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Posts posted by TheOne

  1. Here are the questions from my botch thread...lol

    If anyone could answer these will be much appreciated.

    - Was Billy Gunn initially supposed to be the guy that ran over Austin?

    - What were the WM plans for Batista when he was injured around WM 22 and WM 25?

    - Also, what were WM plans for Rey Mysterio when he was injured around WM 23 and 24?

    - So, was Bryan Danielson really released this year or not? (WWE actually got me good. lol)

    - Was Sting initially supposed to be the 3rd man for the NWO?

    - What was supposed to happen during the McMahon dieing angle?

    - How come these people never really got pushed often in WWE: Billy Kidman, Lance Storm, DDP, Mike Awesome, Chavo Guerrero (When he came back from injury around late 2004, but turned back to heel couple months later).

    - What were plans for Marcus Cor Von (Monty Brown) had he stayed in WWE?

    - What were future plans for WCW had McMahon not bought it?

    - Why was The British Bulldog pushed so hard during 1999, feuding with The Rock and for the WWF title?

    - How come Sting never went to the WWF/E?

    - Was Shane Douglas, Konnan, and Billy Kidman supposed to jump ship with The Radicals to the WWF?

    - How come HBK and The Rock didn't like each other and never wrestled each other?

    - Were there any stories of Stone Cold being over protective of his spot during his heyday?

    - Have Vince McMahon and Jeff Jarrett ended their feud?

    - What were plans for Goldberg and Brock Lesnar had they stayed after WM 20?

    - How many wrestlers were really and genuinely draws in the business?

    - Why did John Cena drop the rapper gimmick?

    - Why did Randy Orton win the belt at Summerslam 04 than drop it the next month to HHH?

    - Who's idea was it for the Undisputed Champion (Y2J) to be involved with a storyline where he has to watch HHH's dog Lucy, why was the dog apart of the storyline, and why was this done?

    - How come Scott Steiner wasn't apart of WM 19?

    - Why was CM Punk, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Rey Mysterio, etc. all made to look really bad when they won the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship. Shouldn't they be booked strong since they are champions?

  2. hmmm interesting thread. Here are a few:

    - WWE ruining the Invasion. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/imag...vorseries01.jpg

    - WWE Guest Hosting/ booking or watever they called it. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:x_peS6x...Raw.jpg&t=1

    - WWE botching the NWO 2002. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pict...rldorder/23.jpg

    - Shoving Sheamus. (At first i despised it, but now I am a fan since he has improved rapidly, But hated it at first). http://www.todaysfast.com/wp-content/uploa...lc-pictures.jpg


    Just for starters. lol


    (Also, p.s. sorry but, I don't know how to upload pics and put em on the reply. Anybody knows how to please help.) lol

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