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Posts posted by TheLoon

  1. This was all kinds of stupid obviously with regard to Allin's own safety, but what about those at ringside who didn't ask to be showered in glass shards? Watch the last couple of seconds - the woman in the pink top looks like she got her hand sliced when she grabbed the railing. I guess the mutants that attend GCW shows and the like are used to that sort of thing, but this was a comparatively mainstream crowd there to see one of their favourite wrestlers from their childhood retire, not be unwilling participants in an indie death match. Safest wrestling company in the world my arse, Tony.

    But yes, long live the Stinger 🩂

  2. 1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

    It was also a bit unfortunate that Chris Jericho gave away the result of Hangman/Danielson - how did that end up happening?

    It was a pre-tape, so guessing when they were formatting the show, they forgot Jericho mentioned the winner when they scheduled it to air before the match? But yeah, quite the feck-up. They've had a lot on their minds.

  3. I can see Punk not even returning at this point. He walked out on WWE over far less drama than this. With the lawyers now involved, his grump personality doesn't seem to fit coming back to TV and working in the same building as the Elite boys.

  4. It feels like heel Christian is just playing the part of a stop-gap MJF (with Luchasaurus as his Wardlow) while the real thing is gone. Speaking of which, they ought to get a move on with that - the void he's left in this company isn't worth the slow-burn effort of playing off this thing like it's a shoot.

  5. Adam Cole - I never saw much of him in the Fed, but if I was Vince and saw the state of his appearance last night (seriously, how many shades of a non-tan can one person have??), I'd have dumped him into a manager role as well. Can't think of a more overrated wrestler on the planet at the mo.

  6. Taz was tonight's highlight by a mile. Him and Cole were decent back in the day, but who'd have thought he'd evolve into this decade's Bobby Heenan 20 years later? He's amazing at making things like "Guess what dummies" and "Lawyers suck" sound hilarious and his flipping out over Dante's face turn reminded me of The Brain going ape when Hennig turned on Flair in '92. Hope JR beats the cancer of course, but the commentary will only take a hit once Mr FTW steps out again.

  7. Utterly baffling. What was Khan thinking? With more new eyes on them this week than ever, this is what they chose to deliver? No blow-away angles or matches. Just a succession of jobbers (except the tag tournament bout, which was decent if occasionally sloppy). Punk's promo was the highlight, but even that felt flat compared to Friday. Hopefully they can recover soon if all the new viewers haven't already shrugged and given up.

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