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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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They were initial reads and nothing solid to go on, I am now getting strong town reads from Bri. It's that simple really.

Or are they communications between you and your team to suggest that it is better not to push Bristep seeing as you you can't day talk to tell them this? This is the second time you have been stating who you are getting a town read on the only two reasons I can see to do this is 1 to take pressure off a scum mate if you think they have made a mistake or 2 as above lining up the team over who to be pushing or avoiding to line up lynches. For now.



Or, are you just making excuses to push a lynch on two strong players? I've been very suspect of your actions since yesterday. As it stands:


VOTE swiftstrike


And also, Lion of the Midlands hasn't posted for a while. Prodworthy yet?

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I'm not so convinced by Swift's argument, mainly because it doesn't seem like the same Swift. To make an arguement against people, Swift tends to build up a 'portfolio' of past posts and links to several to build up his case, this accusation towards snake seems a little lacklustre compared to your previous cases.


Also, I didn't think you would be so quick to vote. It's a little thing, but it does seem odd to me anyway.

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Swift I actually lol'd at your post. I've seen some crazy paranoia fuelled posts but that is top draw sir.


And it's not like you to vote so fast either. No Kenny I'm not building a case on the newb. Just something that's making me not sure of you or unfit inlay, but as I can't quantify it, that's why I'm not voting. And whoever claimed I was wagon jumping. I've explained that already, that I moved my vote form AtG to Ron then after the role claim from Ron went back to my original vote.

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I'm willing to take whatever pressure people feel is appropriate. I'll be honest, I'm new to the game and I don't want to get into the position of not posting because I'm unsure of myself and thus getting lynched. I've been as honest as I can be about who I'm suspicious of, but I've had limited time to read and post so I've not been able to dig as deep as I'd like to get closer reads on anyone. Ultimately though, as cheesy as it might sound, you're wasting your time hunting me. I'm town, I'm getting as involved as I can and I even have a power that you don't want to lose at this stage. I've made no efforts to get a wagon rolling and I didn't jump on the one we had last night that I believe got us precisely nowhere. I really don't think anyone has anything to go on when it comes to getting a scum read on me.


Snake - it was me that claimed you were wagon-jumping. Either way, you flip-flopped for no terribly obvious reason. My feeling is you weren't sure the ATG wagon was going to roll, switched, then saw that you'd backed off too soon as the ATG wagon was just gathering steam. Either way, I think the ATG wagon was an easy one to build and all too easy for people to jump on. If someone has the time to go back and check who voted and when, I think it might help us develop a read on the scummier players that got on board.


In the meantime, I'm heading to Amsterdam first thing tomorrow, so I will be V/LA until Sunday night. I should be able to post a bit, but I may be out of my tree. :p I'll make whatever contributions I can between now and nightfall. And yes, I appreciate that it looks scummy as fuck to disappear as soon as people suggest I need to get pressurised, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I'll try and post a pic of myself with a hooker to prove I'm not full of shit.

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Kenny I wasn't trying to get a wagon going, I was just placing a vote where I felt at the time it was warranted. If others were on was neither here or there. We were running short on time, until the role claim there was no one else outside of Ron I could honestly put my vote on believing they were scum.

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I'm not so convinced by Swift's argument, mainly because it doesn't seem like the same Swift. To make an arguement against people, Swift tends to build up a 'portfolio' of past posts and links to several to build up his case, this accusation towards snake seems a little lacklustre compared to your previous cases.


Also, I didn't think you would be so quick to vote. It's a little thing, but it does seem odd to me anyway.

1 it's a little early in the game for portfolio of posts.

2 I'm voting where my suspicions are early in a day phase with no other votes on Snake there is no consideration to be made on others votes in place.




Snake that seems an amazing piece of revisionism considering that you also where apparently considering a vote for me last day phase below so how can you now turn around and say that your only considerations where for either a vote on Ron or ATG.


Im starting to see the cases on both Ron and Swift making sense. The call is though whether it's strong enough to move my vote. Hmm. I'm going to have a quick think about this.
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See, that's where I struggle with Snake. He thought he could get a lynch on the lurker, switched to Ron with a vague scum read then switched back without really putting any pressure on Ron. He didn't even question Swift, really.


Also, to respond to an earlier point, I've not tried to hand the lead to Bristep. I've asked him about his rolefishing and tried to get a feel for him based on his pseudo-roleeclaim. Nor have I tried to run the gme. I was pissed off about the ATG wagon and said so. I think studying how that wagon rolled can give us some good info.

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See, that's where I struggle with Snake. He thought he could get a lynch on the lurker, switched to Ron with a vague scum read then switched back without really putting any pressure on Ron. He didn't even question Swift, really.


Also, to respond to an earlier point, I've not tried to hand the lead to Bristep. I've asked him about his rolefishing and tried to get a feel for him based on his pseudo-roleeclaim. Nor have I tried to run the gme. I was pissed off about the ATG wagon and said so. I think studying how that wagon rolled can give us some good info.

