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Posts posted by streamingfreedom

  1. Marajade, totally yeah, I agree. He is putting in tremendous effort in trying to overcome adversity and for that I applaud the shit out of the lad. Truly I do. I think it's great he does what he does considering.But this is pro wrestling, and it's about wrestlers wrestling. It's not a social club.

  2. It's wrestling, a (albeit pretend) competitive athletic contest.It's not a charity telethon where you see someone and go "oh bless, here's a donation". And if he's getting sympathy for being disabled, then he's not doing a job. As his job as a wrestler, he is supposed to get sympathy for being beat down but fighting back to try and win through the adversity. With Dan, that's not adversity, that's not even a match.And besides, at shows, kids and fans generally just laugh at him. That's not me being cuntish, it's true.

  3. Wow, wow, wow and fucking wow. UKHG goes and puts the finest point on something one could ever dream of.


    My turn :thumbsup:


    Now I admit I slated PTW once before and was met with staniforth's "you weren't there so you can't blah blah blah" drivel. Well, I have since been to 2 ptw shows, so now I can.


    I went to the last one, something named after a bon jovi song, in stevenage and to be frank I was wrong in how negative I was to ptw. I should have been MORE negative.


    So let's address a few things from this debate thus far myself...........



    "Something tells me you didn't buy the copies, which could technically rule you out of the 'I paid, so I have a right to an opinion' theory. "

    You total prick. Really. Anyone who watches wwe on free tv, has no right to an opinion. Or borrows a copy of a dvd. Or watches it online. You sell a product. Your consumers have the right as consumers to give opinions on it, that is the idea. Idiot.


    "A lot of people will tell you we're better now"

    The people you put on your shows that can't get work elsewhere because they are untrained do not count. Before Aphrodite or Hailz jumps in on that to defend their beloved ptw, that means you too.


    "And you're qualified to make that judgement? Do tell what gives you the justification to make it, please...? I'm fascinated."

    While maybe an "internet mark" as many may say, UKHG goes to pretty much every fed in the uk and as many shows as he can muster and has seen every level of talent on the scene. And, HE IS A CONSUMER OF THE PRODUCT!


    "- The promoter (Peter "I'm from Luton!!!!1" Staniforth) clearly pushes himself as the main focus of the shows over any of the in-ring performing talent, and comes across as fancying himself as a bit of a local celebrity. He is invovled in everything on the show, and barely a segment goes by where he doesn't make his presence felt. "

    Yes, yes he does. At Stevenage he opened the show with a segment purely to get his child son over (:-S) and talk to all 20 fans about ptw being a real fed. In his eyes anyway.........


    "For all I know, he might be a really nice guy"

    Yes, he is. In the "Owen Hart" style.


    "but he pushes himself as more important than the wrestlers."

    Oh I don't know, at Luton once before he was involved in about.........every match. Not overkill at all :-)


    "But, at the end of the day, the fans hand over their money for a ticket to watch the wrestling matches first and foremost"

    Take note ..........


    "Sure, his character could have a direct influence on/in those matches and add meaning, interest and importance to them in the eyes of the fans"

    Not in that 12 year old boy voice.


    "I try to keep everything glued together, and for those who weren't as confident with promo's and such; I tried to keep an involvement to help."

    Erm, how can you help with that when you stink, no, fucking reek at it.


    "- PTW regular Dan Edge is a disabled wrestler who appears to have a false leg. He comes to the ring on crutches and puts in the best effort that he can (he was also cast in the role of the disabled "fan" that Sterling James Keenan attacked at an early 1PW show). A truly inspirational real-life story about believe, heart and achievement. How does PTW handle this? It books him as a heel. A dirty, villainous, coniving cheat. Although PTW is encouraging its audience to boo, abuse and hate this guy, the fans themselves are clearly uncomfortable with this, and as such his involvement in the shows is awkward, lacks heat, and lacks interest."

    In fairness, dan edge has no business near a ring. Is that harsh to a disabled man? No, this is wrestling. You wouldn't get physically handicapped athletes in the premiership or pro boxing. End of the day, nobody, no matter how much suspension of disbelief or willingness to be nice, can sit and say seeing him against an able bodied wrestler is watchable. Sorry but true.


