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Posts posted by Bert

  1. New Day. Good. It's a shame that Xavier is the best, yet the worst at the same time. He could be something golden!


    Can't really remember much...women's stuff was nonsense - skipped the match as the outcome was ridiculously obvious.

    It was actually really nice to not have the show start AND/OR finish with Rollins. I think it made his stuff more enjoyable.

    All in all, very safe raw nothing noteworthy and therefore a lot of safely skippable stuff.

    It's a shame to think the raw just a few weeks ago (sting/dudleys return) was by far the best raw in IMO a good couple of years...to a pretty much nothing show with the worlds quietest crowd.


    Also, promising the end of the interminable Reigns/Wyatt feud with a double count out and a double down of sorts is a bit disappointing - actually feels like there has to be something else (which is even more disappointing!)

  2. He's got a ginger mohawk and he wears beard plaits. He looks a muppet. Dolph, on the other hand, has lovely blonde locks and looks like a well groomed, attractive bloke. And I really can't see how his trunks can possibly offend anybody more than Midcarder X, Y or Z's do.

    I can't accept his "gear" being described as trunks, they've been on the "too short for shorts, too long for trunks" cusp for too long now - MAKE UP YOUR MIND DOLPH!!


    Are they shorts, are they pants? I hate your shants - at least Kofi saw the light!

  3. The Cena open challenge the best part of the show again - bloody love Neville - very impressed/pleasantly surprised with the finish.

    Not so keen on Damien "I'm my own man!!!!!" Mandow using this gimmick, think he's above this!


    Bad but inevitable news about Bryan, shame really but best for him to go this way.


    As soon as they paired Ryback and Bray up my initial thoughts were that BOTH guys need to really win a feud so someone is gonna come out of this with a *sigh* LOST AGAIN result.

    That being said, match(es) should still be good!


    Looking forward to the four way, only outcome is Rollins retaining surely!


    Little notes: shocked to be actually looking forward to New Day's act each week - a million miles from 6 weeks ago!

    When are PTP actually going to do something?

  4. Big shame for Riley, promo and shape-wise he is a million times better than in his previous run.

    A standout over recent months, whilst he's no Zayn/Itami match-wise, I was expecting great things in the near future for him.


    Loving Rhyno's return, although him vs Baron Corbin will probably be shit.


    Because Baron Corbin is shit.

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