If he's scum, his neighbourizer move (asking me to neighbour him last night) was pretty shrewd, basically wasted one town ability for tonight.


However, I've a hunch he's town. Just a hunch, but sometimes you can only go by them in this game.

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Fair enough, I don't think I had a fantastic first day, in all honesty I was in a bit of a prissy mood because of my broken leg. Re-reading the thread I still suspect Lion, and I still suspect swiftstrike, probably swift more than Lion right now, but I still suspect both. Actually, here's my thoughts on each player:


1. SMS - Not sure about him. His "hunch" that seph was killed by the night vig worrys me, as did his rolefishing for a bomb. On the other hand, he obviously can look scummy when he's town, because last game round he was first lynched after some suspicious behaviour that the nWo took advantage of. However, that was more blatant than what he did today. Difficult one.


2. bristep123 - There was a point yesterday where I was convinced he was scum because of an unfair case he made on me. But as I said I was in a bit of a prissy mood and that unfortunately skewed my feelings at that point. I still think it was an unfair read, and I still suspect him to an extent, but I think there are other people who look more likely to be scum - and by quite a long way at that.


3. Snake Plissken - I certainly hope he's town. I'll be interested in what he has to say tonight, and I guess that could go a long way into helping me form an opinion of him. One thing I won't do is neighbourize my next choice based on his call. I could potentially become a scum tool/toy then, and that's my concern right now. I can't remember if I've been part of a game where Snake's been scum, so I don't have much to go by in that front. I'm not sure about him, but that might just be paranoia since he's my "neighbour", I dunno.


4. spotlightmagnet1 - A lot of people said they were concerned by him yesterday, but I actually don't feel that way. I get a town read from him, and I think he's been quite hard done by in terms of the accusations made.


5. swiftstrike - Well, my vote's on him, so that should tell you all you need to know. He really concerns me. I'm more sure about him than anyone right now in terms of scumminess.


8. tom - He played quite a town game first of all, but his bomb rolefishing was worrying. Initially I was certain he was town, but having been in the same team as him last game I know he's actually a really good player. So I'm wondering at this stage if he's scum, and defended me/didn't accuse me yesterday because town were going after town (Bristep/Kenny going after me) so didn't need to. Had I been lynched, I'd have flipped town and that would have made him look innocent, Bristep quite scummy - and potentially then Bristep - a very strong player, and also very high on the list - could have been lynched the following day, or at the very least trust in him would be diminished. The wondering very much depends on the allignment of Bristep though, I remember swiftstrike crediting Bristep in the game where they were the scum duo for "preparing cases on people that he never needed to use", and this again harks back to his unfair case on me yesterday...but maybe if he was scum, he'd have saved that case till later...I dunno...


9. unfitfinlay - Another excellent player, which instantly makes me wary of him. That said, I think he's been fair and balanced even though he's suspected me at various points last phase. Long story short, I think he's town at this stage.


10. Nexus - I'm frustrated by him. I don't have any reading on him, but only because he's not posting. If he's scum, and sneaks through to a later phase by keeping up this style of play then I'll be hugely peeved.


11. brownie - I was very wary of TDK, particularly when he claimed to have a PM that no other vanilla player had received. But when that was cleared up I felt a bit less worried about him. Others didn't feel similarly, and then he morphed into brownie, who has been playing a very pro-town game. But he's a very good player, so I guess if he ever does wind up lynched it'll be based on TDK's suspect play, not his own. I actually think he might be town though, but maybe I'll be proved wrong. I'm wary, but not suspicious.


12. Kenny McBride - Has been a tad aggressive at times, and I think he's been given a bit of a free ride, and at one stage his waiting for Bristep's input DID alarm me a little. Letting someone lead you can be hugely dangerous. Or maybe it was a scum slip? His aggressive style could potentially be a very clever mask, but I actually don't think it is. He didn't vote ATG, stuck to his guns with me (though they were incorrectly pointed at me, but not jumping wagon certainly earns "town" points in my book) and his posting seems to be pro-town. And at this stage that's what I think he is.


14. Carbomb MA - Not sure about him either. Purely because he's not said that much yet. I've no doubt that he'll get involved much more this phase, Carbomb doesn't tend to try and "coast" through games, and from that I'll form an opinion.


15. Lion Of The Midlands - I still suspect him hugely, but I suspect swift more. I now think swift is either scum with him, or has stitched him up. I still think the first option is more likely.


16. Chris B - I actually think he's town now. I think swift and Lion (or just swift) tried to land him in it, and my initial suspicions off him were incorrect. On the other hand, swift's had hair-brained theories before when he's been town, such as during Bristep's very first game where he quite promptly voted for him based on an insane case. Ugh, it's so easy to doubt youself in this game.


To summarize, swift = number one suspect, Lion = number 2, and I'm worried about a few others too.

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Right, I'm a little puzzled about the quick votes. Swift, you gave me a reason but sorry, maybe I'm being naive but it still doesn't seem like you (to me) to be so quick with the vote.


