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Little Johnny

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Posts posted by Little Johnny

  1. Firstly, the thread wasn't just about a mid carder facing disciplinary action. It was about Paige failing a drug test and being suspended. She didn't forget her boots. That makes her an idiot. Everyone that fails a test is an idiot. It's your job not to fail.


    Secondly, age is no excuse for being an idiot. She's been wrestling for about ten years. She should know what you can and can't do by now.


    Thirdly, as I've said previously, she should be allowed to express herself however she wants, but when you're using your WWE branded social media accounts of your fake TV character, you don't post things that are clearly designed to irk your employer. They have their ways. They're an odd company that operates in its own little fantasy world where normal HR doesn't apply. She knows that. Ignoring all that makes her an idiot.


    Fourthly, I'm not sure why you're feeling the need to white knight for a celebrity, actually I think I do, but I hope you were there defending John Terry from the millions of people (not just the thirty or so here) after his indiscretions. Let's hope you're defending Katie Hopkins on Twitter. She's a woman. I guess it's creepy when thousands of people on Twitter call her names and talk about her? What about the millions of people that took the piss out of lady gaga for wearing her butchers dress? They all called her a mentalist. Were you waiving your flag for her too? It's the Internet. She's a celebrity doing stupid things. It's not a real world discussion. It's just a message board. I'm sure she thanks you for your service though.

    I have no interest in debating whether Paige is an idiot or not. I haven't met her. I haven't even watched one of her matches. You've missed the point.


    Comments like "her boyfriend of less than a year's fake wrestling name [is] permanently etched on her body" or unprompted speculation that "she's so in love/obsessed/immature that she leaves to go with him" go well beyond her employment situation. I'm pretty sure that any reasonable person would spot the condescension if not outright misogynism in those words if they paused for thought.


    I'm not bothered what someone on the internet thinks about a particular wrestler despite what you appear determined to believe. It's the obvious relish with which you, and others, await the expected downfall of a woman who continued to date a man AFTER YOU EXPLICITLY TOLD HER NOT TO that disturbs me.



    Back on topic, Paige has got herself a lovely "Alberto" tattoo. Yep, her boyfriend of less than a year's fake wrestling name permanently etched on her body. At least she had the sense to eventually delete the Instagram post after, what I assume, was a petty act of defiance on her part.


    Winding up Ricky Knight on the internet is ordinarily a noble pursuit. However, it's very much a pyrrhic victory if you descend to these levels of obsessive creepiness to do so.

    Oh yes. I certainly enjoyed leering through her window to take that photo of her in bed showing that tattoo. I definitely enjoyed hacking into her Instagram account and then posting the photo. I then realised I might upset some of her superiors at work, so I decided to delete it when I realised my mistake.


    Or..someone posted it on Reddit so I mentioned it here in a thread dedicated to her being an idiot. Sure is creepy. Fuck off. As for her dad, if he doesn't want to read about what people think about his celebrity daughter failing drug tests and doing stupid things, then he should stay off the internet because what's happening here is mild compared to everywhere else.


    It wasn't a thread dedicated to her being an idiot though. The aforementioned creepiness manifests from your insistence, now made explicit, that it become one. It was a thread about WWE mid-carders facing disciplinary action and possible release. It's now reached 29 pages even though the influx of actual news has reduced to a trickle. It's not about wrestling anymore. Instead, it seems to have become an excuse to vent at an easy target and shame someone for their somewhat crass public displays of affections.


    Women in their early twenties are wont to say stupid things on occasion. As are men in their early twenties. Men on this very forum frequently report on the inspiration for their erections. Indignation and daily reminders of their supposed transgressions usually don't follow. More pertinently, I very much doubt there would be this level of vitriol or patronising analysis of career choices if a male wrestler posted explicit tweets about his girlfriend and appeared to be putting his relationship ahead of his job.

  3. Back on topic, Paige has got herself a lovely "Alberto" tattoo. Yep, her boyfriend of less than a year's fake wrestling name permanently etched on her body. At least she had the sense to eventually delete the Instagram post after, what I assume, was a petty act of defiance on her part.


    Winding up Ricky Knight on the internet is ordinarily a noble pursuit. However, it's very much a pyrrhic victory if you descend to these levels of obsessive creepiness to do so.


    The Rock won't be wrestling, so all this bollocks doesn't matter.

    I thought that until today, but I reckon he will be goaded in to it through some 'your mam wears bones in her nose and your dad eats heads' type shite.


    Wrestling promoters can be so cruel.

