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Girl From Mars

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Posts posted by Girl From Mars

  1. Long time lurker, but this seems as good a thread as any to start in!

    My first was an All-Star show back in 1990 with Rollerball Rocco headlining (according to the flyer I've still got).  Of course I had no idea who he was then !  Saw two more All Star shows there including one with Giant Haystacks v Pat Roach from Auf Weidersen Pet.

    Then nothing for years, until going to a WWE house show in 2011 where Kevin Nash randomly turned up for a six-man tag.

    Got the Britwres bug a few years after (it's fine, there's a cream for it nowadays) so have been to loads of local indies alongside ROH, TNA, NJPW, Chikara and Sendai Girls.

    Biggest (and probably furthest away) was Clash at the Castle until hitting show #200 (yes I've got a list too) at All In last year.

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