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Posts posted by Evo2012

  1. It would be perfect for EC3 too.


    I reckon one thing TNA has over WWE in general is the attitude to chapter-like episodic booking. Because the roster's so lean, they're kinda forced to, to be fair, but there's at least some sort of next part to each feud on a bi-weekly basis.


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    That's why this MVP heel turn is surprisingly erratic of them. It's flown in the face of his entire character. They'll need an incredible justification promo to even paper over it. Just bizarre.


  2. As per my original thread, I was doing a late night time waster YouTube video chain and I was reminded of the old WWF warehouse setting that was used in a few packages over the years.


    It was seen in the late 90s Raw is War intro, the Run DMC/DX music video, Summerslam '98's Highway to Hell video, the Undertaker's Ministry titantron and some late 1999 things with Chris Jericho, Triple H and Kane.


    A Google hunt could only reveal that it was in Brooklyn, I reckon. Does anyone have any further reading on a well used and unique location?

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