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TOKYO GURENTAI on Samurai TV - August 10, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



August 10, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE (300 fans)


1. Taka Michinoku -vs- Hikaru Sato [*]

--- Decent opener. Not as super as it could have been, but a little focus on the shoot style and submissions until Taka was running out of time and had to beat the ex-Pancrase fightrer.

8:12 of 14:52 - Michinoku pinned Sato after a Michinoku Driver II



2. Takeshi Minaminno & Hisamaru Tajima -vs- Takuya Sugawara & Osamu Namiguchi [3/4*]

--- Former Zero-One wrestler Namiguchi who retired last year is back and working for NOSAWA and the boyz now! He gets beat the crap out of here too, but the match was fairly clumsy and not very impressive except they seemed to not hold too much back on impact. There was still missed move like Tajima's powerbomb and not enough identity in the bout before Tajima took care of Namiguchi.

14:07 of 14:57 - Tajima pinned Namiguchi after a lariat



3. Chicken Boy -vs- Black Tiger V [*]

--- Kikutaro the black chicken against Takaiwa the Black Tiger! And beats him!!! The Chicken Boy is a better gimmick then Black Tiger appearently! Mostly serious wrestling, but I guess Takaiwa took the task a little lightly losing to the guy that usually wrestle as a clown.

8:56 of 8:56 - Chicken Boy pinned Black Tiger with a small package reversal



4. El Samurai & Kamikaze -vs- Sanshiro "Chono" Takagi & Lingerie Muto -vs- Brahman Shu & Brahman Kei - (3-Way) [1/2*]

--- Light-hearted 3-way tag with slime and Takagi being all in Chono mode! And at the end the masked team of Samurai & Kamikaze was involved a lot in dark mist as Samurai was absolutely sprayed with the stuff while more of the stuff helped Kamikaze win the match as referee Wada sprayed the Sato Twin before Kamikaze landed the moonsault for the pin.

11:52 of 11:51 - Kamikaze pinned Kei after a moonsault



5. Yoshihiro Takayama & Minoru Suzuki -vs- Kintaro Kanemura & Tetsuhiro Kuroda [1/2*]

--- Takayama & Suzuki lazy squashing the outlaw ones. Kanemura did get in a table splash and top rope senton as the match highlights, but Suzuki & Takayama wasn't very interested in giving them much offence or make this match any good. Not that Kanemura & Kuroda are able to have good matches in 2010. Gotch-style piledriver on a chairs kills Kanemura.

17:54 of 17:54 - Suzuki pinned Kanemura after a Got6ch-style piledriver on a chair



6. Minoru & Toshizo & Mazada & Hate -vs- NOSAWA Rongai & Magnitude Kishiwada & Minoru Fujita & Kikuzawa [*]

--- Voodoo Murders against Tokyo Gurentai! And the Voodoo Murders destroy the home team. Not surprising as it was mostly about Mazada being a Voodoo Murderer beating on his old pals. Hardly exciting and close to dead even if NOSAWA was bleeding and they were fighting for a babyface reaction. But most of these guys are opening card guys who few really care about or who are able to make such a match anything special, so it became just a long beat down with no reward except it ending when Mazada knocked down Kikuzawa.

19:12 of 19:12 - Mazada pinned Kikuzawa after a lariat



COMMENTS: Another boring Tokyo Gurentai show!




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WAVE on COMM: CATCH THE WAVE 2010 - May-August 2010 - (3 3/4 hrs)





May 30, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (326 fans)


1. Io Shirai -vs- Shimono Sawako - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Young Block) [3/4*]

--- Io gave Sawako more offence then she deserved, but at least it became half-watchable even if it was quite unspectacular apart from the finish which was a nicely exectuted moonsault.

5:06 of 8:41 - Shirai pinned Sawako after a moonsault



June 9, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (81 fans)


2. Ryo Mizunami -vs- Senri Kuroki - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Young Block) [1/2*]

--- Even less spectacular as Mizunami tries to have basic match with a rather hopeless Kuroki and beats her easy.

4:30 of 7:11 - Mizunami made Kuroki submit to a shoulder hold



June 20, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (180 fans)


3. Misaki Ohata -vs- Shimono Sawako - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Young Block) [1/4*]

--- Not that much happening from the little that was shown and it wasn't like a Sawako match is going to be super.

3:11 of 6:18 - Ohata made Sawako submit to a Fairy Lock



4. Ryo Mizunami -vs- Io Shirai - (Catch the WAVE - Young Block) [*]

--- Finally something more then just the basics. Not the smoothest of fights, but it had some nice moonsaults and stuff and both being close at winning before the short 10-min time limit expired.

7:07 of 10:00 - Mizunami wrestled Shirai to a 10:00 Time Limit Draw



June 27, 2010, Matsushita IMP Hall (512 fans)


5. Ryo Mizunami -vs- Misaki Ohata - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Young Block) [3/4*]

--- Another draw for Mizunami who just can't get the win with the shoulder hold over someone half-established. Some decent action, but too little airing to really register much.

4:55 of 10:00 - Mizunami wrestled Ohata to a 10:00 Time Limit Draw



July 25, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (176 fans)


6. Io Shirai -vs- Misaki Ohata - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Young Block) [*]

--- Ok while it lasted. Difficult to really establish anything except a speedy joshi sprint. Io looked good, but still couldn't get a win even if Ohara was close landing her snappy crucifix finisher just as the bell rang for a draw.

5:17 of 10:00 - Shirai wrestled Ohata to a 10:00 Time Limit Draw



July 31, 2010, Funabashi - Mitsui Garden Hotel Funabashi Lala Port (152 fans)


7. Ryo Mizunami -vs- Shimono Sawako - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Young Block) [3/4*]

--- Had it's moments. All from Mizunami on offence trying to take down the rookie a few notches. She did manage before the time this time landing a top rope legdrop. Thats means a 3-way tie in the Young Block.....

5:41 of 8:53 - Mizunami pinned Sawako after a top rope legdrop



August 10, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (134 fans)


8. Ryo Mizunami -vs- Io Shirai -vs- Misaki Ohata - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Young Block Decision Match; 3-Way) [*]

--- More fine ligthweight action coming our way in this Young Block decider. Went all ways before there was a half-controversial decision when Mizunami reversed Shira's cradle with a legdrop going for the pin with Ohata also following along pinning Shirai. But the sole winner ended up being Sendai's Mizunami.

6:46 of 10:46 - Mizunami pinned Shirai with a legdrop cradle reversal







May 30, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (326 fans)


9. Shuu Shibutani -vs- Moeka Haruhi - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [* 1/2]

--- I'm almost stunned! The Rival group opened nearly with some heat! And Haruhi was almost aggressive! Going straight to work on Shibutani who also didn't hold back much creating a almost good few minutes as the lashing-out came. Haruhi isn't a fluid worker, but here she didn't hesitate which made for a positive experience with Shibutani landing her stuff well too and winning with a fitting hard senton.

4:55 of 13:07 - Shibutani pinned Haruhi after a top rope senton



June 9, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (81 fans)


10. Cherry -vs- Shuu Shibutani - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [*]

--- Very straight to the point with Cherry being the most eager getting one cradle after the other until she surprisingly had Shibutani beat in just 3 minutes!

2:25 of 3:07 - Cherry pinned Shibutani with a modified schoolboy



June 20, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (180 fans)


11. Asami Kawasaki -vs- Moeka Haruhi - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [* 1/4]

--- Haruhi is pumped for this tournament! And manage to add to a rival group bringing the aggression in her own terrible way! Landing her footstomps and attacking the arms locking in submissions and so on. But Asami has kicks and Haruhi doesn't exactly have a good chin and was soon enough kicked down and out.

4:23 of 6:37 - Kawasaki pinned Haruhi after a headkick



12. Shuu Shibutani -vs- Ayumi Kurihara - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [* 3/4]

--- Here we have established technical rivals, and they bring what we expect. A even match, a little bit lucharesu inspired with both having some experience abroad. Landing planchas and dropkicks along with the top rope senton of Shibutani and the throat slam suplex from Kurihara as big moments with some of the near falls being really close. The winner happend with a straight forward huracanrana with Shibutani locking it securely enough for Kurihara not to kick out!

8:24 of 11:56 - Shibutani pinned Kurihara with a huracanrana



July 4, 2010, Tokyo - Cinema Club (214 fans)


13. Asami Kawasaki -vs- Shuu Shibutani - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [* 1/4]

--- Half-decent with more of the same as they've already delivered so far in the group. Shibutani looked good, but ended up not liking the leg attacks Asami came with and was knocked silly enough to get knocked out for a pin!

