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Posts posted by machinegunn

  1. I loved Tim Hornbakers Capitol Revolution and slowly getting through his book about the NWA (it’s quite epic). The new book sounds amazing.

    Crowbar press are very good. The postage is always tricky with getting stuff here from the US but I have always found them quite helpful.

  2. I always felt these guys would really drive on with the UK scene but I am not liking what I hearing.

    I always felt Fludder was more about being famous and wanting people to look at him and think he was amazing. I think he suffers from short man syndrome.

    It is disgraceful though to rob fans of their hard earned money.


  3. I wonder if that includes the tape library ?. Surely that is the only thing worth buying it for. I know WWE were bidding on the library a few years back, would be great to see it on the WWE Network.

    I took a free weeks subscription and there are some good matches on there from the 70's and early 80's. Not sure if the new generation of fans have any interest in that though.

  4. I am not a fan of the Knights but do feel sympathy for them with what is happening to their daughter. What a rollercoaster they have been on lately, first they get the movie about Paige with Rock and Merchant, then WWE come and run their UK shows in their backyard, then they end us with their daughters private videos being spread all over the internet !. Emotionally they must be pretty shot.


    As for people tagging them into video or pictures of their daughter, that is pond life. They are still a mother and father with a daughter they love.

  5. I would expect Paige to have gone to the police about the hack although not sure if they will invest much time in it. In all fairness they were personal pictures and videos that should never seen light of day. I felt she didn't do anything wrong until I saw the picture of the belt with cum on it, I thought that really showed a lot of respect for the business and very little class.


    If this was attitude era WWE then I would expect some references to it on Raw but there is no change of that happening in 2017. In attitude era WWE I could see them bringing Maddox back and tagging him with Xavier and calling them the Squirt Boys.

  6. Good to see the belt still means something to the fans !!!


    I used to think it was disrespectful the way Ziggler wore the belt backwards on his arse and girated. I just finished reading Pat Patterson's book and he said he didnt like The Rock dragging the belt along the ground or the Warrior lobbing it in the ring. I thought they were fair points but getting the belt jizzed on pretty much is the lowest thing you can do.

  7. "I saw the intros/ introductions on Youtube. At one point Ospreay turned his back to Vader during the introductions to mock him. Doesnt seem to be right. Who would turn his back to Vader?????"


    Great point !


    I don't think the psychology of a lot of the younger guys is there. When he did that I felt he got all he deserved from Vader.


    This was my first RPW show and I have to say that I haven't never seen so many false finishes, punches, kicks, slaps in my life !. Maybe I am too old school, I am 40 next year ! but felt they needed more variety on the card. 2 Piledrivers were kicked out of last night !!!

  8. I was there and thought they booked the Vader match well. Ospreay has a big future and demonstrated he has work with someone like Vader. Vader was never going to do much apart from bully Ospreay which he did. Vader won due to outside forces and RPW have some future storylines to work on with the younger guys. Perfect booking for me and perfect use of a legend.

  9. Reigns got quite a good reaction on Raw but then is there any point doing a title chase when he has already been champion, albeit for a minute or two, ?. After the disappointing Survivor Series, it took me about 10 minutes to watch Raw, nothing like the x30 button on your SKY remote. I used to love watching the show but they are so thin on talent, we see the same feuds and the product doesn't progress. They gave Neville a victory over Mark Henry so you assume they are building towards a Neville Big Show feud, that was probably my only highlight of the show.


    And as for Ambrose, he need a makeover. I reckon I could beat up Ambrose, his attack is so weak. And as for that spring off the ropes rubbish, it just looks poor, I cannot believe that in a fight he could beat me with that crap.


    I do want to be down on Raw but I would rather watch reruns of WCW Nitro from 1998 on the Network with my spare TV Time. Its a shame but they really need to invest in the newer guys. The problem they have if that there is a lack of old school talent to help put over the youngsters. I am not talking old school Hogan, etc, they are done, but old school like Edge, even Booker T. There doesn't seem to be anyone that they can get the rub off. Lesnar got the rub off Taker and they did some great stuff with that but they need more scenarios like this

  10. That is a lot of money for Hogan !!! He does stuff in the states and charges about $60 for pic and $165 for autographs depending on what it is. I imagine the Hogan stuff will become cheaper over time although you don't always know how much these guys will be around. I personally think if he is your hero and you can justify the money then do it. This is the first time he has done this is the UK so could be a once in a lifetime.

  11. I went to the Flair event in Leicester and have to say that it was very well organised. The price of £ 105 sounds expensive but when you look at the night as whole and what you get, it is good value. Angle is doing LCC next month and charging £25 for an autograph and a picture so work the costs out yourself. My only criticism was the food, it wasnt worth even a fiver, it was just some cold pulled pork in a bun, crackling and potatoes, this was the Leicester event though, not sure about the rest. I would take the food out of the equation or provide a proper sit down dinner.


    The guys are planning more and run a Bret Hart event a while back with the same setup.


    I am torn between going to the LCC show or spending the money for the evening with event, my only concern is that it doesnt happen for some reason and I would have missed Angle completely. If Angle wasnt doing LCC then I would have already bought my ticket.


    If they run two events a year and get some real headliners then I think the brand will just grow, they could get the likes of Jericho, Edge, Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Sting etc, for future events.

  12. I met Heenan at Wrestlecon and to be fair he was in good health. He signed my posters but I didnt feel it was right to get a photo with him. He cant speak very well, I couldnt understand what he was saying but hopefully that might improve over time. I think considering his illness, it is just great that he is still alive and people are taking an interest.


    What a shame though he couldnt be utilised on the WWE Network, that network is crying out for people who can talk about old school wrestling. I watched the Savage Hogan Wrestlemania 5 rewind show and they talked to AJ Lee about it !!! I like AJ but she is quite irrelevant in terms of the fued was only a year old when it went down. Punk spoke too, but he clearly knew his history.

  13. I thought the first 2 Wrestleslams were well organised and went without a hitch. The third one though was just a mess. I thought the guys running it handled it really badly and were not honest, upto that point it was perfect.


    I am not sure we will see another convention in the UK but I think the audience is there. You only have to look at the sell outs of the HBK, Jericho shows. With that we have had the NWO over, DDP and Piper coming soon. The demand is good. The location needs to be right and the guest list needs to be right too. I think an event that represents it era.


    At the moment the wrestlers at Comic Con and Memrobilia seem to be the way ahead, hopefully we get some varied guests though. Lita, Animal and Brodus are all a good start. I even got to meet Zues last year in Birmignham at Collectormania :)

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