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Captain Wolf

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Posts posted by Captain Wolf

  1. This happened when I was on holiday, and I don't think my phone has ever blown up quite like it. Warrior was my absolute hero as a kid, even during the Attitude era when I was a teenager and loved Austin and the Rock, they didn't come close to Warrior.


    I done all the usual: Halloween costume, wrestling cake with him on it, all 3 Hasbros, who went over everyone, the giant talking Hasbro (with the bizarre high pitched voice) bath salts bottle that I don't think I even used, hell I didn't watch WCW but Sting was my favourite purely because he looked a bit like him. True story WM6 actually convinced me the stories I'd heard about wrestling being fake were rubbish, because there was no way WWF would let someone so awesome win over poster boy Hogan. In hindsight I think I actually prefer the Savage retirement match, but Savage was probably my second favourite so it was a huge deal for me.


    Regarding him possibly signing him during the Attitude era, I actually made him as a CAW in every wrestling game I've ever had, and funnily enough you always had to cut corners and make him more 'current' because they just didn't have all the right options to make someone as incredible looking. I thought his Summerslam 92 look, with the blues and blacks, was pretty restrained, that would have been the way to go.

  2. Took a slight childish delight that I had a Galoob Ryder doesn't - blue trunks Flyin' Brian.


    I sold all my WCW Galoobs a few years back, had at least one version of everyone except Big Josh and Butch Reed, and got rather pleasing sums for all of them, Dustin was pick of the bunch at

  3. While cleaning out some stuff at my parents house I stumbled across the programme for a WWF show I was at in the run up to WMIX, fairly standard profiles of the superstars on the tour, but the one for Crush caught my eye, as it states under titles "None as of press time"


    This got me thinking, firstly, even though he defended the belts, because he never actually won the tag titles for Demolition, does that not count as a title reign? Or were we not meant to know this was the same guy (even at the time I knew they were the same guy)

  4. Regarding the price of old wrestling figures, anyone have any idea how much the WCW Galoobs cost? Must have been pretty cheap considering everyone had that Sting & Luger 2-Pack.


    TNA's lack of a proper, widely available, toyline is something thats puzzled me for ages. As people here are always saying, TNA is pretty good at being a tv show, it's hard to imagine any other tv show with so many kids watching that would pass up on doing one of then most obvious tie ins (I know TNA figures do exist, but if I were 6 I wouldn't) especially when they have/had Jeff Hardy, Sting and to a lesser degree Manik who all wear getup that would probably have sold the toys to me without ever seeing them wrestle. Jeff goes through that many different facepaint/costume changes and colours he's a repaint, one in every series dream come true

  5. That No Mercy game on the 64 could have been brilliant, better than Wrestlemania 2000, but it had that bug that wiped all your data when it felt like it. Did every PAL release have that problem? If I downloaded a ROM of it would it be the same? I really feel like giving that game another go but I can't enjoy them games if I can't make my own blokes.


    That glitch was only in the early copies. They fixed the glitch for later copies after finding out it was connected to blood for some reason, so they took out the visual representation of blood (you can still have first blood matches, and you'll still hear the noises and the wrestlers will still react the same, it's just the lack of a crimson mask that's different.) I don't think the ROM would have the same problem though, even if they hadn't fixed it.


    Are you sure about that? WM2000 never had blood either (but did the reactions) I recall an N64 mag at the time stating they took out the visual red graphic to get a rating in Germany.


    I also remember seeing No Mercy investigated on Watchdog(!) where Anne Robinson explained it was actually something to do with using CAWs in the title modes (and to be honest my mate's dodgy copy's resets would support this more)

  6. I think one of TNA's worst decisions was the time they opted to run with Brian fucking Kendrick in place of Shelley as the X-Division Champion. I know in the long run it might seem pretty inconsequential, but I can see it really pissing him off because they were building the two of them up at the same time then Shelley just got pushed to the side. I was living with my parents at the time and even my mum couldn't believe it.

  7. Pretty decent Impact there, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    somewhat of a shame Taryn and Gail's feud isn't for the KO Title, and I enjoyed the main event even if its setup was more than a bit contrived. I enjoy the Joker's Wild Tag Tourney, so thought that was something of a waste of it.

    Out of interest, why is Anderson the only Aces & 8s member to actually wrestle? Surely they could at least cobble together a tag team or let Brisco or Bischoff stink up the X-Division?

  8. Does Chavo Guerrero qualify for the X-Division? They could drop him in there while Hernandez is in BFG, at least he's something of a 'name'. I've got to say the entire scenario surrounding the X-Division belt is classic TNA setting something up nicely before making a prize cunt of it a week later. I didn't think Aries would beat Bully for the belt, not while he's competing in BFG, but he could at least provide a credible kayfabe threat and put on a decent match. That and as someone else said it could have been used to put Suicide to bed for good.


    I wonder if the TV Title getting put on hiatus means the same for Abyss as a character?

  9. I get what you're saying, and like I say, if Angle hadn't been one of the main faces in the Aces & 8s plot I wouldn't have batted an eyelid. I just feel that when the overall story arc is 'TNA guys vs Aces & 8s' having one of the main TNA guys deciding without reason to get in the face of a new TNA signing, immediately following his feud with AJ, which was about AJ not being one of the TNA boys in the first place, a bit daft really.

  10. Well no, but is starting a face v face feud, when Angle is in the middle of a feud with a heel faction the best way they could have went? If all the Aces & 8s stuff wasn't on the go it is the most obvious route to take, but all the talk of their being 'no more heroes' is almost begging to set up a face for a big debut, which Rampage could have taken. Albeit I suppose this is really dependant on how long he's going to OVW for, Aces & 8s might be as good as done by the time they deem him Impact worthy in the ring.

  11. All the Aces & 8s chat about there being 'no more heroes' actually had me thinking that maybe we were gonna see cocky anti-hero Aries and maybe Roode start feuding with them. They both gave fairly un-heel promos about Jeff Hardy being stretchered out which furthered this. Aries being one of the catalysts behind beating them would work out well story wise too given he was the main man when they first appeared.

  12. I had that LCD game. It was fucking shit.


    I've still got it somewhere, it really was awful.


    I had both WWF and WCW rings, but I've got to say I preferred the WWF one, my WCW one's posts came out too easy for my liking and it was too low. The cage, and possibly more so the bell hammer made it all worthwhile. The solid mat scuffed paint off the figures feet something awful too.

  13. I wouldn't say he was for me, but would anyone entertain the notion of Sting as a potential best ever? He may not have been as technically gifted as a Shawn or Bret, or as charismatic and larger than life as Hogan or Warrior, but managed to find a good middle ground between the 2, with a lot of great feuds and matches over the years. That and his evolution from outrageously early 90s Sting to serious, late 90s crow Sting was fantastic and gradual, he didn't just disappear one week as a walking cartoon and show up a month later with his character altered to fit the times.

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