  5. To be fair Ricky, nobody is blaming the girls.


    That's why no-one is blaming Paige or Charlotte


    I don't think anyone is blaming the women for anything other than poor delivery.

    For that it's worth, I actually hold the women entirely responsible, especially whichever of them is related to knightmare.

  6. "Historically, I think Lost will be unfairly done by. Box-sets and binging on Netflix won't be able to recapture those seasons where millions and millions of us, week on week, were utterly fucking gripped. The discussions, the theorising; you really had to be there. Nothing before or since has ever been so embedded into popular consciousness as Lost was while it was airing.

    Well, it's not really 'unfair', is it? If anything, Lost had a unique advantage in that there were legions of fans who'd spent so many hours ruminating on the significance of Ben wearing odd socks in the desert and didn't have it in them to concede that the payoff inevitably couldn't be all they had hoped.

  7. I'm a big fan of the Galway Bay range though I've not had as many as I'd possibly have liked due to trying to drink as many different beers this year as possible. I remember really liking their Red and and Full Sail beers though. Galway Hooker which is the one you seem to see most places is nice but nothing too special. I'm about 5 pints away from a free pint with my loyalty card!


    I agree on their Galway bars. I had a few in the Saltmill I think it was for some dutch courage before popping the question to my girlfriend. It's a shame people here don't seem to go in for good beer though.

    Do you mean the Salt House? It's stuffy, cramped, overheated and small enough that every spot is within smelling distance of the toilets. I fucking love that place.

  8. Also for DCW -you'll be glad to hear that Dublin has a few pubs that permanently have Brew Dog on tap. Try Against the Grain, the Black Sheep or Brewdock. Not at all cheap though!

    The owner(s) of Against The Grain and the Black Sheep also have a handful of good pubs in Galway. Speaking of which, do you have any thoughts on the Galway Bay range of ales? I've tended to look outward when it comes to beer but they do produce some good IPAs.

  9. What's it about?

    .. This is the first of 3 shows in this list that is incredibly popular despite being pretty shit and awfully written about 75% of the time. However what keeps people tuning in is..

    This really shouldn't need to be pointed out but that's not the kind of statement that should ever appear in a synopsis.

  10. I'm not on facebook either. But something I dont really understand, why are all you guys putting up with this shit? Like you SpursRiots, you've contributed a lot to this thread with "this just popped up on my timeline", but why are you letting stuff like this clog up your timeline in the first place? Unfriend them or something.

    In fairness, if they've hung in there through the drug abuse, court case, shoplifting and the time he and his cousin ate all those chicken burgers, turning a blind eye to the occasional linguistic hiccup seems like the least he could do in return.

  11. It's a toss-up between Gladstone and Guy, with the former shading it on prolificacy.


    Are those of you celebrating PunkStep sure you're not confusing him with popular wrestler, CM Punk? Or perhaps seminal novel, The Stepford Wives?


    There's no shame in it.

  12. Just found the UKFF twitter page, superb, I didn't know I had a stalker. To all those whos one liners appeared on my facebook status's. My apologies. Still though, I have a UKFF stalker, how awesome is that! It's not Gatso sadly.

    So are you just a bit of a mental, then?

  13. And then I discovered professional wrestling and it was all downhill from there :(


    Sure, it starts off innocent enough - you watch a few matches with your mates, have a few laughs...but then you start getting into this 'ECW' stuff, going out and buying DVDs, getting into 'puro'...and before you know it, you're going to local shows on your own whilst hiding your face, and watching RAW at 3am on your tod in your dark and smelly bedroom, alone, before sinking into the deepest, darkest pits of your fall from grace and joining the IWC...


    Wrestling will fuck your life up faster than heroin.

    I personally think it has something to do with the psychological ambiguity of the male identity in our modern society.


    I could write a LOT more on the subject if I had the time.

  14. Check my various other posts in the MMA related threads. I've had quite a few discussions with other members, some of whom are a real pleasure to interact with, such as Ebb and Mikey.

    You're going to have to do better than that, Harry.


    Ebb and Mikey could hold an erudite discussion with a hat full of piss.

  15. In Mab's defense, he did have the foresight to develop a posting habit so mind-numbingly abrasive that, to this day, he can still use it to deflect any and all criticism he receives.But I voted for him anyway. Because he's a knobhead.

  16. It wasn't done in a way to intimidate people. It was just harmless fun.

    If little Johnny went to that show, chanted "faggot" as if it's an OK thing to yell at someone, then does the same thing at school to a fellow pupil, little Johnny's going to get a bollocking from teacher.
    I learned my lesson alright.Don't worry, it was always good touch.
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