Wire and his plots and characters follow similar themes.

  4. I don't understand. Vickie Guerrero saying, "excuse me," is considered comedic? I don't think so. The only thing funny about it is how, when saying those two words, she can often generate more heel heat than anyone of the past five to ten years.


    I went for Santino doing Melina's entrance, but as long as something involving Santino wins then I'll be happy. He's fantastic.


    Agreed. None of those are in my top Santino moments, but for me nothing beats him stealing Jerry 'Stoopid' Lawler's delicious Subway sandwich.

  5. Enjoyed Plus One on Channel 4 last night, pretty funny. Seen the lead actor in something else before on bbc 3 I think, set in Blackpool which was quite dark so interesting to see him play a full on comedy part.


    Lovin Only Fools and Horses on GOLD :) , I didn't really watch it a lot first time around apart from the Xmas specials.


    I think you are talking about Funland, which was a rather dark series from a few years back.


    Plus One is really quite fun, both episodes so far have been really good and it is good to see Duncan from Blue sending himself up. Worth a watch if you have not seen it yet.


    Agree with you both. Even the actor who played mini Den in Eastenders has been funny in it so far. Good to see Big Suze from Peep Show in a selection of skimpy outfits in Friday's episode as well.

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