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Posts posted by Tequila_Boy

  1. Due to my mate misreading when Planet 51 opened, we both ended up seeing New Moon. (Unlimited Card holders, it means we go see shit for no reason). Euch, wha ta pile of wank. I've not seen the first one but...nothing happened, and the exciting cool bits were glossed over and made to seem bad, even though we all know SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    werewolves are better than vampires

    . This annoyed me but it was just generally crap, with too much focus on trying to be poetic and deep with a cast of shit actors where if they'd done more cool matrix style fighting etc it would of bene a mcuh better film.

  2. 2012...million plot line rolled into one film. I enjoyed the film despite the fact it rolled 3 feature films into one LONG ass film. Everything was nice and way to coincidentally lucky. I've heard people going on about the story being shit but the CGI being awesome. However I was fine with the story, but I was really dissapointed with the CGI. Not that it was rubbish, but I felt that a lot fo the time they had bitten off more than they could chew.

  3. Isn't ti Elijah wood in a film where 9 individuals group together to save the world?

    yeh that's 9. Ive just been reading theories over on imdb about the movie and there's some really interesting stuff there. The movie is kinda easy to follow in terms of basic story, but the 9 'characteristic's' thing is pretty clever, i'd like to read a little more into it.


    Well tomorrow I plan on watching another film with Elijah Wood where 9 individuals band together to save the world. Only part one but I will actually watch, you know, all of it, so as to not suffer the wrath of the angry keyboard warrior, that I didn't watch all of it. And then I shall report back to you kind sirs

  4. Isn't ti Elijah wood in a film where 9 individuals group together to save the world?

    yeh that's 9. Ive just been reading theories over on imdb about the movie and there's some really interesting stuff there. The movie is kinda easy to follow in terms of basic story, but the 9 'characteristic's' thing is pretty clever, i'd like to read a little more into it.


    Are we allowed to call Face Palms ourselves?

  5. I sense...sarcasm? No wait, stupidity


    Yeah, you're totally right.


    It's okay for us to have nuclear weapons. Even though we are the only countries in recent time who have actually invaded anyone.


    Or are we still going along with the whole "giving them democracy" deal? War on terror and all of that nonsense?


    For whatever reason you think we've invaded or whether your against it or not, we are a country with the resources and man-power to take on the enemy without having to use nuclear weapons. Neither do we have the ambition to wipe out millions of people (despite what you might think). However, both Iran and North Korea do have that ambition, with it having been stated on numerous occasions. Also Israel would rape Iran with or without the help of the Americans and Iran knows this, hence why it's not a good idea thme having Nuclear Weapons.


    If North Korea had proper nuclear weapons they could potentially spark a war with FOUR desperate countries 3 of which possess Nuclear Weapons, by attacking the South, which would probably lead to the Americans coming in for the South and then China coming in for the North.

  6. "I spent the entire night with my back turned to him.


    I don't know if the cameras picked this up but Griffin was trembling and shaking like a leaf.


    She's contradicted herself there, hasn't she?


    Also, not apropos of the thread's current topic, but I just watched WWE Superstars and Matt Striker called Tommy Dreamer "the leader of the Labour party."


    Thats just nit-picking a figure of speech

  7. Helena Bonham Carter 43







    Er, nope, well at least not for me. she has never floated me boat in terms of being hawt... Even the 'kooky' appeal or even when shes in bodice ripping yarns, or whatever.... erm non, ill pass




    "Lol Gay"


    Definate winnar, how did I not think of her.


    *cums* can anyone find the original video on youtube? i watched it earlier and it said to PM the guy for the music or video and i'd love to get my hands on this awesome music, preferably without voices rather than a shitty rip of the actual video

  9. I thought Zombieland felt more like a pilot for a TV show, then I found out that it was originally intended to be a TV series. They said they made alterations to turn it into a film, but it still felt like an extended pilot. I expected more, what with how highly rated it is, but it wasn't exactly shite either.


    I don't kmnow whether it was because I saw this comment before I saw the film but I would definately agree with it. It didn't have that film-ness about it, but was a still very good

  10. There's no such thing as a ninth sigil, it's the ninth chevron and it's pretty important towards the end of SG1, when they muse about the origins of the ori and their home galaxy.

