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Posts posted by klown

  1. I'm the type of lad who loves knocking back 10 pints at the boozer, having a doner kebab after (extra chili sauce), then coming home and just so happening to log in a forum a year after quitting it in a massive crybaby huff, and finding a post mentioning my username? What are the chances eh? What a giggle.

    Sorry, tonight was a few drinks in with mates and such, then someone mentioned what you had posted. But, dont worry hunny, I know you were sitting around thinking up something funny to try and make your little sheep, go, oh neil you're so funny, can you think of different ways in which we can lick your asshole and ensure we remained on here for another year.


    Aye, jog on mate.

  2. What's with all the bile aimed at klown? He just told you all it wasn't him logged into the Paid Members forum, and I told you guys (in the Paid Forum) only recently he wasn't using Larry's account any more.

    Mate, dont worry, its all cool, we are sitting here having giggles at it all. Only the internet, and you get where I'm coming from. It's funny, we are having a laugh and a few drinks over it. Good times :)

  3. Also, bAzTNM has not been banned, but the account that he was using to access the Paid Member forum has been. This account goes by the name of 'Larry' who some of you may remember as being that utter moron klown's girlfriend.

    Actually, shes an ex, and i love you too you nazi little twat ... hugs and kisses

  4. Wrestlemania 25 ... show of the year, can I please have what you where smoking to enjoy this show, I was there, and bar the Taker/HBK match, I can think of a list of places I would rather have been, and things I would rather have been doing, than been in Houston at that point.


    If that was your event of the year, then you really must have some reverse logic for the far superior WWE PPVs from this year!

  5. MOC Single Classics are worth a lot less this weather than usual, if you really wanted it, you can pick up the really hard to find commercial ones like UT and HBK series 1 for about 30-40 quid, sometimes even less. Which is good as a collector, crap if youre selling.


    www.classicfigs.com is your friend.


    Any double packs and triple packs or Internet exclusives, send me a PM of what youre selling :)

  6. Read the Benoit book in Orlando, been honest, theres not much too it, finished it in one sitting and didnt really pick up any information that I didnt already know, some of the book was actually quite insulting in regards to how simple some of it had been written, and on the other hand, it was also quite insulting to wrestling fans. Glad I only paid a fiver for it.


    Currently reading Dibiases, against comes across as very simplistic and almost fact like stating, no real detail and no real inside to anyone that followed his career or have a good understanding of it. Thankfully its better than his previous effort at a biography.


    Read "Greatest Rivalaires" whilst reading Dibiases, not as good as the 80s retrospective that WWE, was fun to read about some of the older feuds, but unlike the 80s book, the author seemed to skimp on the detail, shame, couldve been a lot more fun that a quick read.


    Not too sure what to pick up next, quite fancy reading through Watchmen again before the hype starts to pick up. Also expecting the Andre book in the post any day now, but think that could be essential reading for the flight to Houston.

  7. Raw 15th anniversary


    They had a battle royal, with all sorts of characters from the past. The participants were Al Snow (with Head), Bart Gunn (in Smokin’ Gunns attire but with Brawl for All music), Doink the Clown, Repo Man, Steve Blackman (in really good shape), Pete Gas (Shane’s buddy, not mine), Bob Backlund, Gangrel, The Goon, Skinner, I.R.S., Flash Funk (with no entrance, a big mistake), Scotty 2 Hotty, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, Sgt. Slaughter and Gillberg.
  8. Does anyone know what RVD is doing now or if he plans to return to WWE or go to TNA? The last thing I heard him doing was working for IGF v Necro Butcher and Kendo Ka Shin. Thanks in advance

    Should answer everything for ya :)http://www.robvandam.com/


    EDIT: well, it would if it wasnt so hideously behind on news, last I saw of him was on Hogans CCW program that just finished. Wiki has his last match as that IGF one. Theres talk of him coming to the UK March/April time. He has signed up to appear for American Ramage across Europe in March/April as well.

  9. MVP wouldve been a prime candidate, but alas, it looks like the boat has sailed on that one.


    Why, what's happened to him?

    Well...i guess the boat hasnt totally sailed, I was talking about his win bonus not been acheived, he couldve done the whole down on his luck, and how he really needed the win bonus because of his lifestyle.

  10. Of course you have to suspend disbelief and ignore small logical flaws, how else would you explain not been arrested after backstage assault or been sued. How would you explain Randy Orton not been sued for damages due to his head punt. How would you explain damage of vehicles and no real ramifications. How would you explain Austins assault of McMahon in the hospital environment going unpunished. How do you explain the Dudleyz not been put in jail for the assault of Paul Bearer. How do you explain Sara not been arrested for necrophilia (cus thats the primary concern, when adressing Undertakers gimmick) . Even if you cant ignore the flaws in logic, how can you explain, those who are still employed and in need of extra income due to the credit crunch and various other financial trouble, and need money for the future, HBKs impending retirement, means that his financial future is more critical than ever, and thus needs more money fast, as he explained in his promo, he has a family to look after.

  11. Picked up Assassins Creed and Kane and Lynch recently on the cheap for the Xbox, and have to say, enjoying them so far, sure they mightnt be the greatest games ever, but still finding them enjoyable and hell, for 10 quid each, who can really complain!


    Hoping for Santa to bring me a few new Xbox games tomorrow, and GH:WT band set as well *fingers crossed*

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