6:38 of 12:16 - Kawasaki pinned Shibutani after a axekick



July 13, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (151 fans)


14. Moeka Haruhi -vs- Cherry - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [1/2*]

--- Not very good this one. Haruhi missed her top rope footstomp on Cherry's arm and Cherry still sold it the rest of the match as if she was unable to use it. A few cradle attempts was was half-close, but the time limit soon ran out and it went to a draw.

4:08 of 15:00 - Haruhi wrestled Cherry toa 15:00 Time Limit Draw



July 25, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (176 fans)


15. Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Asami Kawasaki - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [*]

--- Asami tried a little bit, but it never looked like she had a chance against Kurihara. And that was the right conclussion in every way too....

5:31 of 11:01 - Kurihara pinned Kawasaki after a throat slam suplex



July 31, 2010, Funabashi - Mitsui Garden Hotel Funabashi Lala Port (152 fans)


16. Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Cherry - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [*]

--- Had it's moments, but it never looked like a good fight even if the troat slam suplex landed and Cherry came back with a almost throat slam suplex hold as revenge. And when the big moves don't work, go back to basics. Kurihara wins with a inside cradle.

4:18 of 9:06 - Kurihara pinned Cherry with a small package



August 10, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (134 fans)


17. Cherry -vs- Asami Kawasaki - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [3/4*]

--- Simple fighting. Never too exciting based off the half-match that was shown, but I guess they didn't need to do anything special with this one except give Cherry her win.

3:28 of 6:14 - Cherry pinned Kawasaki with a modified La Magistral



18. Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Moeka Haruhi - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [*]

--- Kurihara did make Haruhi look like she could be a threat, but still it's leagues apart. Haruhi tried the same tactic as the previous bouts attacking the arm. Didn't land the footstomp this time, so Kurihara was strong enough to land the throat slam suplex for the win.

4:37 of 11:58 - Kurihara pinned Haruhi after a throat slam suplex







May 30, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (326 fans)


19. Kana -vs- Yumi Ohka - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [*]

--- Short and almost sweet. Ohka's big kick in there landed real well. So well that you eye an early end. And we did, except the other way as Kana locked in the leg making Ohka tap in less then 4 minutes!

3:14 of 3:36 - Kana made Ohka submit to a ankel hold



June 9, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (81 fans)


20. Gami -vs- Mio Shirai - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [*]

--- The lay-out was the good part. The execution was the not so good part. Slow awkward Gami movement preventing the smooth technical counter wrestling they were attemting. The execution kind of killed the the moments. And while there was fine parts and the near falls, it lacked the edge because it looked so fake as they went through the moves. And no winner.....

8:14 of 20:00 - Gami wrestled Shirai to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw



June 20, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (180 fans)


21. Gami -vs- Kana - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [* 1/4]

--- Oh, so much Gami in this tournament. Starts with two 20-min draws. This one a tiny bit better executed then the bout against Mio, but it's still Gami keeping it down while her opponent tries. Kana was in control in the ending parts with Gami only trying to stay alive as the time ran out....

7:41 of 20:00 - Gami wrestled Kana to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw



22. Yumi Ohka -vs- Toshie Uematsu - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [*]

--- Fairly standard stuff really. Nothing more then just a match for them with Ohka getting a rare win over a veteran using the Tiger Suplex to get her points.

5:18 of 9:09 - Ohka pinned Uematsu with a Tiger Suplex



July 4, 2010, Tokyo - Cinema Club (214 fans)


23. Kana -vs- Mio Shirai - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [*]

--- Not bad, but they didn't create any special chemistry with this one. Some nice moves, yes. Like Kana's vertical suplex being a thing of beauty. And then it ended a little surprising with a chickenwing facelock as Mio tapped.

5:53 of 9:22 - Kana made Shirai submit to a chickenwing facelock



July 13, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (151 fans)


24. Yumi Ohka -vs- Mio Shirai - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [3/4*]

--- Fairly average modern weak style. The kicking sequence in there was beyond terrible and there lacked some direction in this. At least the end was somewhat better, but not enough to save it as it ended a bit out of nowhere too.

6:49 of 8:54 - Ohka pinned Shirai after a modified facebuster



25. Gami -vs- Toshie Uematsu - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [1/2*]

--- Tired and lazy veterans game which was never any good and just another sorry excuse for Gami to go 20 minutes.....

6:12 of 20:00 - Gami wrestled Uematsu to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw



July 25, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (176 fans)


26. Gami -vs- Yumi Ohka - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [* 1/4]

--- ....20 more minutes of Gami. Poor fans. At least Ohka brought something to this making Gami work and pay having some close victories along the way before Gami had her 4th 20-in draw of the tournament.

7:44 of 20:00 - Gami wrestled Uematsu to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw



July 31, 2010, Funabashi - Mitsui Garden Hotel Funabashi Lala Port (152 fans)


27. Toshie Uematsu -vs- Kana - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [3/4*]

--- Not quite exciting or fresh. Just there delivering the usual Uematsu and Kana stuff wihtout anything extra. And with Uematsu getting a simple roll-up win.

5:16 of 14:49 - Uematsu pinned Kana with a side roll-up



August 10, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (134 fans)


28. Toshie Uematsu -vs- Mio Shirai - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [1/2*]

--- Only Uematsu's triple dropkick and return, was of note before they wrestled to a double count out.

7:34 of 10:37 - Uematsu wrestled Shirai to a Double Count Out



29. Gami -vs- Toshie Uematsu - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block 3rd Place)

--- Just read the result......

0:22 of 1:22 - Gami defeated Uematsu by Rock, Siccors, Paper. Paper beats Rock



30. Yumi Ohka -vs- Kana - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block Decision Match) [*]

--- Winner goes to the semi-finals and it just wasn't the fireworks one should hope for with two of the more pushed current generation girls in the company. Average match with a average finish as Ohka won with a non-spectacular Tiger Suplex.

5:52 of 8:24 - Ohka pinned Kana with a Tiger Suplex



31. 6-Woman Catch the Wave Losers Battle Royal [1/4*]

--- Pretty dreadful....with Gami winning and getting a place in the semis for it.....

3:19 - Asami Kawasaki eliminated

5:19 - Io Shirai eliminated

5:20 - Misaki Ohata eliminated

8:10 - Cherry eliminated

8:15 - Kana eliminated

7:26 of 8:15 - Gami win the 6-Woman Catch the Wave Losers Battle Royal



August 11, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (160 fans)


32. Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Ryo Mizunami - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Semi-Final) [1/2*]

--- Sadly over before it went anywhere. Was looking good when Mizunami landed her top rope legdrop finisher. And it was the finish except it was Kurihara who rolled Mizunami up for the shock win.

3:55 of 5:04 - Kurihara pinned Mizunami with a cradle reversal



33. Gami -vs- Yumi Ohka - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Semi-Final) [*]

--- Gami is the killer. Of matches. For the most part Gami in auto-pilot and with some glimmer of hope as Ohka got in her big boot and Tiger Suplex. But that damn Gami woman won. Dragon-plex style.

6:44 of 9:53 - Gami pinned Ohka with a Dragon Suplex



34. Gami -vs- Ayumi Kurihara - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Final) [*]

--- What possibly would Gami gain by doing this?! She does a bunch of 20-min matches being all washed-up. Wins a deciding match with Rock, Siccors, Paper and from there wins a crappy royal so she can beat two of the girls she's got available that deserves a push and instead wins herself the 2 1/2 month Catch the WAVE tournament in a real half-assed way. Anything good about this one was Kurihara's doing, who at least put some life into it. Gami did her best to murder the match....

11:40 of 16:29 - Gami pinned Kurihara after a fishermans buster to win the Catch the WAVE ' 10.



COMMENTS: Ai, ai, ai....Gami you piece of shit.....




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NJPW on ESPN - August 12, 2010, Sendai - (2 3/4 hrs)



August 12, 2010, Sendai Sun Plaza Hall (2,000 fans)


1. Strong Man -vs- Karl Anderson - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [*]

--- The Andersons '2010! Jon "Strong Man" Anderson against Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson! Hardly Gene, Ole or Arn. Karl was struggling with getting much out of Strong Man and didn't get much dangerous offence in either so it ended up being a easy first win for Stong Man in the G-1 tournament!

6:32 of 6:30 - Strong Man pinned Anderson after a Samoan Drop



2. Toru Yano -vs- Tetsuya Naito - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [* 3/4]

--- Naito was bleeding from the mouth from this bout and Yano's cheating was messing things up for the populare young guy who had Yano beat with a suplex had not the referee been out at the time. And instead Yano won with one of his sly cradles! Ok bout overall.