    Oh right I recall that being said in the programme, or at least chevron. I got the impression you wouldn't have needed to have seen the previous series to follow SGU.


    So what is the ninth chevron? The only chevron I've heard before is a car :)

    Perhaps I'll have watch some of the other series' to clear it up.


    After to reading the above post I've got a better idea. :thumbsup:


    I wondered about the Lou Diamond Philips character too actually.


    On the Stargate, there are 32 symbols and 9 of the those locking triangles that light up, those are chevrons. In the film Daniel Jackson worked out that you need to lock 7 "co-ordinates" in to connect a womrhole somewhere, 6 of those represented different point in space to create a sort of box round the specific area, symbolised by constellation signs, and the final one being the point of origin. Part way through SG1, O'Neill gets the knowledge of the ancients embedded in his mind, but its overloading him and killing him, to get rid of it, he uses this knowledge to go to the Asgard homeworld in a different galaxy, which requires him to use an 8th chevron to "boost" the wormhole to another galaxy. This is essentially how they also get to Atlantis int he Pegasus Galaxy. Now the 9th Chevron is either presumably an extra boost tot he wormhole (as the Destiny is BILLIONs of lightyears away, much further than Pegasus, or gives the Stargate the ability to connect a wormhole to a stargate not in a static(ish) position on or around a planet. I've unfortuenaly hardly watched the end of SG1 so not to sure what they explain there.


    Also the 9th Chevron has always been on the gate, as was the 8th, they just had no idea how ot use either.


    * The main kid. The chances of them hiring him rather than just using his solution to the problem, which is a one-time-only deal anyway, and never telling him? Unlikely.


    They needed him to help at the base as Rush was still having trouble


    * Why didn't the main cast go to a stargate on another safe planet and wait to find out if Earth was okay, rather than randomly jumping through to some place they'd never seen before?


    Rush's explanation is that when the planet exploded it could of followed through to earth which is true and would of been deadly, however, he also realised that the planet's core heating up was providing the power needed, Elli also figured out why the the address wasn't working (The Earth symbol was needed as a password of sorts to lock the wormhole, I think that's how he explained it, also another explaination for the 9th chevron) and also they believed that that planet was the only one from where they could dial to this mysterious new place and Rush wasn't letting his research from the last few years go to waste.


    * The ship conveniently having CO2 scrubbers. If it was designed for them to find it, as will no doubt be revealed in a later episode, why not have the screen instructions in a language they can understand?



    It wasn't designed for them to find at all. The ship was sent ahead with tohers, THOUSANDS of years ago to seed gates in a distant galaxy, and then the Ancients were to gate in to actually seed said galaxy, however, they learned to ascend before that could happen so the ship has just been going on along on cruise control waiting for someone that never showed up.

  11. Up, saw it today. I liked it, I did, Pixar still on form as usual, for some reason I just couldn't take the whole thing seriously though. Whereas the premise of Toy Story is the Toys move form the beginning, and Wall-E is set in the future, and the whole of the Cars world is Cars, the fact the whackyness did't come in straight away and was added on top of this story which seemed to be quite normal sort of irked me and I didn't enjoy it as much as I have other Pixar films

  12. Seen the first episode so far and found it hard follow as to wether they were on a base a some plant or on the space ship as they seemed to be going back and forth :(

    Some of these sci-fi programmes are lost on me the way they talk in all that jargon like you are supposed to understand it all lol


    ...what? Wha was hard to understand? They were on the ship and flashbacked to chart Eli's journey


    I'm surprised at the love for Stargate Universe, I watched it with no great expectations and was unimpressed. There's logic flaws all over the place, and it seems obvious that someone high up at their channel went "make the new SG series more gritty, like Battlestar Galactica, and make the main character more like Gaius Baltar". There was the mega-cliched angry army guy, and the audience avatar (the maths / computer genius) pretty much did nothing.


    It's like they couldn't decide what they wanted it to be - show in the Stargate universe, or BSG mk.2 - and it ended up not being enough of either. Shame, really. I'll give it another few episodes before I give up on it, but thumbs down for me so far.


    Logic flaws? It's Sci Fi. What logic flaws did you notice that aren't explained by the "It's Sci Fi" comment?

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