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Wendell Cooley

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Posts posted by Wendell Cooley

  1. I wonder if Vince had thought about becoming a heel authority figure before or if it was just a spur of the moment thing after the Montreal fallout. It was such a pivotal moment in wrestling history, and it seems incredible that the Mr McMahon character was just presented to Vince on a silver platter seeing as he was so good at it. The Million Dollar Man gimmick was apparently a Vince self-portrait, so I reckon he'd had some bathroom mirror practice beforehand and he was delighted to finally get the opportunity to play a caricature of himself on screen at long last.

  2. How did Meltzer find the time to do commentaries with Jim Cornette? The man writes a double issue of the Observer every day single-handedly while still tending to his family and Brian Alvarez. He defies all known laws of stamina.

  3. I was wondering last time I saw Foley how he'd let himself get so fat knowing he wouldn't be able to fit on roller coasters (he talks about getting in "rollercoaster shape" in his book). I feel sorry for him that he can't go on them anymore, they obviously mean a lot to him and now he has less incentive to get to a non disgusting weight.

    Hardly disgusting, unless you're some sort of bitchy queen. A stand up comic has no need to be buff.
  4. Which would be all well and good if he was like Derren Brown, simultaneously exploiting and revealing, but he's never given an indication that he's "in" on the "joke". He's an idiot lucky enough to have stumbled into the position to make money from other idiots. Nothing more, nothing less.

  5. It's ok to say that Alex Jones is "smart" enough to exploit a gap in the market of mentally ill people. He at least is energetic enough to do that. To entertain for one fleeting moment the absolute shite that he spews is in any way credible is to mark oneself as a drooling mongoloid who deserves to be fleeced, exploited and divested of dignity.

  6. I know Raven named a match after it, but as far as I know no wrestler has ever done the gimmick with the costume and the speech patterns. It seems to lend itself to wrestling so well, a heel stable beating down the star face and someone saying "viddy well, my brothers!" To camera.

  7. Basterds was appalling to the point of being offensive. I really don't know what he was trying to accomplish with it. Making a trash film about killin' nazis is all well and good, but he's too cowardly, or perhaps too talented, to make real trash and instead you get this horrible faux-trash hodge-podge that has the gall to tack on some shite about the power of cinema. It's an awful hipster joke of a film that portrays both sides in a gloatingly infantile, disingenuous manner.

    I liked it.
    There's a million better films about the Second World War. If my Grandad was still alive I'd be embarrassed to show him The bastards.
  8. I warmed to him after watching The Great Gatsby, having previously despised his chubby cheeks. He was always too young and handsome for the roles he did. In Shutter Island, for example, he looked far too fresh-faced to make me think he was a grizzled ex-WW2 cop. He nailed it as Gatsby, though, he really got that character down pat.

  9. Caught on some Tarantino recently:-* Kill Bill 1 - great fun for the most part. Lucy Liu is a terrible, terrible actress, though.* Kill Bill 2 - bored the crap out of me except the bits with Michael Madsen who was actually not shit for once.* Inglorious Basterds - bloody fantastic entertainment except for Eli Roth who is fucking crap and a knob. Melanie Laurent and Christoph Waltz are ace. Loved this film.

    The Kills Bills would've been great as one film but QT seems incapable of editing himself these days. As they are, both have great bits and the first one, particularly, is exciting and suspenseful - go! Kill Bill! - but ultimately, they're all too much and not enough. He gives the impression of someone surrounded by sycophants and yes men who are too scared to tell him when to stop. Think how much better Django would've been without that secondary, unnecessary shoot out, and his own shit cameo.Basterds was appalling to the point of being offensive. I really don't know what he was trying to accomplish with it. Making a trash film about killin' nazis is all well and good, but he's too cowardly, or perhaps too talented, to make real trash and instead you get this horrible faux-trash hodge-podge that has the gall to tack on some shite about the power of cinema. It's an awful hipster joke of a film that portrays both sides in a gloatingly infantile, disingenuous manner.
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