10:59 of 10:59 - Yano pinned Naito with the Uragasumi cradle



3. Hirooki Goto -vs- Yujiro Takahashi - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [** 1/4]

--- Two wrestlers who transformed their careers after excursions to Mexico. Goto made the biggest change while Yujiro is still trying to adjust his personalty and growth. And it was a solid as can be singles bout where they landed their bigger moves and getting those near falls. Ok stiff too. But like with their growth Goto is one step ahead of Takahashi and got the expected with using the Shouten.

13:04 of 13:03 - Goto pinned Takahashi after the Shouten



4. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tajiri -vs- Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma [* 1/2]

--- The Tanahashi & Tajiri combo had a handfull fans chanting "TanaTajiri!" so they got their happy moment when Tajiri blew mist in Honma's face to make it easy for Tanahashi to finish the job. Standard action.

9:40 of 9:39 - Tanahashi pinned Honma after a top rope bodypress



5. Go Shiozaki -vs- Giant Bernard - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [* 1/2]

--- Ok fight with big Bernard giving the NOAH wrestler some good matching before the young NOAH guy snapped up the upset with a small package! There wasn't too much sticking out for me and they didn't click a 100% working with each other either.

11:07 of 11:07 - Shiozaki pinned Bernard with a small package



6. Shinsuke Nakamura -vs- Wataru Inoue - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [* 3/4]

--- Nakamura made Inoue look good here letting him ram the knee to the head as Nakamura was coming in, and locking in Triangle Lancer and several other dangerous holds Inoue has. Nakamura let him shine a while before the knees started landing and sent Inoue home with the loss.

11:20 of 11:18 - Nakamura pinned Inoue after a Boma Ye kneekick



7. Manabu Nakanishi -vs- Prince Devitt - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [**]

--- A funny match where Devitt needed to rely on some flying and mostly cradles. Stupid of him to try a chop contest with the wall of bricks because Nakanishi just pounded him down hard! And the flying wasn't always working out either as Nakanishi would catch him and hurt him some more. Total muscle guy against small guy match with the big guy slowly taking the little one apart. Loved the Nakanishi chops! Especially the series with Devitt laying down on the mat! The end came with a German and Devitt wasn't kicking out when that suplex happen.

9:24 of 9:23 - Nakanishi pinned Devitt with a German Suplex



8. Yuji Nagata -vs- Satoshi Kojima - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [**]

--- Old generation pals/rivals from the early 90's. Not fresh for sure. Wish they'd tried to do anything with this besides their usual equal battle formula. Solid fighting, yes. But not much that stood out as special about what should have been match of the night. Most important was Kojima still having arm problems and Nagata ducking the lariat before backdropping Kojima for the kill.

16:19 of 16:18 - Nagata pinned Kojima with a backdrop suplex hold



COMMENTS: The matches keep coming with the same quality. Ok matches but they are not giving that little extra to make the tournament matches special. Goto vs Yujiro was the closets we got to that, but even that one could have been better.




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NJPW on Samurai TV - August 13, 2010, Tokyo - (2 3/4 hrs)



August 13, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (2,005 fans)


1. Wataru Inoue -vs- Yujiro Takahashi - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [* 1/2]

--- You know Yujiro is in trouble when Inoue shows more personality then him and also beat him for his first points of the tournament in the battle of this years losers of the G-1 Climax. Now Takahashi is the only one left without any points!

8:20 of 8:19 - Inoue pinned Takahashi after a spear





2. Manabu Nakanishi -vs- Strong Man - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [**]

--- The White Nakanishi~~~ against the original Nakanishi! Just love this!

8:42 of 8:41 - Nakanishi pinned Strong Man after a Hercules Cutter



3. Satoshi Kojima -vs- Giant Bernard - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [**]

--- Good heavyweight fighting. What you'd expect really. Nothing new. Bernard hitting the neck-hanging bomb wes his moment while Kojima goes for that Stan Hansen lariat....which connected and that was the end. Got to love Bernard standing up to the fan who tried to mock him after the loss!

11:44 of 11:44 - Kojima pinned Bernard after a lariat



4. Go Shiozaki & Atsushi Aoki -vs- Shinsuke Nakamura & Gedo [** 1/4]

--- Shiozaki dosn't have a match on this day so he brings fellow NOAH wrestler Aoki to face the New Japan heel Chaos duo of Nakamura & Gedo. And it's rare one hear pro-Gedo chants! Best bit was Nakamura's cocky darkside manner here. Especially against little Aoki. That's the way I want to see Nakamura more! Works so well in a inter-promotional situation like this. But no matter how prickish the home side was Shiozaki took charge and made sure his team won Go Flashing Gedo for the three.

12:19 of 12:19 - Shiozaki pinned Gedo after the Go Flasher



5. Togi Makabe -vs- Karl Anderson - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [** 1/4]

--- Anderson was so damn close to beating the IWGP Heavyweight Champion! He caught Makabe flying off the top rope and Gun Stunned him for such a near falls. The follow-up Ligerbomb was also close, but from then on Makabe woke up and beat boldy up! Fun match!

11:08 of 11:07 - Makabe pinned Anderson after a top rope kneedrop



6. Hirooki Goto -vs- Yuji Nagata - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [**]

--- Equal fight where Nagata got the biggest offence in including a Exploder off the turnbuckle and a hard backdrop suplex. And by the time of the end Nagata was way on his way to victory when Goto locked in his new special cradle finisher and pinned the veteran! Nothing too fresh as far as the layout and execution though.

15:22 of 15:22 - Goto pinned Nagata with a foot-arrangement cradle





7. Prince Devitt -vs- Tetsuya Naito - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [** 1/2]

--- The Devitt matches keeps being the most fun on these G-1 Climax shows and up against Naito it just had to be good! And the two gave the fans something spectacular to cheer as they traded big dives out of the ring with Devitt doing his tope con giro and Naito doing a Stardust Press to the floor! Devitt also got in a backdrop suplex off the railing to the floor and the top rope footstomp. Naito wasn't much worse, but then he was hit with a OH-MY-GOD angle drop on the Bloody Sunday DDT and was beat by the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion who goes past Naito on points 6 to 5 with one more day of the group stages left.

11:42 of 11:42 - Devitt pinned Naito after a Bloody Sunday DDT





8. Hiroshi Tanahashi -vs- Toru Yano - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [** 1/2]

--- These two have been feuding all year including a hair match where Yano went bald. Here it's for valuable points in the tournament and Yano tried all the tricks in the book including ripping on the referees clothes to save himself from cradles. He also got in two of his most dangerous tricky cradles on Tanahashi including the Uragasumi and blocking Tanahashi's top rope splash for a very close fall! But no Yano win this time! No, Tanahashi out-smarted him at the cradle game and after a Sling Blade rolled Yano up in a crucifix position for the three count! Another fun match!

14:49 of 14:49 - Tanahashi pinned Yano with a crucifix cradle



COMMENTS: Yeah, the effort is on that same level all tournament it seems. Good matches. Good shows. No classic matches and no classic shows so far.




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NJPW on ESPN - August 14, 2010, Tokyo - (3 hrs)



August 14, 2010, Tokyo - Sumo Hall (6,500 fans)


1. Koji Kanemoto & Tiger Mask & Ryusuke Taguchi -vs- Taiji Ishimori & Atsushi Aoki & Ricky Marvin [**]

--- NJPW vs NOAH to start this Sumo Hall show! Not exactly a climax style junior heavyweight bout. This was actually very stubborn fighting considering their usual styles and the returned Tiger Mask IV was being prickish stiffing the outsiders in a mean manner. Thats the way inter-promotional matches should be. There was no respect. Also no winner as it went the time limit. But on August 22 there will be a winner as Kanemoto & Tiger Mask challenge for Marbin & Ishimori's GHC Junior Tag Belts!

15:01 of 15:00 - Kanemoto & Tiger Mask & Taguchi wrestled Ishimori & Aoki & Marvin to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw



2. Strong Man -vs- Tetsuya Naito - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [* 1/2]

--- Strong Man gets another win! That's his second on the tournament, but he'a way behind the others in the group with his 4 points. Even his opponent here has more after getting defeated having collected 5 points during the group stages so far. Easy fun match where Naito tried his best to work with the limited material he was up against before getting powerbombed hard by the power guy.

