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Posts posted by streamingfreedom

  1. I've seen the full DBK/Sasuke vid a few times, but it seems to get taken down quite a bit so watch it while you can if you haven't seen it before!


    The last time I watched it (a few months ago) a related video was DBK getting injured during an All Star show. Essentially my understanding is he had told Karl Krammer he was going to do a plancha, and when he executed the 'move' Krammer moved out the way.


    I could be wrong here, but in my mind it was almost cartoon comedy style stuff - like once DBK was air borne the big guy took a step to the right, straight out of looney tunes. I googled "dirtbike kid krammer" and I read an interview DBK done where he claimed he was almost killed and had a right go at all those bitter All Star veterans.


    Ultimately if it was done on purpose (it appears that way) it was wrong. That said, there would have been a reason, and I can't help but imagine it was because DBK was a bit of a tosser.


    Karl Krammer - what a guy eh - I mean he also broke Alex Shane's neck!!



    Don't forget though that the shane one was a work.

  2. We've all seen it a thousand times before but it's here in as good quality as you're likely to find it on You Tube.


    Sandman's entrance at ONS with the fans all singing along was a superb ECW moment. Here


    Utterly iconic moment. All the wwe self-mark company boys in the box all knew that as much as they were told to mock ecw and bradshaw was trying to be mr cool, they all were jealous of seeing a fan reaction like that.

  3. You're all entitled to your opinions, of course, but how the fuck you managed to get this far along in the thread without mentioning Doro Pesch (45) from Warlock is beyond me.








    Yes, fucking yes and thrice. Damn good call. I am ashamed in overlooking her :/

  4. :confused: 3:14? Him taking a bump? Er, ok......Ever thought the comment of "can't be bothered" etc could actually be "can't afford" ? Like due to being a student, trying to get an education so can't actually afford to buy from expensive american gear makers, whereas the Harts were loaded...........Well, never mind me trying to explain that.No disrespects, you are entitled to your opinions as like the rest of us, but as a long time IPW fan (well of the old days) I find the comments (especially when you weren't a regular fan there it seems) I think it a little ignorant to be honest.
  5. Ok but to be fair, on a FAN forum, one that has a lot of workers under pseudonyms, you're always going to get people with axes to grind. Nobody with a pulse should ever listen to "acw's hardcore icon" bull harley anyway. Someone who's been a - and i use this VERY loosely- "pro" for apparently ten, 20, 50 years, I dunno, it changes, and has amounted to nothing and is in all fairness, still awful, goes to rival shows (PTW) and threatens to duff people up for..........um, being a rival I think, and then goes on a rant on his forum because someone said negative things about his wrestler wannabe friends in acw, should be treated with the similar attention and respect as johnny kickpads (I know someone else came up with that name this week on here, I really think it should be a tongue-in-cheek wrestling character). ACW much like PTW is a shocking representation of "britwres" on any level with too many untrained / under-trained backyarders. They do pull in some big crowds though so I'll give them that. If they just stop doing what they feel is right for them and their mates, then they could get better. Both need to allow those that have actually trained and learnt from PROPER wrestlers and can carry matches through and sell the product, making fans want to return. The thing is, Peter truly does like wrestling and wants ptw to be a success, and in that way has his heart in the right place. But he doesn't even remotely do what is right for wrestling, he does what is right for him. And merely sits and lives out the fantasy fed in his mind in real life. Peter is a good person and I think the way he's reacted here, albeit unprofessional, kind of shows that he does have that much passion for what he classes as his beloved project. But sadly his project should not be made real. Because it's counter-productive to PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. If only both feds allowed criticism and a knock to their misplaced egos once in a while, things could inprove not only for them but for the uk scene as a whole.Oh and I do love how bull threatened carbomb with a stinkface. Because that's a proper street-fight move. Must email Bas Rutten and tell him to get real and put that in his next self defense video.

  6. Er haven't you quit the ukff a dozens time already?And as for all the smark comments, isn't "Internet Icon" smarkish? Why would any average person be impressed with a character called that?????????? If anything it would put people off as it would infer someone who is only on the net and revered by the smarks you slate!Am I being personal to you? Yes. Because you are the absolute embodiment of what is wrong with wrestling. A fan who puts on wrestling shows so he can basiclally play EWR with real people. And draw TWENTY PEOPLE! Jesus Pete, can you not see and admit what you are doing wrong and therefore killing that which you so apparently love? You are on every show and every poster every time. Why? Your reward as a promoter should be sold out shows, money made and strengthening the foundation of uk wrestling. Instead you book mates, people who can't wrestle and are untrained and make a mockery of wrestling.It was your son's birthday. No personal offense to the boy at all, all power to him. But he shouldn't be in the ring hitting dan edge with cliperboard shots. Harmless fun? Peter, that is harmFUL because it's a wrestler that you are trying to sell to people as a real threat and a fighter of adversary and able to fight real wrestlers, then he gets ko'ed by a kid?How did you get involved with wrestling and "promoting" Peter? Did you earn respect from your peers and pay your dues? Did you hell. You worked with acw as a manager, left them and launched ptw, (Petey-W if nobody clocked that yet).

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