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Posts posted by overbooked

  1. Hi all,


    If anyone would like to contribute to a tribute Real in Memphis video review shoot me an email at realinmemphis (at) mail.com


    We can then have a bit of a think about formats/deadlines etc. Any sort of wrestling writing would be welcome.



  2. It is rare to find people in life who are fun, friendly, kind and intelligent. It is rarer still to find people on the internet who have all of those qualities. Stew had that rare quality of making you feel listened to and was able to have all manner of debates on pro wrestling that never descended into the usual nonsense, always getting his point across in a fair and articulate way while respecting other viewpoints. He could really write too.


    It has been a long time since I've been in touch with the whole 'internet wrestling community' but I'm delighted that Stew got to genuinely be a part of the wrestling business. He deserved it, and I have no doubt the business was a better place for it.


    Ex-RIMmers - probably a silly idea, but how about one last edition for Stew? We could host it on some free website or other with a link to a JustGiving page or similar. Might be a nice way to remember him and maybe raise a few quid for charity in the process.

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