7:56 of 7:55 - Strong Man pinned Naito with a powerbomb



3. Yuji Nagata -vs- Wataru Inoue - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [* 1/2]

--- Stable mates, but Nagata is the boss and he showed Inoue just that here winning the match easy regardless of Inoue's mild attempts. Inoue still only got 2 points after 6 matches and that's 2 more then he deserves.

10:18 of 10:18 - Nagata pinned Inoue with a backdrop suplex hold



4. Yujiro Takahashi -vs- Giant Bernard - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [* 1/2]

--- Can Yujiro save the tournament for himself as he's embarrassingly got zero points. The only wrestler to have nill points at this stage. And he did get in some flying on the big guy including a tope and a top rope legdrop which didn't land so well. But for the most part he was occupied with surviving the impact moves Bernard was coming with as he was bombed again and again. Bernard was looking comfortable and landed a senton too, but that's when Yujiro out of nowhere rolled the big guy up for the surprising win! Takahashi gets his first G-1 points and currently shares last place with Inoue in Block B.

8:04 of 8:03 - Takahashi pinned Bernard with a crucifix cradle



5. Karl Anderson -vs- Toru Yano - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [* 3/4]

--- After Anderson's super victory over Tanahashi on the opening day it's only gone downhill for the IWGP Tag Champion. Against Yano he's got a chance to double his score and he landed his good offence on Yano like the top rope Gun Stun and Ligerbomb plus other counter cradles to create the excitement. So one kind of eyes a sly cradle from Yano somewhere, but wouldn't you know Anderson kicked out of those too and actually wrestled smarter then Yano who got a chair kicked in his face before Anderson landed a regular Gun Stun to have his points.

9:16 of 9:16 - Anderson pinned Yano after the Gun Stun





6. Go Shiozaki -vs- Hirooki Goto - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [** 1/4]

--- NOAH's Shiozaki getting to look like a star, but still manages to show that he doesn't totally deserve that spot as he still can't execute big moments! There was somekind of suplex or leg-hook DDT or whatever he was supposed to do off the turnbuckle, but it just looked messed up and took away from Go looking like a player. Ain't the first time he's done real sloppy big moves. He's almost always like that. Half the time the fan are wondering what the hell he's doing as his manerisms doesn't transtale well to pro-wrestling logic. Well, the Kobashi stuff he's got more a grip with and the lariat and chops wrestling was more at home for him. Goto was good at that too and that's where the quality layed and the cheering came. But in the end the NOAH star beat last years G-1 winner with the Go Flasher and equals Goto's 8 points in Block B.

17:53 of 17:52 - Shiozaki pinned Goto after the Go Flasher





7. Togi Makabe -vs- Manabu Nakanishi - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [**]

--- Best bits was Makabe screaming in pain taking Nakanishi's chest chops! And the end where Makabe landed a hard rolling Death Valley Bomb setting up the King Kong Kneedrop from the top rope which landed and got Makabe on equal points as Nakanishi on 8 each. Ok match and all, but there wasn't too much of importance happening except Makabe looking like a champ for once.

10:52 of 10:52 - Makabe pinned Nakanishi after a top rope kneedrop





8. Prince Devitt -vs- Hiroshi Tanahashi - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [**]

--- Devitt does a super G-1 Climax!!! He beat Tanahashi with a lucky and strange roll-up! But Devitt did stand toe-to-toe with the superstar in a impressive manner and even if Tanahashi worked over his legs Devitt was able to do enough damage in many ways with those legs flying everywhere and every angle to trouble Tanahashi enough to confuse and defeat him. Good stuff!

11:36 of 11:35 - Devitt pinned Tanahashi with a front cradle





9. Shinsuke Nakamura -vs- Satoshi Kojima - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [** 3/4]

--- Big match-up to finish off the first Sumo Hall show on the G-1 Climax tour! Nakamura who's been one of the top guys in New Japan in recent years against the one that's played the ace in All Japan for many years after leaving New Japan in the early '00's. And finally someone delivered something half-big too as this one felt more important then any of the other matches on this night. Kojima had elbow trouble and Nakamura ended up having knee trouble which would make it difficult for both guys to land their main danger offence like when Nakamura landed a very pin-point Bome Ye kneekick without being able to make an cover because of the pain and Kojima's Stan Hansen lariat wasn't high impact enough to put Nakamura away as he kicked out of the move that had been certain death so far in the tournament! Nakamura also tried the cross-armbreaker on the bad arm without luck as Kojima nearly countered it for the pin. No, but instead Nakamura planted another Bome Ye and that was it!

16:45 of 16:45 - Nakamura pinned Kojima after the Boma Ye kneekick



COMMENTS: The Sumo Hall show started slow getting over with the matches that didn't feel all that important, but got good in the end with Kojima vs Nakamura stealing the show and Devitt's happy moment!




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NJPW on PPV - August 15, 2010, Tokyo - (3 1/2 hrs)



August 15, 2010, Tokyo - Sumo Hall (11,000 fans)


1. Yujiro Takahashi -vs- Yuji Nagata - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [* 3/4]

--- Yujiro looks good which has been rare in this tournament! And against veteran star Nagata ruining his chances to reach the G-1 Climax final! Not only that! It took only just over 5 minutes for Yujiro to beat the aging star with the moonsault landing! Shock opening to the night!

5:29 of 5:28 - Takahashi pinned Nagata after a moonsault





2. Shinsuke Nakamura -vs- Go Shiozaki - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [***]

--- Then for a long one as New Japan's heel boss Nakamura faces the NOAH babyface Shiozaki in a exhausting and surprisingly hot match. Competitive all the way with Nakamura carrying the NOAH wrestler in a impressive way. The longer the match went the hotter the moments with Nakamura landing a Boma Ye to the back as one of the real big moments. There was several mat based submission holds aswell that looked good and Shiozaki attempted the moonsault which Nakamura moves out of the way of. Shiozaki just wasn't able to get in much of the big stuff and fought hard to keep from letting Nakamura murder him as the time was running out. And he managed to survive until the bell as it ended a time limit draw and both on 9 points which means that Block B will be decided with the next match where both also start off with 8 points.

30:01 of 30:00 - Nakamura wrestled Shiozaki to a 30:00 Time Limit Draw





3. Satoshi Kojima -vs- Hirooki Goto - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block B ) [** 1/4]

--- Winner goes to the final of the 20th G-1 Climax. And Goto was aiming high doing his driving cradle move off the second rope for a near fall and trying all he could to hurt the returned loved one. Equals and a typical half-big match formula until poor Goto ran himself straight into a Stan Hansen-style lariat and was beat. Kojima heads to the final!

12:18 of 12:09 - Kojima pinned Goto after a lariat





4. Toru Yano -vs- Prince Devitt - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [** 1/2]

--- Devitt opened totally crazy doing his big top rope dive over the railings within less then a minute landing VERY HARD on the floor on impact! Devitt continued to try, but Yano found good use for a chair and also was saved by referee Tiger Hattori getting knocked to the floor. Devitt had Yano beat with a chaired top rope double-footstomp, but with no one to make the count Yano could get back into the game smashing the chair over Devitt's head and then started dropping Devitt down brutally with impact moves getting the rushed win with a modified Emerald Frosion preventing Devitt from going to the final.

7:27 of 7:26 - Yano pinned Devitt after the Kagamiwari



5. Tetsuya Naito -vs- Manabu Nakanishi - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [**]

--- Kind of lifeless. Kind of fun. It could have been more explosive had they wanted it too. Instead it relied on the specific moments like Naito's leeping elbow and the leeping elbow where Nakanishi caught him along with Naito being a little bit cocky and Nakanishi being a little bit stubborn. That kind of thing and in the end Naito stole the points with a lucky cradle attempt keeping Nakanishi out of the final.

10:53 of 10:52 - Naito pinned Nakanishi with a Victory Roll





6. Hiroshi Tanahashi -vs- Togi Makabe - (G-1 Climax '10 - Block A) [**]

--- Winner goes to the final to meet Kojima and Tanahashi wanted it a little bit more then Makabe managing to roll him up in a Japanese leg roll clutch to get the win over the IWGP Heavyweight Champion! Good match without reaching any massive hights or getting the hugh moments. Only a solid performance on the way to the important match that ends the show. After the bout Masato Tanaka came out and Sliding D'ed Makabe procaiming he wants a shot at Makabe's belt before the G-1 Climx winner gets a shot.

