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Posts posted by AlbertsNextGimmick

  1. 2 minutes ago, AdamTH17 said:

    This, multiplied by 1000. He's the most generic looking, sounding and working wrestler you could ever conjure up. I literally can't see any redeeming reason for AEW to bring him in. At least with Dillinger, he was somewhat over with the crowd and had a character of some sorts - even if that just involved him shouting out numbers, it gets the crowd involved and it's got some sort of shelf-life, regardless of how small.

    Agree! They don’t need to bring in acts like Kanellis. Impact went wrong by signing everyone who left WWE, fair enough signing big names eg Moxley but jobbers need to be avoided 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:

    AEW may well be a tad disappointed at the numbers in the UK. Must remember the time difference really puts people off. I won't be sitting up at 1am watching what looks to be a fairly middling indy card.

    Especially, as I understand, if this is the first time you order an ITV Box Office event you cannot record it. 

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