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The Brain

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Posts posted by The Brain

  1. Definitely, I dont mind the questions coming in that bring up good topics but the example you gave about Batista are the ones that drive me crazy. I think all I am after is someone I can learn something from or someone who has interesting stories to tell. I could easily sit and watch someone point a camera at themselves and do a bit of a video autobiography and the RF stuff is closer to that than Oliver getting himself over. I also think the Guest Booker type concepts are pointless if its what I think which is re-booking an historical period cos its been and gone and doesnt mean anything but the straight up interviews minus the divs can be enjoyable.


    I think as a lot of people have told their stories they need to keep them fresh when they're back on so I understand why they try t change things up, I guess I just like simpler interview formats personally




    Have a gander at the highspots.com shoot iv's - they seem to be more up your street in relation to pertinent questioning.

  2. I enjoyed the Shane Douglas YouShoot that was recently released. In fact most of the YouShoot's are fairly entertaining.


    are the YouShoots the onses with the smuggest man on the planet in a suit and supermark divs videoing in questions like how man guys did Sunny sleep with? If so I hate them as the host and the divs ruin any potentially good interviews


    I think you are referring to Sean Oliver. Supermark divs such as people who frequent wrestling message boards?


    Far superior than Rob Feinstein's shoots, he seems to know less and less each time I watch as his questions sometimes aren't even relating to the guy he is interviewing. "I never did that in my career you nonce".


    I dont like the RF questioning but they allow the interviewee to be the main thing youre watching and while everything is usually "memories of..." it allows the interviewee to control how he wants to get his stories across, his research is poor at best as you say


    the supermark divs I am referring to that video stupid things in or not like the majority of people on wrestling message boards, there may be a tiny minority like that on here but the comparison youre making isnt just, maybe you class yourself as one to see such a comparison but I know I am nothing like them and 99% of the wrestling fans I know are nothing like them either


    It is a different format entirely than the RF formula that in my opinion has grown stale over the last 13 or so years he has being doing the iv's.


    I think Oliver has embraced the internet and this is why he can get away with 'supermark divs' asking people questions such as 'how big is Batista's dick"?


    Shoot interviews on the whole are a very niche part of wrestling. I like that Oliver has done interviews in this format, as it is totally different to the same formulae that RF has been doing with the clich

  3. I enjoyed the Shane Douglas YouShoot that was recently released. In fact most of the YouShoot's are fairly entertaining.


    are the YouShoots the onses with the smuggest man on the planet in a suit and supermark divs videoing in questions like how man guys did Sunny sleep with? If so I hate them as the host and the divs ruin any potentially good interviews


    I think you are referring to Sean Oliver. Supermark divs such as people who frequent wrestling message boards?


    Far superior than Rob Feinstein's shoots, he seems to know less and less each time I watch as his questions sometimes aren't even relating to the guy he is interviewing. "I never did that in my career you nonce".

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