11:58 of 11:58 - Tanahashi pinned Makabe with a Japanese leg roll clutch hold



7. Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson -vs- Strong Man & Wataru Inoue [* 3/4]

--- Strong Man and that the little shit facing the IWGP Tag Champions in a left-overs match from the G-1 Climx. All these guys are out of the race but had a fun match here. Especially anything involving Strong Man and Bernard fighting! Can't help put smile whenever they clashed. Big heavyweight clashing with a touch of campy visions. And kind of surprising it was Anderson the Machine Gun which won getting the win back from his loss in the tournament using the Gun Stun.

8:20 of 8:20 - Anderson pinned Strong Man after the Gun Stun





8. Genichiro Tenyru & Toshiaki Kawada & Tiger Mask -vs- Riki Choshu & Super Strong Machine & Akira [3/4*]

--- Bring on the super veterans! Tenryu, Chochu, Kawada, Super Strong Machine along with Akira and Tiger Mask IV. Strange seeing guys like Tenryu & Kawada in the New Japan ring again. But it wasn't really a happy sight. Real old-folks home senario with Tenryu having a injured leg falling over doing chops and barely able to move. Kawada looking weak these days. You kind of appreciate just how good a shape Choshu is after all these years. No, this was not a good match even if it should have been cool seeing the old dudes in a big arena again. The young ones had to do the finishing streach and Tiger Mask naturally beat Akira.

8:16 of 8:17 - Tiger Mask pinned Akira with a crucifix cradle





9. Satoshi Kojima -vs- Hiroshi Tanahashi - (G-1 Climax '10 - Final) [***]

--- And what a way to introduce the G-1 Climax final! "Mr.G-1" Masahiro Chono who's not been seen in the ring in 2010 doing the ring annoucing! And this match was built on the epic priciple of a slowish start and then make what you're doing important enough to bring it to the end along with the big stuff. And what played the biggest factor was Kojima's hurting arm which Tanahashi kept going back to and back to. Kicking, slaming, Dragonscrewing and splashing. That arm was going to hurt according to Tanahashi no matter what. And he kept good control of the match that way, but Kojima isn't a guy that'll take that laying down and he got a few breathers knocking Tanahashi hard when he had the chance. And you know what will happen when someone works on Kojima's lariat arm for 20 minutes. Yes, he's going to get lariated extra hard. And that's what happend. Twice! And that's goodbye Tanahashi and Kojima can cash in his first G-1 Climac tournament win! With they'd done a little bit more to bring the drama when they had the chance, but this was solid enough and felt like a big match.

21:25 of 21:25 - Kojima pinned Tanahashi after a lariat to win the G-1 Climax 2010.



COMMENTS: The final night of the G-1 Climax was the best show and it should be. Two matches standing out. The final and Shiozaki vs Nakamura! The other matches had it's moments too creating a good vibe in the Sumo Hall.




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AJPW on Samurai TV - August 15, 2010, Tokyo - (3 hrs)



August 15, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,450 fans)




- RIP Lance Cade. In-ring memorial with the Voodoo Murders with Rene Dupree holding the picture for the wrestler that should have been on this tour for the company.



1. Taiyo Kea & Masa Fuchi -vs- Minoru & Hate [3/4*]

--- Just a meaningless opening match with the All Japan babyfaces beating the Voodoo Murders loser Hate. Not terrible, but also not terribly interesting.

10:04 of 10:03 - Kea pinned Hate after the TKO



2. Jimmy Yang & Super Crazy & Antonio Thomas -vs- Kaz Hayashi & KAI & Hiroshi Yamato [* 1/4]

--- Junior action building up for the AJPW Junior Title bout between champiopn Hayashi and Junior League '10 winner Jimmy Yang. So naturally Yang beat he champ in this one using the Yang Time Body Attack! The action wasn't all that hot in this one. Easy fun was more like it with a dead atmosphere.

13:42 of 13:42 - Yang pinned Hayashi with the Yang Time Body Attack





3. Manabu Soya -vs- Osamu Nishimura [* 1/2]

--- Soya's big return match since spending most of the year in Canada. And it's against mentor/rival Nishimura who's also been having other interests then All Japan this year and he didn't seem to have much interest in All Japan or elevating Soya too much here either. Lazy Dragon style against lazy Choshu style where Nishimura kept asking Soya to bring it putting his hands behind his back as a open target for Soya to beat him up. Not exactly putting up a fight taking away a lot from the end where Soya defeated the veteran making it close to worthless since Nishimura wasn't even trying to beat him. But as a mental games bout leading to something else it might work, but I'm not sure they have anything else planed for them.

12:58 of 12:59 - Soya pinned Nishimura after a brainbuster



4. BUSHI -vs- Mazada - (Mask vs Mask) [* 1/4]

--- Mazada was close to playing with the real masked dude hoping to finish him off easy. Let's just say Mazada was having a lot of fun in there and not too many of the fans there was having much fun as it wasn't exactly a great match. And then after dominating Mazada was rolled up with a head-scissor cradle to lose his mask. He tried to walk out without unmasking but Nakanoue and Hama stopped him and to no surprise at all Mazada was under the Mazada mask.

11:44 of 11:41 - BUSHI pinned Mazada with a head-scissor style cradle





5. KENSO(Kenzo Suzuki) & TARU & Rene Dupree -vs- Ryota Hama & Shuji Kondo & Seiya Sanada [* 1/2]

--- Former New Japan/World Japan/WWE/CMLL/AAA star Kenzo Suzuki making his All Japan debut! Afterspending the last 5 years wrestling in Mexico Suzuki is back in his home country and is now known as KENSO! And for his debut he gets to beat Kondo with a not-so-devestating way using an old school kneedrop! More importantly GREAT MUTA appeared! And that sets up a singles match between Great Muta and KENSO for the big Sumo Hall show on August 28th!

10:41 of 11:45 - KENSO pinned Kondo after a kneedrop





6. Akebono -vs- Big Daddy Voodoo [* 1/2]

--- Freakshow! Slow and ugly heavyweight fighting. My main complaint was that it was so short. But watching Akebono coming down from the top rope to splash Mabel is worth the ticket price alone!

5:01 of 5:01 - Akebono pinned Big Daddy after a top rope bodypress





7. Kohei Suwama & Masayuki Kono -vs- Minoru Suzuki & Masakatsu Funaki [* 3/4]

--- Then to try and make the up-coming Triple Crown Title match important having a long 30-min tag battle leading up to August 28th. And Suwama and Suzuki were at each others throats, but there was rare they brought anything of interest at all. The one thing that was easy to remember was those damn headbutts making echos in the Korakuen Hall! Those were nasty! Other then that I think the crowd just wanted to go home. At least Kono and Funaki managed to up the speed a little bit toward the later stages of the bout, but it was no classic and I'm not sure many got more hyped for the big Suzuki vs Suwama title match either.

30:02 of 30:02 - Suwama pinned Funaki after the Last Ride powerbomb



COMMENTS: A close to dead show with none of the matches reaching their potential. Not a good size crowd and not enough effort as far as the wrestling went.




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DDT on Samurai TV - August 15 & 22, 2010 - (2 hrs)



August 15, 2010, Imaike Gas Hall (295 fans)


1. Yakatori Yaken-san & Yakitori Ya-GEN-san & Ya-Toba-san -vs- Takao Soma & Kazuki Hirata & Akihito [1/4*]

--- Gimmicks. Not very funny, but thankfully it didn't last too long with the veterans and nobodies in disguise beating the young ones.

3:06 of 10:38 - Yaken-san made Hirata submit to a modified Romero Special



2. Kenny Omega -vs- Yukihiro Abe [*]

--- Abe gave Kenny plenty to work with some of which did not work, but regardless it was a spirited indy match getting some good moments out of it before Omega did his speciality German to win it as expected.

5:58 of 11:23 - Omega pinned Abe after a Croyt's Wrath style German Suplex



3. Sanshiro Takagi -vs- Shigehiro Irie [* 1/4]

--- I'm starting to enjoy Irie's work. He's putting more and more impact on his moves and is becoming a good indy heavyweight. Just wish he'd drop that dreadful greenish costume. Regardless of the costume he did meet Takagi at his own game of pounding very nicely, but this is Takagi's home and he's the lady of the house who rules it so no win for Irie!

4:40 of 9:27 - Takagi pinned Irie with the Sit-Down Sunflower Bomb



4. Danshoku Dino -vs- Keisuke Ishii [3/4*]

--- Ishii is the spirit, but Dino is the gay old man keeping this down to his level until he did his down-the-pants Canadian Destroyer to beat the kid.

6:09 of 12:12 - Dino pinned Ishii after a Danshoku Canadian Destroyer



5. Yasu Urano -vs- Dasiuke Sasaki [*]

--- Battle to the time limit! Even fight, even score. I guess letting Sasaki beat Urano would be too much for them to give him leading up to his KO-D Title bout, but they couldn't have him lose either, so a draw.

