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Tom Zenk

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Posts posted by Tom Zenk

  1. Who's bags do i have to carry now, name change to Padios#1 Lackey in the pipe line. :confused:


    is it a forever type of thing? Gladstone and Ian are good posters.


    Just think, now is the time for the likes of yourself, Family guy and air raid to take over the reigns of the pCc.


    Don't forget about dangerously420!

  2. Ok, a couple of random questions im sure someone will be able to help with..


    - Is the Inoki/Saito Island Death Match available in it's entirity?



    - How much footage exists in circulation of Stu Hart wrestling?



    - No, just six minutes, available from purodvd.com


    - Quite a bit.

  3. Is the monster truck Madusa that appears in the adverts for a monster truck show at Derby County's ground anything to do with Madusa/Alundra Blayze?


    Yes, the event is a "Monster Jam" show, and she competes in this, so I reckon it's her rig, and she most likely is competing.

  4. So I've been asked to do a few wrestling DVD's for my Aunties friends 7 year old kid but I have no idea whats any good, any recommendations for PPV's? the only show I've seen the past couple of years is Wrestlemania and none of them were much kop tbh


    Just give them WrestleWar 92, Great American Bash 96, IYH: Canadian Stampede and Wrestlemania 17. They will thank you for it in the long run.

  5. I remember reading that the Undertaker was looking frantically about getting out of his contract in 1996 and had sounded out Bischoff to see if he'd be interested. Bischoff allegedly said to him that the Undertaker would be useless without the "Dead Man, Undertaker" gimmick and he'd be sued all ways from Sunday if he ever used him in that way.


    That's pretty interesting if true. Considering he went on to move away from the full-on Dead Man character a fair bit with the Amercian Badass stuff. Although i'm glad he remained with WWE, 'Taker rolling up in WCW American Badass style would have likely been fascinating viewing.



    How come no big national Japanese or Mexican promotions have really tried to expand beyond their territories and ever attempt to go global and potentially compete with the WWE Juggernaught?


    Most likely the office or the majority of the workers not speaking English would be a stumbling block?


    AAA ran LA and Chicago in the early 90's but primarily were appealing to the Hispanic market.

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