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Posts posted by Lefty

  1. The fact that The Third Man (1949) isn't on that great British films countdown (let alone the top ten) tells you everything you need to know about these ridiculous fucking lists that pop up everywhere. They mean absolutely nothing, and anyone who takes anything from them is equally as moronic as the half brained fuck-wits that spew this regurgitated, 15th hand opinion horseshit to the masses.

  2. Forgive me for not keeping up on this but I thought the Robocop remake was shelved due to MGM's recent financial issues? I remember Darren Aronofsky being signed on to direct at one point (although to be fair he's been signed on to direct everything in the last 5 years). Totally concur with Loki however, it'll never be what it could or should because times have changed so much.

  3. The Lewis Gilbert/Guy Hamilton era Bond films are ace, just about everything since then (with the odd exception) has been largely shit. Best Bond: MooreTheme: The Spy who loved me.Baddie: Blofeld (Donald Pleasance)Henchman: Tee HeeFilm: Live and Let DieI'm also partial to Lazenby and Dalton despite their short stints I thought the films were decent, the Pierce Brosnan era is awful though.

  4. I've decided to stick with it and just watched the second episode - awful and really forced edginess. Except the bit with the doll which almost raised a chuckle.


    So, basically the writers pick something 'controversial' every week and decide to base an episode around it, yes?


    Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it. I was really not interested at first and had a similar viewpoint, but caught a couple of the later seasons episodes with Danny DeVito and found the humor got a lot smarter. In fact I don't even think I watched the first series in full.

  5. I made a fucking banging sarnie earlier on: A layer of Jarlsberg, a layer of Chorizo, grated Stilton, German peppered salami, more Jarlsberg, Parma ham and Brie on a ciabbata then stuck it under the grill for a few minutes. Topped it off with some spinach and rocket and watched the Swansea/Arsenal game. Delightful.

  6. Boss Nigger is a great little Blaxploitation flick, but I'm a massive fan of Fred Williamson as it is.


    Tonight I'm finally getting round to watching Slacker. I've been meaning to watch this film for years, I like a few of Linklater's earlier films so I'm hoping it's a little more Dazed and Confused than Waking Life.

  7. Don't know if it has been mentioned anywhere else (probably not because I doubt anyone would be interested) but I've just heard Chopping Mall is set for a remake. Seriously who finances these films? I'm a fan of horrifically bad movies as much as the next guy, but there is a certain kitsch-ness of the original films that seem to just get lost in their modern counterparts.


    Here's the trailer for the original, probably NSFW (exploding head)

  8. Watched a bunch of stuff recently, here are just a few I'll write a little more in depth about some of the others I've seen when I get the chance:


    The Decline of Western Civilisation Part III: Wanted to see this for a dogs age as I'm a big fan of part I (less so part II) and Hardcore in general. I was not disappointed, and would even make the argument that while it doesn't quite catch a significant musical epoch like the first film it has much more emotional depth and offers a glimpse into a sub-culture rarely given the time of day.


    Jesus Camp: This documentary investigates Evangelical Christians in America, focusing on the eroding of the gap between state and church and how these religious groups are looking at youth to take back America. Absolutely terrifying, not unlike what I would imagine a documentary on Nazi Youth might have looked like pre-WWII.

  9. Can you have a hiliariously shit sense of humour? Surely that's a contradiction in terms? Though considering your spelling that's forgiven.


    How about just a sensible piece of advice as to how I access the chat room?


    It wasn't meant as a jibe at you pal, just the pointless tripe that gets spouted in the UKFF chat that I do believe Ian_Hitmanhart may have been trying to point out.



    And my spelling? Mate it's after 3:30am and i missed out 2 letters. Go fuck yourself.

  10. Looking at that screen grab, I've got half an idea where my problem is. See, I don't get that bit in the middle, which I imagine is pretty important. Is there something I need to enable, maybe, to get the chat portion of the chat room?


    Java? A hilariously shit sense of humor?