7:02 of 20:00 - Urano wrestled Sasaki to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw



6. Dick Togo & Antonio Honda & Mr.#6 -vs- Hikaru Sato & Muscle Sakai & Mr. South Pole #6 (Shiryu) [1/2*]

--- Chou-un Shiryu had stoled little Mr.6's mask so he had to wear a paper bag over his head until Dick Togo managed to wrestle it away from him and hand it to the little boy who went on to beat Shiryu after a cute Shining Wizard. Best bit was Mr.6 doing amateur wrestling and shoot style with Sato!

5:33 of 12:40 - Mr.6 pinned Shiryu after a Shining Wizard



7. HARASHIMA & Toru Owashi -vs- MIKAMI & KUDO [*]

--- Decent standard DDT action match which the champion got to look like a champion taking care of KUDO with style!

9:54 of 16:14 - HARASHIMA pinned KUDO after the Somato double-knee attack



August 22, 2010, Osaka Minami Move On Arena (350 fans)


8. MIKAMI & Tanomusaku Toba -vs- Akihito & Kazuki Hirata [3/4*]

--- Decent veterans vs young ones action bout. Nothing special about it, but the moves hit until MIKAMI wanted it over with.

5:27 of 9:34 - MIKAMI pinned Hirata after a Swanton Bomb



9. Hikaru Sato & Keisuke Ishii -vs- Toru Owashi & Hideki Shioda [1/2*]

--- Owashi having the unfortune of having loser comedy wrestler Shioda with him losing twice to Sato and his cross-armbreaker! I like to leave these matches alone and not say too much about them. Maybe they'll go away.....

0:23 of 0:23 - Sato made Shioda submit to a cross-armbreaker

11:42 of 11:09 - Sato made Shioda submit to a cross-armbreaker



10. Sanshiro Takagi & Shigehiro Irie -vs- Kenny Omega & Takao Soma [*]

--- Irie is on fire in DDT these days! He and his Teddy Bear hip drops rule the ring killing young Soma with them getting the pin with a corner version! Omega and Takagi added life making it a fun tag for the fans.

8:24 of 14:50 - Irie pinned Soma after a diving Teddy Bear



11. Dick Togo & Daisuke Sasaki -vs- HARASHIMA & KUDO [* 1/2]

--- They are forming Sasaki&Gabbana into a serious wrestler after years in the Italian 4 Horsemen. And this is the final warm-up between him and the KO-D Champion before they meet for the belt on August 29th. And finally here comes the moment where they make Sasaki a credible challenger beating the champion with a tiny bit of help from Dick Togo. Sasaki's dangerous weapons are the modified DDT drops with the reversed DDT variation being the most dangerous and which got HARASHIMA pinned. The match was ok, but not super spectacular.

16:46 of 16:45 - Sasaki pinned HARASHIMA after a modified reversed DDT



COMMENTS: DDT outside of Tokyo shows where it was mostly the wrestling in focus preparing them for the Korakuen Hall show later in the month.




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Kaientai Dojo on GAORA TV - August 15, 2010, Chiba - (2 hrs)



August 15, 2010, Chiba Port Arena Sub Arena (412 fans)


1. Handsome JOE & Ryuichi Sekine & Yuu Yamagata -vs- MIYAWAKI & Shinya Matsuyuki & Bambi [* 1/4]

--- Not long ago Sekine was everybodies trash doll being a rookie and all, but now he's got someone to blow off all his frustration on stiffing the new guy Matsuyuki. A small helpless little character willing to take the shit and get squashed! Love it! Plus this had JOE fuck up and trip off the top rope! Smiles, baby!

7:07 of 9:53 - Sekine made Matsuyuki submit to a modified Boston Crab



2. Daigoro Kashiwa & Hiro Tonai -vs- Boso Boy Raito & Randy Takuya [* 1/2]

--- Hiro Tonai stealing the show beating the Boso by dropping him nicely on his neck! The match had a ok flow and all guys had their moments, espeically Randy who was showing personality for the first time it felt like. But as long as your parter in a masked clown you'll lose and Tonai was the man of the match.

5:05 of 8:03 - Tonai pinned Raito after the Waterfall Drop



3. Taka Michinoku & Ryota Chikuzen & YOSHIYA -vs- Shiori Asahi & Makoto Oishi & Saburo Inematsu [**]

--- Ryota Chikuzen making an rare K-Dojo appearence since leaving the promotion a few years ago and it's a happy return. The fans love him and he knows exactly what to give them. And Oishi made him seem like a monster falling scared like a little girl for the toned fighter. The match was filled with good action until it was time for Chikuzen to take care of business. Business being Inematsu.

13:43 of 13:41 - Chikuzen pinned Inematsu after a top rope bodypress



4. Marines Mask II © -vs- Isami Kodaka - (Independent Junior Title) [** 1/4]

--- Cool match between two light and weird-styled characters in Death Match Fighter Isami and PSYCHO doing the baseball gimmick defending the indy belt. Lots of fancy attacking. A little light on execution, but with so much happening they got a fight out of it making it fairly exciting with no clear aggressor. But in the end the champion and home wrestler managed to win with his springboard Swanton Bomb. Looks like Osaka Pro wrestler Orochi wants the next shot at the belt.

10:36 of 13:16 - Marines Mask pinned Isami after the High Fly Bomb to retain the Independent Junior Title in his 2nd defence.



5. Taishi Takizawa & Kaji Tomato © -vs- Kengo Mashimo & HIROKI - (Strongest-K Tag Title) [** 1/2]

--- A long match, maybe a bit too long for them as execution was getting slower because of the exhaustion and they tried to do a speed style match. But they managed to keep up the pace quite well regardless and included some fine highlights like Tomato's dive over the ropes to the floor and Takizawa's moonsault off the structure! The champs isn't exactly credibility itself, but they put up a spirited performance and managed to get their share of the dangerous attackes like Takizawa's Tiger Driver. But this was a match for the returned HIROKI/Hi69 and finally things are starting to go his way after his time-out from wrestling. And getting there he used his running knee attack, unpaded, after Mashimo had set Takizawa up and ready to get killed. So there you have it! Mashimo & HIROKI are the new champs! 4th time holding the belts for Mashimo making him the Strongest-K Tag king while HIROKI gets his first Strongest-K Tag Title.

17:14 of 29:33 - HIROKI pinned Takizawa after a running kneekick. Mashimo & HIROKI become the 15th Strongest-K Tag Champions.



6. KAZMA © -vs- Yuji Hino - (Strongest-K Title) [** 1/4]

--- Champion KAZMA made sure he ruled this one. He had his gang with him interfering and knocking down the referee when needed. He kept using weapons to beat the challenger down including chairs and dropping the ring-steps down on him. Not to mention the championship belt to knock Hino bad toward the end. There was no end to Hino's misery. He was totally slaughtered even if he did give a good fight in short parts before he'd get cheated down again. He really looked doomed as KAZMA knocked him silly so many times, but then came the comeback! A German Suplex.....and BAM! Hino is the new Strongest-K Champion!!!

18:13 of 25:38 - Hino pinned KAZMA with a German Suplex to become the 10th Strongest-K Champion.



COMMENTS: Good K-Dojo show! It's moments like this I wish more Kaientai Dojo was available and that they'd have a bigger fanbase to make these good matches even better and more important.




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SUPER FMW on COMM - August 20, 2010, Tokyo - (1 hrs)



August 20, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-kiba 1st RING


1. Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Hailey Hatred [*]

--- NEO's ace against Hailey Hatred. At first it seemed like just another cruising squash win for Tamura, but then Hailey landed a couple of her big moves and damange was equal. Both tried all they had and it wasn't over until both were counted out fighting on the rampway.

13:33 of of 13:32 - Tamura wrestled Hailey to a Double Count Out



2. Bababob no Papa & Kunihiko Mitame & Aki Shizuku -vs- Mother Kong & Bruce Ray & Freddy Kid [1/4*]

--- All kinds of dreadful with the girl fighting along and beating all three shitty guys including a Freddy Kruger wannabe and a male Aja Kong!

(0:49) - Shizuku pinned Ray with a fishermans buster

(2:08) - Shizuku pinned Kong after a bodyslam

3:15 of 10:58 - Shizuku pinned Freddy after a fishermans buster



3. Gran Hamada -vs- Nagase Kancho

--- .....the second double count out of the show....Hamada looked in control and the loser Nagase got a cheap draw against the old veteran.

