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Posts posted by Subculture

  1. Sandman, for all the trauma and misery I've caused you, I know you wanna tear me apart. I know you wanna rip me open but beware, there are things inside me without remorse, without compassion. Things that are dead. Things that can hurt you. Things that can scar you for now and forever.


    Highschool must have seemed like forever for you, Stevie Richards. I know it did for me. Being a misfit, being shunned. I know kids like you, Stevie. No friends, no family, no nothing. Nothing except the constant and gnawing agony of the realisation that no-one likes you. How does it feel to be voted "most unpopular"? To not be invited to parties. I know what that feels like, Stevie Richards. But I'm not worried about you, because Stevie Richards, I never needed anyone to take me out of that mess, you needed me. All I had was my physical and mental powers, and the lack of remorse to use both. No Stevie Richards, you won't be a factor. You won't make it through the threeway dance. You'll never get a shot at me so I'll go on to Terry Funk.


    Wrestling is a sport for young verile men, not sickly old fools. You see, there's a parable about a man walking in the desert and God says to him, "I'll always be by your side, I'll always be by your side". And as the man walks through the desert he gets weaker and weaker, and finally when he thinks he's at his lowest point, he notices that there's only one set of footprints not two. And with whatever intestinal fortitude, whatever heart, whatever he has, that he can mustur, he makes it through that desert and when he gets there he says "God, God, why did you dessert me? You promised me you'd always be with me" and God says, "Even though there was only one set of footprints, that was me carrying you".


    Well on April 13th, Terry Funk, God will not be in the ring. I will be the one carrying you Terry Funk. I will enable you to make it through the match, I will enable you to be in one of the greatest matches in recorded history. I will enable you to almost taste victory before I take that away from you, Terry Funk. Before I take that away from you. At some point in the match you'll realise this yourself. You'll realise that you can't beat me. That you can't defeat me and that all it is, is me tormenting you, torturing you, humiliating you, and at some point as you lay there beaten, battered, bruised, and bleeding and praying for devine intervention to end your miserable life, to give you an honourable death in combat...I will carry you, Terry Funk, I will carry you to the end of the match, to the bitter ugly pill of defeat. And I'll look in your eyes then and I'll see the eyes of a broken man and that's when I'll see the eyes of my father.


    I'll see every hope, dream, and aspiration he ever had come crumbling down around him...which lead to every beating I ever took. His last hope, his last dream, was that I would be a failure like him. So Terry Funk, when I end your quest for the Holy Grail, when I nullify everything you've ever done by defeating you in that ring, I hurt my father. When I end your triumphant come back, I hurt my father. When I deprive the fans of the magisty of seeing their legend reign high again, I hurt my father. And as I force Paul Heyman and Todd Gordon to admit to themselves as well as the world, that I am the single greatest wrestler on the planet, I hurt my father.


    You see, I never knew the rules, hung down with the freaks and ghouls and I feel down home in the land of a thousand guilts. And I don't even care, as restless as I am, and I don't even know just where my bones will rest. To dust? I guess. Forgotten and absorbed to the Earth below. The World Title heats the urgency around, can't you see beside Raven, there's no one else around.


    Quote my father's son, nevermore.



    Nice use of 1979 there :p

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