  11. If there is one good thing that I think has came from these disturbances it is that Asian communities have came across extremely well within the mainstream media. From standing shoulder to shoulder with one another protecting the communities they live in, to the incredible dignity displayed by Tariq Jahan in the wake of the tragic loss of 3 members of his family, it has been those communities that have shown as much spirit and togetherness as any other. I've noticed a few comments from people within the last few days about it and even if it just a little bit more respect shown by the wider public to those ethnic groups from now on, well, it's something.

  12. This would never have escalated to this level had the police showed a bit of force on Saturday night. Thanks to 24hr rolling news people can see how easy it is to go out and just do whatever they please, and now it's gotten to a point where it is completely out of control.


    Thank god I live in the north-east where people don't want to potentially mess up their disability benefits by being seen looting on CCTV.

  13. Q2. What was the point of Jimmy Snuka's appearance at Wrestlemania 5? The Fink announces him, Snuka walks to the ring throwing the peace signs, gets in the ring, takes the adulation, then leaves.


    I do believe he he had just returned to the WWF after a short stint in AWA. It was his first appearance since returning.

  14. after the big steroid scandal the other month this could be the biggest knock to vince since the 1992 allegations. chris was someone who may have abused steroids even if it was due to the injuries he sustained. when u look at guys when they enter wwe then look at them a few years later its absoutley shocking. rey mysterio went from being a tiny 170llbs guy to havin a body like the warrior eddie ballooned after about 2/3 years in wwe. this is gonna be a big knock indeed very interesting in the next few months

  15. To Curryangel, stfu and wait for the official comment before you start tarring a guys name with such vile accusations!

    Hardly a vile accusation, the AP have confirmed he strangled his wife one day. smothered his child the next then finished himself off. He's one of my favourite wrestlers (the other being a wife beating wanker) and I really enjoyed watching him over the years, but he's a murderer and I'm not going to make any sort of excuse for him just so I'll still have a "hero".
    Not making excuses, but the fact is that until the report of the coroner is given they said they aren't confirming anything.
    Ah right, Fox News' headline was a bit miselading <h1 class="head">

    Official: Wrestler Strangled Wife, Smothered Son, Hanged Self

    It's official as in 'an official person' rather than 'an official statement'. You can't make an official statement until the formal procedures are complete. However, if the Associated Press are running a story, it's about as credible as you can get short of seeing it with your own eyes.Apter was just scary. He completely dimissed the idea that steroids are commonplace among major stars and implied Benoit just liked working out a lot. How anyone can with his experience in the business can call themselves a journalist and then say something like that is baffling.Incidentally, I don't see any real conflict between being disgusted by the apparant actions and remembering the guy's in-ring talent. His ring skills don't excuse the manner of his death, and his real-life activities don't change his on-screen work.
    Yeah and i notice you have retracted your prickish statement yet?
    remember jimmy snuka killed a woman in a domestic argument once and he still appears on wwe from time to time
  16. 'But honestly, what the fuck could cause uyou to kill someone? If your choking them and you see them dying in front of you, surely you stop?'roid rage and depression im sure its a pretty nasty mix

  17. i assume for a man with the strength of someone like benoit it could and propbably is a horrible accident that he strangled his wife after all u dont have to just die of lack of oxygen he could have accidently broke her neck. but consumed with guilt and full of panic ends up killing his son is also belivable. not making excuses for the guy what he did was terrible but id hardly say it was a cold blooded murder. my condolences to the rest of their family chris will be missed by many

    Regardless of how strong you are, you don't accidentally break someones neck.How many stories do you hear about wrestlers accidentally breaking fans hands when they shake them at meet 'n greets?!
    if u strangle sum1 in a rage its quite easy to break their neck, like that bob woolmer guy they treated it as murder because they thought he was strangled and had his neck broken, as far as the breakin fans hands thing well u know fine well how ridiculous that comment is
  18. i assume for a man with the strength of someone like benoit it could and propbably is a horrible accident that he strangled his wife after all u dont have to just die of lack of oxygen he could have accidently broke her neck. but consumed with guilt and full of panic ends up killing his son is also belivable. not making excuses for the guy what he did was terrible but id hardly say it was a cold blooded murder. my condolences to the rest of their family chris will be missed by many

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