2:38 of 9:17 - Hamada wrestled Kancho to a Double Count Out



4. Super Leather #2 -vs- Kintaro Kanemura [1/2*]

--- Too typical for me to get excited about. Super Leather beats up Kanemura. And I was happy about that.

8:32 of 8:59 - Leather pinned Kanemura after a second rope suplex



5. Jessie White -vs- Tatsutoshi Goto [1/2*]

--- Ther son of Big Van Vader, Jessie White! First match I ever see of him. And I was not impressed. The match was designed to make him look like a threat, but I just felt the whole fighting structure and his style all wrong. It was a few punches here and a few punches there and then he'd stop for no real reason other then look mean, making the match seem rather awkward. And Goto wasn't there to do much as it was all for White to beat the aging veteran doing so with a spear/football tackle.

7:27 of 7:27 - White pinned Goto after a spear



6. Tarzan Goto & Nobuhiro Tsurumaki & Shark Tsuchiya & Reina Ayukawa -vs- Mr.Pogo & Tomonobu Matsumoto & Basara & Yuta Nakata - (Hardcore) [3/4*]

--- Oh my, oh my.....what a long and damn trashy Goto hardcore match. The enjoyment wasn't the actual hardcore or 'wrestling', it was the sher madness of this shit and how Goto and the guys just super random and without a clue kept trying to put together a match beating up girls and bumping in barbed wire and thumbtacks. Knives and broken bottles was also popular weapons. So a pure crap, with the enjoyment coming from how creapy it all was.....

22:47 of 23:14 - Goto pinned Nakata after a Facebuster on thumbtacks



COMMENTS: Super FMW.....what a promotion :p




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OSAKA PRO on Samurai TV - August 20, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



August 20, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (777 fans)


1. Tigers Mask & Black Buffalo & Tadasuke -vs- Mineo Fujita & Ultimate Spider Jr & HAYATA [**]

--- Plenty of fun and a happy way to start Osaka's 'big' Tokyo show in a not-so-full Korakuen Hall. But that didn't stop these guys from having a lot fo fun and giving the fans there enough action and love for their money. HAYATA was beat up at the end with the three Osaka heels fighting over who was going to kill him. After eveybody had a try Tigers Mask tried again and this time got him with a Buzzsaw.

9:02 of 9:00 - Tigers Mask pinned HAYATA after a headkick



2. Hideyoshi & Masamune -vs- Yoshito Sasaki & Tsukasa Tsukamoto [* 1/2]

--- Osaka Pro vs Big Japan. Sadly didn't have the same entertainment value, but it was fairly solid with Hideyoshi and Sasaki clashing with lariats and that kind of thing, but it wasn't nearly as intense as it could have been. The Big Japan rookie Tsukamoto was the natural fall guy and was beat up a lot before Masamune hit the Raikiri.

13:05 of 13:05 - Masamunae pinned Tsukamoto with a modified reversed DDT



3. Kana & Asami Kawasaki -vs- Takaku Fuke & Ranmaru [1/2*]

--- A match for fun with Fuke mixing with the girls having a good time until he let them beat him up. Not many serious moments at all.

10:25 of 10:25 - Kana made Fuke submit to mounted headslaps



4. Great Sasuke & MIKAMI -vs- Asian Cougar & Miracle Man - (Ladder Match) [* 1/4]

--- Ladder match....meaning ladder as a weapon. And we got a few big stunts like Cougar apron ladder bump and Miracle Man, of all people, leeping off the ladding in the ring for a dive to the floorside! Can't say the actual match was much to brag about besides the stunts. Sasuke gets the win with his driving dropkick off the top.

11:58 of 13:38 - Sasuke pinned Mircale Man after the Sasuke Special Ver. 10.2 Segway



5. Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin -vs- Atsushi Kotoge & Daisuke Harada [** 3/4]

--- NOAH against Osaka Pro and here they delivered the action! A bunch of fancy dives and hot near falls as the Osaka boys were trying to stay in there with the NOAH's GHC Junior Tag Champions and prove they are a solid combo. And Kotoge & Harada did show themself from a good light. They were out-matched, but brought up such a fight that you got behind them hoping they'd get an upset. Which never happend because Marvin was on fire here and won the match by himself almost Santa Maria'ing Kotoge for the pin! Very good stuff!

13:38 of 13:38 - Marvin pinned Kotoge with the Santa Maria



6. Kensuke Sasaki & Kuishinbo Kamen & Ebessan III -vs- Kikutaro & Kanjyouro Matsuyama & Takoyakida [*]

--- Sasaki was so embarrassed to be apart of this. He probable just got a call saying "You want to main event our Korakeun Hall show?" and he probable just replied "Yeah, I love to main event shows" without thinking this is Osaka Pro and they value their jokers the most. So a comedy main event with all their knows slapstick stuff. And of course some bullying and payback with Sasaki at the end before he lariated and Northern Light Bombed Matsuyama for the win.

21:12 of 21:12 - Sasaki pinned Matsuyama after a Northern Light Bomb



COMMENTS: Fun show overall. I never agree with having a comedy match as main event, but it's Osaka Pro, that's what they often do. But the Osaka Pro vs NOAH match was damn fun and there was other moments on the show that was cool.




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STYLE-E on COMM - August 21, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



August 21, 2010, Tokyo - Nishi-Choufu Sport-Combat Arena


1. Daisuke -vs- ? [*]

--- Easy to the point indy wrestling with both coming with elbows as the main attraction with Daisuke's sliding elbow finishing it all. Daisuke was always the better of the two.

8:15 - Daisuke pinned ? after a Sliding D



2. Hide Kubota & Yasu Kubota -vs- Daisuke Sasaki & Hiroko Tsuruki [* 1/4]

--- Veterans of the micro indys, the Kobota brothers, taking on DDT's Sasaki and not well known Tsuruki for a fairly Kobota controled bout. Sasaki did get to follow up on the brothers, but there was little doubt who the fallguy was. The action was solid in it's indyness and did what it was supposed to. After the match the Kobota brothers called out Daisuke to set up a Kobota Boss vs Double Daisuke tag for the next Style-E show.

9:04 - Hide pinned Tsuruki after reversed Tiger Driver



3. Taro Yamada & Takao Soma & Tatsuhiko Yoshino -vs- Minoru Fujita & Amigo Suzuki & Chango [* 1/2]

--- Secret Base team of Chango & Amigo with out-of-place partner Fujita trying to take care of a bunch of young bloods. And doing quite well until Chou-un Shiryu interfered. And thats when the dreadful 666 wrestler Yamada (aka The 101) landed his second diving double-kneedrop on Chango to win the match. The match was better then expected. Had it's comical feel to it with the Fujita deal, but they packed it with enough action and story to make it watchable.

15:55 - Yamada pinned Chango after a top rope double-kneedrop



4. Spark Aoki & Takuma Obe -vs- Kyosuke Sarutobi & Chou-un Shiryu [3/4*]

--- ....featured Masahiro Takanashi and a stuffed puppy attack.... and some typical indy wrestling until Chango came in and did the lamest/laziest powder throwing run-in of all time!

10:33 - Aoki pinned Shiryu with a front clutch hold



5. Kazuhiro Tamura & Yukihiro Abe -vs- Masato Shibata & Toshihiro Sueyoshi [* 1/4]

--- Tamura & Abe wasn't co-operating well except for attacking each other. They had an understanding there. No trust at all. But at the match progressed they got in a working relationship and managed to beat big Shibata with a double-pin situation!

18:03 - Tamura & Abe pinned Shibata with a side clutch/jack knife cradle combination



COMMENTS: Style-E show without the magic or a specific match sticking out.




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SECRET BASE on COMM - August 22, 2010, Warabi City - (1 1/2 hrs)



August 22, 2010, Warabi City Isami Wrestle Budokan


1. Go Sato & Blue Bicyclce -vs- Chango & Ferist [1/2*]

--- Everyone was wearing masks for some reason....yet it was still only a very standard Secret Base lifeless styled bout which lasted until Go got the better of Ferist rolling him up with a La Magistral.

11:56 of 11:56 - Sato pinned Ferist with a La Magistral



2. Spark Aoki -vs- Kenji Takeshima [1/4*]

--- Spark Aoki against that terrible Battlarts rookie. They attempted a Battlarts style match, but there was no way this was going to be anything notable and apart from Aoki's kicks knocking Takeshima silly the match didn't have much to offer.

8:28 of 8:28 - Aoki defeated Takeshima by TKO after a headkick



3. Kamui & The Winger -vs- Amigo Suzuki & Yamada Man Pound [1/2*]

--- Kamui looked professional and then he messed up the finishing cradle after a long nothing match......

