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Mr Kennedy

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Posts posted by Mr Kennedy

  1. I’m also not sure how I feel about them just showing Joe and Punk just chilling, doing nothing, before their (kayfabe) fight when we’re supposed to believe they hate each other in the fictional world.

    Just shite all round really. I don’t see the point of any of it.

  2. I will start off by saying I fucking love The Undertaker but that would have been just a tiny bit more incredible if it was Austin instead. Austin/Rock at a Mania just feels more right.

    That’s a minor gripe though as it was still a lot of fun. Great Wrestlemania overall.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Fog Dude said:

    Considering the previous explanation was just that Rock and Roman arrived in Vegas for the Mania hype show separately because they hated each other's guts and ended it by ever twirling, twirling towards freedom, at least the latest social media output tries to make sense of it all – which is better than continued silence on the subject, I suppose. 

    Entirely feasible that they can put their differences aside when somebody is insulting their family?

  4. 7 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    With the infamous ring break?

    I didn't go but managed to find a copy at the old wrestling shop that Majik owned, I loved that place but I guess it wasn't the right time for it.

    That’s the one. 

    Then all of Gauntley’s children started chanting “Holy shit, holy shit” 😂

  5. Mayhem In Manchester

    No Mercy 1999

    ROH Unified

    ROH FYF Liverpool

    ROH FYF Finale

    King Of Europe Cup Night 1

    King Of Europe Cup Night 2

    A couple of RAW in Manchester/Liverpool (Can only remember the one with the Santino/Sheamus tea party and one during the HBK/JBL feud, but there are a few others)

    Wrestlemania 28

    RAW after it (Lesnar’s return)




  6. 16 minutes ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    Famous last words before the press conference but I genuinely don't believe The Rock has at any point decided to be a shit bloke. The match with Roman has been talked about for donkeys and had it been at any other point or place in time, the masses would be bang up for it. I still am - but I also want to them to give Cody his rightful Wrestlemania moment and to be fully confirmed as their star 'quarterback' to use a Cody analogy. 

    That promo to me was Rock heeling it up, deliberately, and at the presser they'll know full well he'll get boo'ed. He will play up to it and that could be the moment when it pivots. 

    I don't buy this notion that they are fucked whatever they do. It might convoluted but it's all tremendously exciting. Even if they do go for the least-preferred option and go for Seth vs Cody and Rock vs Roman, the sheer chaos of it all will be funny to witness. 

    Hollywood Rock would be brilliant. I want the Rock concerts, renewing aquaintances backstage with Hurricane, all of it. It's actually the perfect time for him to do a heel run as well - he's on the board, he's got his dosh in the kitty and he's had so much criticism off the back of things like Black Adam. It's a fantastic time for him to unleash a ton of piss and vinegar in the direction of WWE fans and Joe Public, who inevitably will love it and essentially turn him back into a babyface again. Bring it on. 

    I’m up for them bringing Hogan back on Monday just so he can spit in his face again.

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