Also, Ron, are you still convinced by the Lion/Chris B./Swift theory you have had since the first day phase? That's the only reason I can imagine you being so keen to vote for Swift at this stage.

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Right, I'm a little puzzled about the quick votes. Swift, you gave me a reason but sorry, maybe I'm being naive but it still doesn't seem like you (to me) to be so quick with the vote.


Also, Ron, are you still convinced by the Lion/Chris B./Swift theory you have had since the first day phase? That's the only reason I can imagine you being so keen to vote for Swift at this stage.

Read my post above, hopefully that'll make my thoughts on swiftstrike clear. If you want to ask anything based on that, fire on.

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Right, I'm a little puzzled about the quick votes. Swift, you gave me a reason but sorry, maybe I'm being naive but it still doesn't seem like you (to me) to be so quick with the vote.


Also, Ron, are you still convinced by the Lion/Chris B./Swift theory you have had since the first day phase? That's the only reason I can imagine you being so keen to vote for Swift at this stage.

Spotlight when is the last time you seen me play a game as town from the start given that I replaced in the the last game, I was a starter in the game before as scum, game before that I replaced in........ few more games. Actually the last game I started before this one as town was Nexus game that ended in September a full six months ago. So I would be surprised if you had a good read on me from that. But you could go back to Snake Nexus game and you can see I came in there with a early vote on Bristep based solely on the fact I had decided he was scum from a brief read of the game at the time, not all my votes are hugely drawn out affairs but generally my cases are.

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An interesting thing I've just noticed - Bristep voted for me VERY early in the day phase, yet no one questioned it. No one said it was too early, no one even addressed it.


Neighbourising proves nothing, Ron. You could easily be scum. For this day, my suspicions are on thee whole ATG wagon. That was a bullshit lynch and I want good reasons from all of you.

Of course not. I'm not scum, but I easily could be, you're right. Same could be said about you or anyone in the game. As for my reasons for lynching ATG? Well, I know I'm not scum, and given that there were potentially three night kills last night the town could quite possibly have been hammered. I'd rather have voted for someone I didn't know the allignment of (plus someone who could have slipped under the radar had they stayed alive) than potentially lose me (I know I'm town) and three others overnight, immediately putting the town in a horrendous place. It was a pot luck lynch, I'll admit. But as it stands I don't think it's caused us a great deal of damage.


Why 3 potential night kills Ron?

1. Scum

2. Vigilante

3. Odd night vigilante (It's night one, so therefore an odd night)


There is no vigilante in the game, even and odd vigs were the only choices. I could half accept you forgetting a role that *is* in the game, but to make a mistake and name something that isn't seems like a scumslip because you're skimming.


vote Ron Simmons


But as soon as swiftstrike voted - two days later at that:

They were initial reads and nothing solid to go on, I am now getting strong town reads from Bri. It's that simple really.

Or are they communications between you and your team to suggest that it is better not to push Bristep seeing as you you can't day talk to tell them this? This is the second time you have been stating who you are getting a town read on the only two reasons I can see to do this is 1 to take pressure off a scum mate if you think they have made a mistake or 2 as above lining up the team over who to be pushing or avoiding to line up lynches. For now.




I'm not so convinced by Swift's argument, mainly because it doesn't seem like the same Swift. To make an arguement against people, Swift tends to build up a 'portfolio' of past posts and links to several to build up his case, this accusation towards snake seems a little lacklustre compared to your previous cases.


Also, I didn't think you would be so quick to vote. It's a little thing, but it does seem odd to me anyway.


Swift I actually lol'd at your post. I've seen some crazy paranoia fuelled posts but that is top draw sir.


And it's not like you to vote so fast either. No Kenny I'm not building a case on the newb. Just something that's making me not sure of you or unfit inlay, but as I can't quantify it, that's why I'm not voting. And whoever claimed I was wagon jumping. I've explained that already, that I moved my vote form AtG to Ron then after the role claim from Ron went back to my original vote.

(Actually, in Bristep's first game when swift came into play he voted for him pretty much instantly AND was town...)


I also voted today (real time, not game time) and:

Right, I'm a little puzzled about the quick votes. Swift, you gave me a reason but sorry, maybe I'm being naive but it still doesn't seem like you (to me) to be so quick with the vote.


Also, Ron, are you still convinced by the Lion/Chris B./Swift theory you have had since the first day phase? That's the only reason I can imagine you being so keen to vote for Swift at this stage.


That's a big contradiction from spotlightmagnet there - Snake at least justified his selection of swift - why pick up on the early votes of swift and I, but not mention it in regards to Bristep? Easier lynches to push through, perhaps?

FOS spotlightmagnet1


If it's not a scum slip, and you actually genuinely believe these points it shows how some people can be selective about who they make points about, either because they see certain players as "leader"/good or are too intimidated to make the point. If you feel an early vote made is an odd thing - I'm not saying it is, I'm not saying it isn't - then make the point with everyone, not just certain people. That's how scum can slip through the net!!

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