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Posts posted by BullyRayStoleMyKitKat

  1. I liked for the Royal Rumble, I'm pretty sure it was 2000, the one where Rikishi is teased to win. Where you had a front-on view of the ring and the wrestlers making their entrance. Always disappointed when the new Rumble sets not like that

    IIRC, isnt that more down to the setup of MSG? Mania X had the same entrance set up...


    Edit: And S.Series 02, always remember Steiner marching down to beat Nowinski and Matt.



    What we need is a white young bloke from England coming to the WWE speaking that ludicrous Brixton fake Jamican accent and bumping in to Regal in the corridor to exchange pleasantries.

    Funny you should say that; one day I was having a fantasy booking daydream and conjured up a character that William Regal introduces as his uncle but turns out he is 25 years younger and a Cockney wide-boy, due to his grandfather being a randy bastard impregnating women up and down the land. Weeks of backstage vignettes then follow with William’s uncle showing him how to be a man by teaching him to fish, shave and how to repair a car.


    I really need to reduce my medication.

    All of the above, set to some shoddy remix of "Real Man's Man" - I'd watch. ;)

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