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Posts posted by redux_summer

  1. I think this is as close as you are getting. Pillman was in to custom jewellery (like the Hollywood Blondes chain he gave Austin, that he still wears) that he'd buy himself, so I dont think it was ever commercially available.


    That wasn't the official Horsemen logo either. That was his own version of it which he'd put on his tights and t-shirts.


    Thanks mate, that's the one I was looking for. Just a shame it was custom made. I have noticed a few Four Horsemen logos (on t-shirts) that were used in WCW and the one WWE created for the DVD on the group, but it was the Pilman design I was after.




  2. The latest issue was better than it's been for a while - the interviews with Nigel McGuinness and Dave Finlay were both good reads. But I see they're stretching out the Q&A section over two pages now. No issue at all this month. Next one is May 3rd.


    I never knew WWE were going to produce a "Screwed: The Bret Hart Story" hatchet job DVD if Bret refused to co-operate with the DVD they eventually released "The Best There Is....."

  3. Fin Martin is such a bitter fucker, its unreal. Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan, Vince Russo all pop up into articles with no reason. He seems to actively seak them out in random artcles, just to slag off the people who he hates. He's went past giving credit where its due as well. His SummerSlam review where he failed to mention Bret's performance in it and the loud response but instead mentioned how he "didnt pace himself and blew up". Well of course he didnt. He was only scheduled to be in their for a quick pop and be eliminated. Power Slam used to be funny as fuck and very interesting read. Now its just the home for Fin Martin putting his midlife crisis on paper. He's all about "pushing the young guys" and all that bollocks, but rarely gives reasons why such-and-such should be pushed. The magazine is filled with bitterness and pointlessness. Why would I have any interest in a twitter page in a magazine?

    Reading the older issues, he hated it in the attitude era as well. He was always moaning about lack of workrate and saying the WWF did shit PPVs in 1999. But he just didn't seem as bitter about it back then. He was probably making loads more from the magazine at the time.

    That's when he referred to the WWF's flagship show as Raw Is Talk

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