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Posts posted by CiderBag

  1. Sweet Jesus. Of course it's not a rarity anymore for kayfabe to be broken, I was just bemused as to the over-exaggeration of the reply to my original post.


    You shouldn't be, really, as it's CiderBag and he rarely, if ever, talks sense.


    The original response wasn't designed to be OTT in any way and I'm sorry you took it that way, Cucked. However others have done a good job of settling the explanation for me before I even saw this.


    Why so bitter Gladstone Small? I'd be interested to see you reference specifically what of my thoughts / opinions / dreams you consider nonsense...

  2. Agree with Kenny, Wrestling at the Chase is a good read. The Stone Cold Truth is one of those WWE books you read and you're alwats wondering how word-for-word it actually is Austin speaking/writing and how much effort is the ghost writer. Nothing truly earth shattering is revealed, things are skipped on (such as not thinking JJ, HHH were at his level in 99 etc) and issues are only skimmed on certain great matches etc. Worth a read if it's going cheap I guess. The Making of Bloodstained Memoirs was a good Kindle read for 80p

  3. Didn't have Val Venis down as a Leeds Rhino fan!



    I've always had him down as a bit of a nutter though, and him stating Crash Holly was a bigger star than Bill Goldberg has to be the most ridiculous wrestling quote of 2012.

  4. I said from the start it would be shit. Russo covered everything in his Wrestlecrap shoot YEARS ago so its not as if it were a story everybody was dying to hear and the Dixie one sucked balls too so I never held hope for this.

  5. I can only buy FSM in WHSmiths in Sunderland. I can't find it anywhere else. Power Slam seems to be everywhere now, though. Which is typical considering I never buy it anymore. When I collected PS, I'd be down the fucking down every Thursday pissing about on my dinner break and sneeking it back in work up my coat so nobody would see me with an oily picture of Triple H on the cover.


    I specifically remember hiding a copy of PS I bought before school which had Raven on the front cover in 2000. I'd of had it twice as hard, people would have assumed both gay, and grunge fan.

  6. Wretch, there isn't a chance in hell Martin wouldn't have put in what he want from posters he could tolerate, despite what Mo may have forwarded for suggestion.



    You really dislike ol Fin dont ya Ciderbag :laugh:


    He's the Bowser to my Mario.


    To be fair, I'm only harsh on him when I believe its valid and I'm only giving my thoughts. When he deserves praise I give it. Fin doesn't give a shit what I think most likely so it's fair game - he's the one with a successful wrestling mag which has been out for best part of 20 years, not me.


    PowerSlam is a newsletter with glorified circulation. It baffles me how a magazine with that format can be regarded as a viable seller by Tesco, but FSM isn't.

    Simply put, you have to buy space in Tesco stores.


    So do you not feel your magazine could make a profit next to Power Slam in such an environment?

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