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Posts posted by JustinSeminate

  1. I know it's widely available on the network etc. but (especially after hearing his commentary) I always like popping this on to raise a smile. I suspect HBK had a smile too..


    I particularly like at 2mins 45, shortly after having his jaw removed and his teeth adorning the front row, he symbolically offers Gunn his anus in a sign of submission...



  2. I don't know that today's audience would have the patience for a 60 minute iron man match. Don't get me wrong, if a match ended up going an hour and was good enough to keep their attention that long, such as the Cena Shawn match from Raw that time then it's all good, but for an audience to know in advance they'll have to watch a match for an hour may leave them inclined to sit on their hands for a large portion of the match, The 60 minute iron man between HHH and the Rock was great, but the one between Bret & Shawn would go over like a fart in a lift nowadays because I don't think a modern WWE audience has the attention span for something of that style. I could be wrong. I'll bet there are guys on the roster that have got some fantastic 60 minute matches in them, but would they be able to sell it to the fans?


    "I'm telling you Kevin, Reigns v Undertaker, 60 minute Iron Man Match, Reigns wins by fifteen falls to zero. THEN the fans will love him, pal"...


    On a serious note though, with the overly choreographed "my turn, your turn" main events in WWE, and the kicking out of finishes becoming commonplace, I dont see how you could cram, say, three to five falls in with the current main eventers (it would have to be a mian event). Guys falling victim to moves they routinely kick out of would look a bit off, as would them miracuously recovering from an AA through four tables onto a bed of nails to register a fall two minutes later.


    I think you're right in that I think fans are conditioned to expect a certain formula to the main event these days, and would react with confusion, or try to get themselves over with "hilarious" chants during restholds.


    Christmas 1986 AWA steel cage match. MIdnight Rockers vs Rose and Somers. What a feud that was. The links down the side have the original bloody classic


    A man after my own heart. I'd rather watch the matches from this feud than anything else Michaels done.



    This feud is easily the best thing Michaels and Jannetty ever did (bar one *blistering* singles match from Nov 1992 on a hard-to-find-Silver Vision tape).


    Somers, Sherri and especially Buddy Rose were just amazing, amazing heels for the Rockers to sell for.


    Another AWA fave - just how fricking awesome Pat Tanaka was in Badd Company. Such a waste in WWF. (I hope he and Marc Mero team up as Jonny B Badd Company!)


  4. The Shield's debut v Team Hell No & Ryback at TLC 2012

    Phenomenal stuff, everybody is over and looks good, even Kane. Relentless action, the Shield were the tits. This or Nakamura V Zayn for best debut


    Now watching Spring Stampede 1994, some really good stuff here but what in the FUCK was Ventura playing at with that hair

    He seems to have shaved everything but a ponytail


    That brawl with Cactus and Maxx versus the Nasties was insane. That shovel shot from Sags to end it made a sick, sick sound

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