14:13 of 14:13 - Kamui pinned Yamada with a modified cradle



4. Isami Kodaka -vs- Mototsugu Shimizu [* 1/4]

--- Wow, almost a good match from Secret Base! And in little Warabi City Isami Wrestle Budokan with only a few dozen fans in attendance. They actually had a fairly motivated performance regardless of the atmosphere there as Isami kept coming with double knees and Shimizu wanted to look good before losing and nearly did against the death match specialist. But in the end Shimizu ran himself into a kick and was pinned.

12:46 of 12:46 - Isami pinned Shimizu after a superkick



5. Bear Fukuda & Jun Ogawauchi -vs- GENTARO & Kazuhiro Tamura [*]

--- Half-decent opening card fighting with Jun looking ok and GENTARO & Tamura brining it to him. And then they were counted out teasing a total screwjob in the main event. But this time they continued and re-started the bout for the fans. And then they had a tiny climax fight between Jun and GENTARO with a happy ending of Jun getting the upset doing a front-body type enzuigiri kick!

16:05 of 16:07 - Fukuda & Ogawauchi wrestled GENTARO & Tamura to a Doubl Count Out

6:43 of 6:43 - Ogawauchi pinned GENTARO after a bodykick



COMMENTS: Shimizu vs Isami was as good a match Secret Base will ever put on and the main event had the happy ending! But it's still Secret Base and not worth anyones time.....




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TRIPLE TAILS on COMM - August 22, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



August 22, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-kiba 1st RING


1. Hailey Hatred & Basara -vs- Apple Miyuki & Aya Yuki [*]

--- A little rough in execution with the girls not being totally on the same flow as Hailey, or the other way around. But they tried and had a few moments there that looked good. My favourite was probable Yuki stopping Hailey's pinfall attempt by running in a boot in her face. That was a rare moment where the otherwise bland Yuki showed some personality. In the end it was the foreign guest who got to end it backdrop suplexing Miyuki by trapping her arms in the process which was a fine way to end it.

10:41 of 10:42 - Hailey pinned Miyuki after a trapped backdrop suplex



2. Onryo -vs- Masamune [1/2*]

--- A throw-away mens match where Onryo and Osaka Pro's Masamune just had a real simple match and then got counted out together to end it real lame and without political problems.

12:01 of 12:09 - Onryu wrestled Masamune to a Double Count Out



3. Tetsuhiro Kuroda -vs- Madoka -vs- Ultraman Robin - (3-Way) [1/2*]

--- ....eh....couldn't be much more then a filler 3-way, could it?! Nah.... could have been worse. Thats all I'm saying.

9:52 of 9:52 - Kuroda pinned Madoka with a Samson Clutch



4. Yuki Miyazaki -vs- Shinobu [1/2*]

--- Hmmmm.....this match was basically there so that Miyazaki could strip Shinobu nearly naked and then do the Super Shy Hold to reveal too much....

8:31 of 8:34 - Miyazaki made Shinobu submit to the Super Shy Hold



5. Minoru Fujita & NOSAWA Rongai & Kikuzawa -vs- Kana & Mio Shirai & Io Shirai - (2/3 Falls) [* 1/2]

--- Long 2/3 falls inter-gender bout as the Triple Tails girls take on the stale Tokyo Gurentai guys. And there was a lot of dead time with hardly anything interesting happend. But the endings of the three falls was usually when things happened and was good. So they basically could have cut 25 minutes out and had a good 6-min instead to the same effect almost. But this is what they did and it was still the most interesting match on the show with the girls winning first and the boys getting the next two falls for bothering to show up to the show and work some of the 33 minutes their bout lasted.

14:56 of 14:55 - Kana pinned Kikuzawa with a schoolboy

11:20 of 11:18 - Kikuzawa pinned Mio with a Last Ride Ligerbomb

6:22 of 6:20 - Fujita pinned Io after a wrist-clutch Northern Light Bomb



COMMENTS: Triple Tails produced by the Kana, Io & Mio trio was hardly even a event to speak about. Kana did a much better role at producing in April without watering it out with booking like this.




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OZ ACADEMY on GAORA TV - August 22, 2010 - (2 hrs)



August 15, 2010, Osaka Azalea Taisho (420 fans)


1. Mayumi Ozaki & Commando Bolshoi -vs- Dynamite Kansai & Carlos Amano - (Plum Mariko Memorial Tag Match)

--- Plum Mariko's friend honoring her untimely in-ring death in 1997. Only clips and didn't seem all that unusual of a performance from them. But I guess none of the action was ment to be important. Just that her friends could honor her in their own way.

1:57 of 12:19 - Ozaki pinned Amano after a Shining headkick



August 22, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,150 fans)


2. Hiren -vs- Nao Komatsu [3/4*]

--- Hiren shining while squashing Oz Academy's rookie girl....

4:06 of 4:06 - Hiren made Komatsu submit to a ankle crab hold



3. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Tomoka Nakagawa -vs- Dash Chisako & Sendai Sachiko [* 1/4]

--- Full of life, but basic. The Kanari sisters take on Matsumoto & Nakagawa for some good action while it lasted. The Sendai Girls wrestlers adds color to Oz's current line-up, but only gets used to push their own associates and expecially Nakagawa who's getting help in Oz to grow in the ranks and did so effectively here planting a hard lariat to take Sachiko down.

6:06 of 9:49 - Nakagawa pinned Sachiko after a lariat



4. Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Takako Inoue [* 3/4]

--- Police and Mika Nishio was there interfering when needed and Nishio landed some vicious whipping! You had to feel sorry for Kurihara! Takako was in a slow lazy squash mode letting her posse take care of the dirty work. And then she brought out the stungun! Kurihara didn't want that and moved out of the way and Police got shocked instead and then Kurihara did it! Throat Slam Suplexed the sexy veteran and pinned her clean!

8:19 of 8:28 - Kurihara pinned Inoue after a throat slam suplex



5. Dynamite Kansai -vs- Yumi Ohka [* 1/2]

--- Since Ohka sides with the heel side in Oz Academy she had help from Police and Mika Nishio too. And she really needed it too against such a powerful veteran like Dynamite Kansai! So the same thing here too with the two interfering when needed. But of course if that interference couldn't stop Kurihara, how was it supposed to stop Kansai?! They couldn't and she stomped and clawed them down before landing the original Splash Mountain to beat the WAVE gal.

7:40 of 7:40 - Kansai pinned Ohka with a Splash Mountain



6. Aja Kong & Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Manami Toyota & Carlos Amano [**]

--- Stars tag. All the ordinary stuff you're used to from getting from these passed their prime wrestlers. But they still made it fun to watch landing the finsihers and living in the past. And Aja and Toyota's eternal rivalry continued to live with Aja landing a stiff backfist to knock the ol' gal even more silly then she already is.

9:54 of 13:56 - Kong pinned Toyota after a uraken



7. Kaoru © -vs- Mayumi Ozaki - (Oz Title; Dress Up Wild Fight; Last Woman Standing Match) [** 3/4]

--- Wild brawl with the Death Match rule in effect that you first need to pin your opponent and then have a 10-count KO. And naturally Ozaki had her crew with her like all of the others in the gang had during their fights on this show. So a lot of the same except here Aja came to Kaoru's aid. But even Aja was in trouble getting handcuffed to the railings in the Korakuen Hall. She got lose of the first one, but got locked again in a more secure one. But the other Jungle Jack memebers came to the rescue keeping Police and Mika Nishio in check and freeing Aja. But Ozaki was pretty much in control regardless and had enough weapons to fill the match of brutality. A lot of the match besides the side story of all the gang members was impact moments between the champion and the challenger. Ozaki Ligerbombed Kaoru through a table, put her through barbed wire and kept choking and locking her in chains to get her pinfalls and trying to keep her down for the KO count. Kaoru on the other hand did a ladder moonsault and a big senton dive out off the top rope putting Ozaki though a table. This and plenty more big highlights made this match feel special. The end came from light tubes. Not Big Japan amount of light tube shots. No, only one standard multi-contruction which got Kaoru the pin. Then she went on to lock Ozaki down and around the bottom turnbuckle pad with Ozaki being unable to get up to her feet. That means Kaoru wins a grueling battle to keep the chained belt.

25:00 of 26:21 - Kaoru defeated Ozaki by KO after hitting her with light tubes to retain the Oz Title in her 1st defence.



COMMENTS: Quite a fun show. The main event was what made it really come alive, but the undercard had some cool twists and turn around the stable wars.




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