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Barry G

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Posts posted by Barry G

  1. Flashpoint and SPL

    2 Donnie Yen films here, Flashpoint being his latest picture. SPL was way too far fetched for me, even for a HK flick, also beats you over the head with all the melodrama, still some decent action scenes. 6/10

    I enjoyed Flash Point immensely, Yen mixes up martial arts with MMA in this film and i believe it works well, film looked gorgeous, solid acting all round and some of the best action scenes i've seen in some time. Plot was a bit simplistic, since Infernal Affairs the cop/badguy storyline features in a lot of new HK movies but it just seemed cliched here. Still, definitely recommended. 8/10




    A beautiful and heartbreaking film.

    Stars Min-Sik Choi (Oldboy) as a low level gangster going nowhere in life, and Cecilia Cheung (Failan) going to Korea in hope of finding her only remaining relatives. The film changes from one story to the other as it follows each of their lives, and refusing to spoil the whole plot, the film unfolds in a genuinely touching ending. Fantastic 9/10


    American Gangster


    New Ridley Scott film, featuring Denzel Washington as Frank Lucas, a big drug kingpin in New York in the 60s and Russell Crowe as Richie Roberts, a cop who heads up a team investigating big drug pushers.

    The length at 2 hrs 30 min might put some people off, and the movie moves along at a slow pace but always keeps the viewer engaged, fans of The Wire will enjoy this, Crowe's character is a carbon copy of McNulty. No breakout performances here, but the acting is fine all round and some of the scenes look gorgeous. 8/10

  2. Chungking Express - ** 1/2 (Controversial?)2046 - **

    Just curious, have you seen In the Mood for Love, and if so what did you think? I enjoyed 2046 but I don't think I would have if I hadn't seen ITMFL. Chungking Express I could take or leave.
    I haven't, just located a torrent and am downloading it now so will definitely watch it within the week, i'm probably being too harsh on 2046 so i may watch it again after i watch ITMFL.
  3. Seen a few films recently. My fear of trying to form a coherent and well thought out review of each film has overtaken me therefore i shall dispense STARS as if they were candy.Chungking Express - ** 1/2 (Controversial?)2046 - **Beast Cops ***Exiled ***This Is England - **** 1/2Severance - * 1/2Hmmmm, i usually wade through the crap and try to pick out movies that have been highly regarded (Severance aside) but maybe my expectations are too high and I am expecting too much from films nowadays, and should go into movies with a more balanced and clearer approach. Does anyone else get that feeling?Shamefully i haven't seen any Kurosawa films yet and have Seven Samurai and Ran on download, i hope my self-snobbishness doesn't hamper my experience of them. Maybe i'll just watch some shit for a while instead.

  4. Mr Seven, glad to see another Brand New fan amongst the heathens. Didn't get to see them whilst they were over here, was genuinely gutted.


    Onto another late night song of the day......


    Tiger Lou - The Loyal


    Really good atmospheric song from Sweden. Rasmus Kellerman is the man behind Tiger Lou. He writes, plays and produces all the songs.

    This is from the second album aptly named The Loyal

  5. Gossy, if you were impressed with Ryan Gosling, i recommend checking out "Half Nelson" where he plays a drug-addicted school teacher in an inner-city school.


    Recently saw A Dirty Carnival A South Korean movie about a middle aged gangster frustrated at not really going places. Nicely paced drama/action movie, with some good performances and some great fight scenes. Definetely worth checking out if you're a fan of these type of movies.

  6. Attack The Gas Station!


    This is a South Korean film from 1999 about 4 guys who rob a gas station for a laugh and decide to run it to try to make more money.


    Everyone should see this movie! It mixes elements of action and comedy for all round great entertainment and is just serious fun to watch, the main characters are great and the supporting cast all have their little roles and it all comes together seamlessly.


    The subtitles are great and the story is easy to follow. FUN FUN FUN



  7. Only just started playing the original God Of War last week, utterly brilliant, about 70% through at the moment, stunning visuals and loving the brilliant combos.Hope to get it finished this week.On the last level on NSMB on the DS. Bastard level.Need to get back into Mario 64 DS and try to finish Phoenix Wright as well.

  8. this isn't an e-fed, but click these links and write this stuff and we'll let you join.That HHH guy, man, he sucks!where can i buy these random wrestling tapes whilst i wave random amounts of money around.HEY, i "promoted" a show, i'M FAMOUS AND i demand RESPECT, super duper wrestling LINK INSIDE!!!!!!!111111111111

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