    "The likes of B52, Frantastic, Rich N Famous, Brian Braddock, Jim Brooks etc are all just poor wrestlers, and you can really tell that the crowd, even being the "casual", family-based crowd that it is, realises it. They all have poor looks, weak personalities, next to no charisma, and in inability to structure a match in such a way that it tells the viewer a story that flows, makes sense, and keeps me, or anyone, interested."

    There is a lot of shit there, really, but in fairness, some of those mentioned aren't useless but really stacked against the odds. You could play tennis against a fence ok, you could have the greatest serve ever, perfect form, power, aim, the lot. It could be worthy of any top league player. You're still playing with a fence.


    "One thing Rich McClaine (formerly Famous), and Braddock and Frantastic are NOT; are poor wrestlers. All take their craft very seriously, especially Braddock and Frantastic on their learning curve, and I would dearly love to see you make such comment to their faces."

    Well if they were professional, they wouldn't lash out like UG WRESTLER, PUNCH ARGHHH because that's assault. Idiot.


    "- Wheeler, Special Agent and Leon X are possibly the worst wrestlers I have ever seen in any UK wrestling promotion ever"

    Mate, wait til you see Jay Cool and Paul McSherry.............


    "Wheeler and Agent represent the very worst in wrestling - skinny kids in craptastically awful ring gear, sticking ridgidly to their abysmal routined sequences of exchanging horrid flips, flops and "high spots" all without making any of it mean a fucking thing to anyone unfortunate enough of having the displeasure of catching one of their matches. Thing is, their flips, flops and "high spots" were so unbelievably crap and awkward-looking that you almost had to laugh in a "it's so bad, it's kinda entertaining" way. They clearly fancy themselves as fast-paced high-flyers, but end up just being embarrassing and cringeworthy. Leon X (or "LeXon", as his ring jacket would have you believe) is a fat guy with a semi-believable aura - until he starts wrestling. He is supposedly PTW's hardcore "icon", if you will, but is the most distinctly unhardcore hardcore wrestler in the history of pro wrestling. His flimsy weapon shots, slow motion brawling and breathtakingly lame offence has to rank him as possibly the crappiest of all time. Sure, a great "worker" is one that can make his offence look good without causing harm to his opponent, but even the kids in the audience were audibly laughing at how spectacularly naff he was, and his weak-ass weapon shots took any credibility or believablity out of the match that there was any slim chance of there already being. He regularly looked completely lost or clueless as to what he should want to do next, and it all led to everything coming across to me, the viewer, as awkward, sloppy and really, really lame."

    No more needing saying. Wheeler, a child, looks awful and hits like a child. Special Agent, heavy on the "Special" and Jim Brooks is offensive to the eyes.


    "The DVDs themselves are equally as bad as the rest of the promotion. The box art is utterly attrocious (really bad posed photos, roughly cut-n-pasted in front of backgrounds that seem to have been designed on MS Paint, photos on the back are blurred motion shots, produced on a poor quality printer) for starters, and then once you've put the DVD in your machine it doesn't get much better.The production is laughably bad. "

    Jesus yes. And the wwe music and the "don't try this........" thing must be illegal?



    "It's the comemnt about the 'high number of non-wrestling people' that amuses me here. I encourage people to watch our music videos on YouTube to make your own mind up on production qualities, I find these comments quite amusing."

    Mate, Pete, the music videos ENFORCE the point.



    "The thing is, we're not dependent on internet smarks such as yourselves"

    Er, but aren't you "The Internet Icon?



    "And we don't rely on people kissing our arse on forums to sell tickets; added to the fact that smarks don't make up even a small percentage of our audience."

    Why advertise the hell out of your shows on here then??? IDI....... oh why bother.


    "So whilst I'll just about try to respect your right to an opinion, it really doesn't mean too much. I'd love you to come out June 7th when we're in your part of the world (Yorkshire), and have a chat with me about it face to face IF you feel so strongly about your views and can handle a sociable, man to man and personable conversation about all your comments and much more (including facts that would probably help you to understand a few things). That I offer sincerely...."

    Careful, he may hit you with his clipboard of doom!!!1111~~~


    "I've tried to be as calm as one can be, under the circumstances of the comments made. I put more time into PTW and making it work, than a lot of people bother to with their promotions. I believe in it, I believe in my guys, I believe in the whole thing. You can say what you want about me, about PTW, and past wrestlers who are long gone now and were tolerated at the time - I don't care. But don't ever doubt my intensity and determination for PTW to succeed."

    You believe in your delusion, yes. Go you Pete.

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